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Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod - Script

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Official Player Spawn Point Editor is a complete gmod spawn manager, editable in real time. Keep an overview that's quick and easy to customize without rebooting your server. Player Spawn Point Editor not only lets you create job-specific spawns, it also fixes DarkRP's set spawn command.

Simple a light skin for a tool only used by the staff Auto detection of the job to add them in the list of spawn point Edit in real time the list of job who can spawn on each point and save to keep them up after a reboot Simple button to all compatiblity with all gamemode of Gmod Give a name on each point, use global to tranform it to a global spawn Enable Disable the persistence with a simple clic, you can use also the commands Set spawn point with admin tools management by example ULX rank or VIP rank Huge amount of languages available Now you can use categories job name Improvement the Admin ESP to see all spawn point installed on your map

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Description of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod

๐Ÿš€ Presentation of Player Spawn Point Editor

A full spawn point system. To you simply do what you want. For example if you find that spawn at the police officers arriving on servers and that doctors in hospitals, For the spawn darkrp military officer in his office. Admins that ULX or Other spawn at a specific point. Whether you change your mind and want to move the spawn point like an entity it's possible. The module incorporates its own persistence system. It does not change the behavior of normal spawn. If you place several point same class. Then a random selection will be among them. Since the big update (version 3.9 (24 august 2018)) A new option allows you to assign a category name instead of a job to spawn all jobs in a category. It is extremely faster, easier to configure.

This system fixe also your custom spawn issue where the /setspawn wouldn't work.

๐Ÿ“Œ Important facts

-Category system to manage a group of job by their category name the Since the version 3.9 (24 august 2018).
-Since the version 3.0 you can add several jobs in one point. (The old it was one point per jobs).
-Spawn Compatible with all Job with all version use DarkRP base, by example ( StarwarsRP, PoudlardRP, Ect...).
-Spawn Compatible with all ULX Group.
-Spawn Compatible with all Team Group.
-Spawn point called AllJob dont exist in the version 3.1 for the same function rename just the spawn Global with an big G !.
-This is not a DLC. It is a fully complete system.
-There is no need to give an FTP access to your administrators, it is editable in-game.
-No need to reboot your server, It is instantaneous.
-Editable in Game. Multi Map.(Compatible with all maps and gamemodes).
-Compatible with ULX ranks and other administrative addons.
-Compatible with ServerGuard Since 21 january 2017.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Admin

-Complet Management Panel.
-To open the panel Press Use on the entity.
-Make spawn for donator/VIP rank (work also with ULX rank).
-Choose the exact location of each spawn according to jobs.
-Since the version 3.9 Save a lot of time in managing the spawns thanks to their category name instead of adding jobs one by one.
-Get an overview of the spawns and their name and color thanks to the admineyes.
-Duplicate one point with all its settings, with a just simple button since the panel of management.
-Enable/Disable the persistence with a simple button (The spawn can not be deleted until the persistence is actived) A simple command allow to enable/disable the persistence of all spawn.
-Only an admin can do this. (Also compatible with ULX Admin).
-Translated into 20 languages by the community.

๐Ÿ’พ Persistence

-Included persistence System.
-The data are saved.

โŒจ๏ธ Commands

-Tired of picking up commands here? Then use this Scripts Command Center All commands is pre configured in one unique customizable interface.
-Delete all persistence file of the map and entity : nordahl_player_spawnpoint_cleanup.
-Enable the admineyes to see all spawnpoint NEW version in 2.5 : nordahl_admineyes_enable.
-Disable the admineyes to see all spawnpoint NEW version in 2.5 : nordahl_admineyes_disable.
-One command to Hide all physique model NEW version in 2.6 : nordahl_hide_all_cubemodel.
-One command to Show all physique model NEW version in 2.6 : nordahl_show_all_cubemodel.
-Command to force spawn all players on the servers NEW version in 3.5: nord_allplayers_forcespawn.

โ˜๏ธ FAQ

Bill: With the spawn manager, is it possible to delete the spawns by default, and add my own spawns?
Author: When you place the first spawn with my system, it removes all the default ones. And when you delete my last spawn point. This is the default one that works.

Yellow: If my group or my job does not have spawn point, that can bug?
Author: No you spawn to the point defined by the map.

Red: How to I add spawns without them deleting when I leave the server?
Author: Open the panel and click on persistence button (OFF/ON).

Green: So if I have a Military RP server it's possible to make several group point Although separate?
Author: Yes.

Green: Have noticed that i cannot change the name of a spawnpoint, when i try i click save and nothing happens. Any ideas what causes this?
Author: You need Press Enter, the text become green.

โš™๏ธ Configuration file (screenshot in media)


โš™๏ธ Config Option

Config editable in shared.lua:

-If you have DarkRP server use the value 1 cfg.JSP_ENABLE_DARKRP_JOB = 1 --Dont exist now it's automatised since the panel.
-Want keep team spawn cfg.JSP_ENABLE_TEAM_GROUP = 1 --Dont exist now it's automatised since the panel.
-Add name of Team Group you want use: cfg.JSP_TEAM_GROUP = {Unassigned,Team 1,} --Dont exist now it's automatised since the panel.
-Want use spawn of ULX Group? Keep this value on 1. cfg.JSP_ENABLE_ULX_GROUP = 1 --Dont exist now it's automatised since the panel.
-Add ULX Group here: cfg.JSP_ULX_GROUP = {admin,superadmin,user} --Dont exist now it's automatised since the panel.
-Disable Spawn System of DarkRP set with command 'setspawn' forgot all problem you know with this command. Value is put on 1 to disable it.
cfg.DISABLE_setspawn = 1

โœ… Compatibility

-Compatible with ULX Admin Groups.
-Compatible with SAM Admin Groups.
-Compatible With all gamemode use System of Team() and UserGroup().
-All gamemodes based on Jobs System, example : DarkRP, StarwarsRP, Harry Potter RP, PoudlardRP, Sandbox, TTT.

๐Ÿ”น WIKI & F.A.Q ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง
Wiki ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Wiki ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Wiki of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod

Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod

โ˜ฐ 1. Installation of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/nordahl_spawnpoint_manager_all_gamemode
โ˜ฐ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod: 2513519717
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2513519717 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
โ˜ฐ 3. Where to find the entity Player_spawn_point?
In the spawnmenu, Category / Entities / Nordahl Scripts Gmod spawnmenu Player Spawn Point
โ˜ฐ 4. When I reboot my server the spawn points disappear?
Don't forget to enable persistence by clicking on the button dedicated to this.Persistence button Player Spawn Point
โ˜ฐ 5. I would like to add the spawn points for the jobs.
In the menu of the spawn table on the right:Add Job spawn point
โ˜ฐ 6. I would like to add the spawn points special for the donors and the ranks ulx.
In the menu of the spawn table on the right:Add vip spawn point
โ˜ฐ 7. I would like to add the spawn points for the groups.
In the menu of the spawn table on the right:Add role spawn point
โ˜ฐ 8. Is it possible to put more than one job in a single spawn? Instead of putting a spawn by the job.
Yes since the last version, this is possible.
โ˜ฐ 9. I would like to place a spawn Global for the jobs that I have not configured it is possible?
Yes place your spawn and rename "Global" with a big "G". You can put several.Make Global Spawn
โ˜ฐ 10. Why colorize the spawns?
This enables you to structure a real organization, in the management and distribution of spawns, when you enable the admin-eyes you can see the location of each point, the name of the point of spawns and the color.colorize player spawns
โ˜ฐ 11. How enable the admin-eyes?
Since the menu:enable the admin-eyes
โ˜ฐ 12. How I see that it is enabled?
You should see each of the spawn points that you have placed.Admin Eyes Player Spawn Point
โ˜ฐ 13. When I enter the name of the spawn it does not save.
Yes don't forget to press the touch -enter- to validate.
โ˜ฐ 14. What becomes the spawn points by default of the map?
They are disabled when my system is activated.
โ˜ฐ 15. Players spawn with weapons is normal?
Configure your DarkRP. My Script has no relation with the weapons.
โ˜ฐ 16. Where to find the configuration File?
โ˜ฐ 17. I would like for entities to spawn invisible by defaut it's possible?
Yes, This is not a problem, go into the config file and find the variable entvisible=1

1 by default, 0= The model 3D is automatically invisible when the entity is spawned.
โ˜ฐ 18. I have 300 jobs on my server. How to add job groups by category name to not put them all one by one?
When you open the menu, click on "Job Category" and insert the categories you are interested in, the effect is immediate.add job groups by category name

Tip to avoid the leak of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published9 years
Last update
Versionversion 4.4
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช
DarkRP Jobs Entities Gameplay Management Allgamemode