Marketplace Guidelines of Originahl Scripts

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    1.1 General information
    1.2 Product Information
    1.3 Media
    1.4 Files
    2.1 General information
    2.2 Juridical
    2.3 Art
    2.4 Audio
    2.5 Plugins
    2.6 File structure
    2.7 Quality
    2.8 Documentation
    3.1 Support
    3.2 Communication
    3.3 Publisher Information
    3.4 Payments
    3.5 Commercialization
    3.6 Sales
    4.1 Professionalism
    4.2 Purchasing
    4.3 Refunds


The purpose of the Marketplace is to provide high quality content to developers and server owners for their projects or for educational purposes, and the purpose of these guidelines is to make the procurement and distribution of large content easy and profitable for all, under the best conditions.
Although we always do our best to work with publishers to resolve any problems, products may be rejected at any time for failure to meet the criteria described in these guidelines.

Violation of these guidelines may result in actions against an account, including, but not limited to, deletion of products, suspension or termination of the creator/customer's accounts.

These guidelines are subject to change. Please be sure to review these guidelines often when we inform you of any updates to these guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns about the guidelines presented below, please contact us in a private message or on our forum.


1.1 General information
1.1.a Products must be complete and fully functional as announced at the time of submission.
1.1.b The products reviewed for publication rights approval must be content dedicated to its category. Do not abuse tags that do not match it.
1.1.c Products must not direct customers to other online shops.
1.1.d The products must not be offensive, vulgar or defamatory towards a person, group, organization or product.
1.1.e Products must not contain names, brands or content protected by copyright or trademarks.

1.2 Product Information
1.2.1 Product titles
1.2.1.a Titles must be accurate and relevant.
1.2.1.b Titles must not contain words about any other organization or product other than the publisher's own properties.
1.2.1.c Adjectives or any other descriptive language used in the title must be true and accurately represent the strengths and/or functionality of the product.
1.2.1.d Titles must be written in English, with correct spelling and grammar, except when intentionally stylized.

1.2.2 Description Edition
1.2.2.a Le texte des champs, Description courte, Description longue et Wiki du produit doit être exact, être en anglais avec une orthographe et une grammaire correctes, sauf lorsqu'il est intentionnellement stylisé et pertinent.
1.2.2.b Les éditeurs sont fortement encouragés à compléter l' URL vidéo dans l'emplacement qui lui est dédié dans la description. La vidéo doit être une vidéo Featurette/Exemple comme un spot publicitaire pour le produit, affichant ses fonctionnalités.
1.2.2.c Pour les produits Musique et effets sonores. Les créateurs sont fortement encouragés à inclure une URL de prévisualisation audio dans la description.
1.2.2.d Le texte des informations techniques doit identifier toutes les dépendances, conditions préalables ou autres exigences pour l'utilisation du produit.

1.2.3 Category and tags
1.2.3.a Les produits doivent exister dans la catégorie qui correspond le mieux à leur fonctionnalité, donc précisez sa où ses catégories exact.
1.2.3.b Les Tags à cocher doivent être exact. N'abusez pas des catégories et des tags qui ne concerne pas le produit.

1.2.4 Prices
1.2.4.a Prices are chosen by the creator of the product, but they must reflect the approximate value of the product.
1.2.4.c The price selections are in euros. Osgmod will not sell the publishers' products at a price higher than the selected base price.
1.2.4.d For Originahl-scripts Event sales, Originahl-scripts may occasionally work with creators to temporarily lower the base price of a product for a limited period of time, but this will only be done by mutual agreement.

1.3 Media
1.3.a Images must accurately present the relevant functionality or content of the product.
1.3.b Images may not display copyrighted material from a third party without a license.
1.3.c Images must be clearly labelled to clarify whether the displayed assets have been visually edited.
1.3.d Images must not contain offensive or graphic material.

1.4 Files
1.4.1 File format
1.4.1.a The project file must be sent in the format

1.4.2 Supported engine or gamemode versions
1.4.2.a Publishers are responsible for helping customers who encounter problems using their product in a supported engine version.
1.4.2.b Plugins that are no longer compatible with the latest version of their respective engine will be disabled until it is fixed by its creator.
1.4.2.c Publishers will have to keep their products up to date in case of an update of a platform that makes previous versions incompatible, otherwise its product will be disabled.

1.4.3 Distribution method
1.4.3.a Products intended to be merged and used in a customer's existing project should have the Addons distribution method.
1.4.3.b Products intended to be stand-alone projects or frameworks that clients can use as a basis for building their product should have the full project distribution method.

1.4.4 Use of third-party software
1.4.4.a Publishers must declare whether their product includes, uses, depends on or distributes third-party software of any kind. Third Party Software refers to any file, including, but not limited to, fonts, graphics, sounds, APIs, content, source code or compiled libraries, from sources other than the publisher or Originahl-Script.
1.4.4.b Products that have a declaration of use of third-party software from "This product uses third-party software", must also be accompanied by a more detailed declaration in the description.


2.1 General information
2.1.a After the initial submission and approval, Osgmod will review the products to ensure that they work in the latest version of the main engine as announced.
2.1.b The required bases for DLC type projects must be available on the Marketplace and clearly stated in the product description.
2.1.c The content must consist mainly of original works and differ from the results of the public tutorials that can be found online.
2.1.d The contents of the Osgmod samples should not be an integral part of your product, but should only be used for display or example purposes.
2.1.e The content must work in the latest versions of the plateform.

2.2 Juridical
2.2.a The products must comply with the market distribution agreement and the EULA Osgmod.
2.2.b Creators must have the legal right to distribute all the content of the products they submit.
2.2.c Products must not contain names, trademarks, designs, documents or content protected by copyright or trademarks that are not the property of the creator or for which he does not have an appropriate license.
2.2.d The products must operate independently of any third-party software not declared in this form.
2.2.e The products may not use third-party software licensed under the GPL, LGPL, EPL or MSPL.
2.2.f Products distributed on the Market are licensed only under the EULA Osgmod, which is not replaced by customized licenses that publishers include in the distributed files of their products.

2.3 Art
2.3.1 Animations
2.3.1.a Animations must be clean, consistent and visually function as intended for their use.
2.3.1.b All skeletal meshes that are not attached to the Source Engine skeleton must have a relatively large custom skeleton and animations distributed with them.

2.3.2 Map
2.3.2.a Map must not contain errors or warnings following loading.

2.3.3 Materials
2.3.3.a For optimization and to reduce customer loading times, avoid unnecessary duplication.
2.3.3.b It is also possible to Create a package in the workshop to place your resources (Models, materials, audio) and to place the link to the content of your workshop in the description of your product.

2.3.4 Effects of particles
2.3.4.a Particulate matter effects must have a detection limit if they are intended to be seen at multiple distances.
2.3.4.b The names of the particle emitters must be accurate and relevant and must not be "particle emitters", unless they are the only emitters in a given particle system.

2.3.5 Textures
2.3.5.a The two dimensions of each texture must have a size that is a power of 2 if applicable (e. g. 1024x512 or 1024x4096).
2.3.5.b Textures must have a maximum dimension of 8192 in both dimensions.
2.3.5.c The textures must have an appropriate resolution for the targeted elements (the texture of a chocolate bar does not require a resolution of 8192x8192).

2.4 Audio
2.4.a The audio files must be imported into the engine as.wav,.mp3,.ogg files.
2.4.b Audio files must have a sampling rate of 22050 Hz or 44100 Hz without audio defects. (See the documentation on supported audio formats)

2.5 Plugins
2.5.1 Plugin Descriptors
2.5.1.a Plugins can depend on Gmod / Source Engine plugins distributed with the engine, but must not depend on other addons created by users, then create APIs in this case.

2.5.2 Scripts
2.5.2.a All source and header files must contain a commented copyright notice (not the text automatically generated by Osgmod) indicating the name of the creator or company as well as the planned year of publication and a contact method.
2.5.2.b Minification is a form of optimization that is allowed.

2.5.3 Compilation
2.5.3.a Addons must not generate any errors or consecutive warnings.

2.5.4 Examples of projects
2.5.4.a Creators who choose to distribute sample projects for their products must add a link to their technical information, and to a hosting site (such as Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive/etc.) where the sample project can be downloaded for testing.

2.6 File structure
2.6.1 Naming convention
2.6.1.a The folder and files must be accurate and consistent in the naming convention in the context of their own project.
2.6.1.b Folders and files should not be vaguely named as "Assets", "NewFolder", "Files", etc.
2.6.1.c Folder and file names should only contain English alphanumeric characters and underscores, or capital letters, only in lowercase.

2.6.2 Project structure
2.6.2.a Project folders must not contain unused folders, unused files, or unused extensions, delete empty folders.
2.6.2.b The structure of the project, for example called "my_gmod_addon", should look like this:


├─📁 lua
│ │
│ ├─📁 autorun
│ │ │
│ │ ├───📁 client
│ │ ├───📁 properties
│ │ └───📁 server
│ │
│ ├───📁 entities
│ └───📁 weapons

├─📁 maps
│ │
│ └───📁 graphs

├───📁 materials

├───📁 models

└───📁 sounds

2.6.2.c In order to reduce migration conflicts after the installation of project files, all project-specific assets must be stored in a higher-level folder under the addons folder: Steam/steamapps/common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons/my_gmod_addon.
2.6.2.d All file and folder names must not exceed 64 characters.

2.6.3 Plugins
2.6.3.a Plugin folders must not contain unused folders.
2.6.3.b Third party dependencies can only be used with proof of permission and must be placed in a folder with its third party name.

2.7 Quality
2.7.a The content must be optimized for the intended use of the product.
2.7.b If you do not follow the standards, explain your choice or provide an explanatory link.
2.7.c The content must not consist mainly of easily reproducible assets.
2.7.d The content must not have logical, operational or visual defects.

2.8 Documentation
2.8.a Products that require specific knowledge on how to configure or use them should be explained in the wiki part of the associated products.
2.8.b The documentation or Wiki can be edited in the script edit page, it can also be a Youtube video, in which case provide the link in the description.
2.8.c Documentation must be at least in English, but publishers may also include translated versions of their documentation.


3.1.a Publishers must ensure that all their published products work as advertised and assist customers who report problems using their products in supported engine versions on supported platforms.
3.1.b Publishers must actively provide and monitor a support email address (configurable on the Account tab of the publisher settings page).
3.1.c Publishers may provide links to a personal site, Twitter, Facebook or any other third-party website as long as the site or account is owned by the publisher.

3.2 Communication
3.2.a Publishers are held accountable for their communications with staff, the community and their clients, and are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism while being courteous, accessible, responsive and respectful to others, harassment or abusive language will not be tolerated.
3.2.b Publishers must follow all forum rules when posting in forums, including the Creators' Hub and in script discussions.
3.2.c Providing product information through forums, comments or other channels Osgmod is considered an official representation and must be maintained as part of a creator's support for his product.
3.2.d Publishers may not, without the authorization of the user concerned, share the private information of other users, including, but not limited to, their real name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

3.3 Creator Information
3.3.a Creator names (configurable on your profile) must not be offensive, vulgar or defamatory to any person, group, organization or product. Publisher names must also not contain words about Osgmod, Gmod / Source Engine, or links, or any other organization or product other than the publisher's own properties.
3.3.b To have the status of Encoder, creators must activate PayPal on their account (configurable on your profill) to receive funds for products sold on the Market.

3.4 Payments
3.4.a Publishers can receive their funds via: Electronic funds transfers to a PayPal account.
3.4.b Osgmod retains 10% of the net sales of each product sold on the Market.

3.5 Commercialization
3.5.a Publishers must promote and market their products themselves.
3.5.b Osgmod does not guarantee opportunities to improve public exposure and is not required to provide advertising or other marketing initiatives for any product or publisher.

3.6 Sales
3.6.1 Individual sales
3.6.1.a To organize a discount on the sale of one of their published products, publishers can configure it in their product edition and edit the section: Percentage Discount.
3.6.1.b Sales must have a minimum discount percentage of 10% and a maximum discount percentage of 90%.
3.6.1.c Products can only be put on sale after their approval, do not force the Staff to examine your submitted product more quickly than others, wait.

3.6.2 Sales events
3.6.2.a For invitational sales only, Osgmod will invite all publishers whose products have been identified as relevant to the theme.
3.6.2.b For free registration sales, Osgmod will invite all publishers who have at least one product published.
3.6.2.c Publishers invited to the Osgmod Event sales will receive an email to their main email address (configurable in the Seller tab of the publisher settings page) with all the information necessary to participate in the sale as well as a response time.
3.6.2.d Publishers must respond to the invitation by email or private message before the deadline for participation, but publishers also have the option to refuse to participate in Osgmod Event sales.


4.1 Professionalism
4.1.a Clients are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism while being courteous, accessible, responsive and respectful to others, spam, harassment or abusive language will not be tolerated.
4.1.b The customer is not supposed to contact a private message creator for help, they must open a ticket. If they can't then they are not clients and the scripts are obtained in an unauthorized way.
4.1.c Customers must follow all forum rules when posting in the forums.

4.2 Purchasing
4.2.1 Rights of use
4.2.1.a The purchase of a Marketplace product is a non-exclusive license that allows you to download, use, customize and promote.
4.2.1.b It is strictly forbidden to license, copy, distribute, transmit the content (leak) for commercial and/or promotional purposes.
4.2.1.c All content hosted by Originahl-Script can only be downloaded via Originahl-Script, you will need to be connected to your purchase account.

4.2.2 Invoicing
4.2.2.a We accept the main payment methods, as follows: PayPal. Soon: Skrill, QIWI, Paysafecard.
4.2.2.b Receipts/invoices will automatically be sent by email to the address associated with the Originahl-Script purchase account, if you have not associated an email address they are also placed in your purchase list.

4.3 Refunds
4.3.a Refund requests must be made by submitting a refund request case within 14 days of the date on which the transaction took place, and must include:

  1. Email address associated with the purchase
  2. Transaction ID
  3. Reason for the request for refund
  4. Repeat the steps and a detailed description of the problem, including screenshots, videos and logs, if possible.
  5. All suggestions or assistance provided by the product publisher

4.3.b Refunds will be granted within 14 days for the following reasons:

  1. Originahl-Script is able to confirm that the customer has never downloaded the product.
  2. Originahl-Script is able to reproduce a technical problem reported with the content that prevents customers from using a product as advertised with one of its supported engine versions on one of its supported platforms.
  3. The product does not correspond to its description.
  4. Originahl-Script has reason to suspect that the purchase was fraudulent.
  5. Originahl-Script determines in its sole discretion that a refund is justified in the circumstances.