๐จ Changelog
Changelog of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu
All updates to the "DarkRP F4 Customizable menu" addon listed here.
Version 4.2 Released 1741557235 ago
๐งฑ Improved
In the job section, job categories can be reduced.
Version 4.1 Released 1738190539 ago
๐งฑ Improved
Jobs are displayed in level order when they have an access level of configured.
Version 4.0 Released 1724070691 ago
โ๏ธ Patch
Compatibility with When setting cfg.Alias_DarkRP to 0 in NJob
Version 3.9 Released 1722855119 ago
๐ Added
Compatibility with NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor - Addon | The best alternative Jobs System to DarkRP
๐งฑ Improved
Aesthetic enhancement
Version 3.8 Released 1718410050 ago
๐งฑ Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and clientside code optimization.
โก Optimization
Workshop files optimisation And source code optimisation.
Version 3.7 Released 1711026401 ago
โก Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.
Reduction in client-side code size.
โ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
Version 3.6 Released 1699822656 ago
๐ Added
Added a button to change character from the F4 menu if Gmod Advanced Character Selection System is installed.
This ensures that the trigger is the user. Rather than running hooks in the background, it also means that you can forget which commands to use. The user is also informed that they can change character whenever they like. That makes it intuitive. Screenshots of the product updated about it.
โก Optimization
Slight optimisation of the addon.
Version 3.5 Released 1699389366 ago
๐ Added
The variable is added to the configuration file:
cfg.jobgraph_in_home = 1 -- 0 = Disable Job Graph in Home table, 1 = ON
Version 3.4 Released 1698226403 ago
๐ Added
Addition of the enabled variable in the cfg.Screen table, whose role is to disable the buttons you don't want in the F4 menu. Like the server economy if you're not interested in it, for example, or the jobs list.
Wiki updated about this feature.
Version 3.3 Released 1649670648 ago
๐ Added :
This update answers the question: How to change the key to open the F4 menu, between F1, F2, F3?
In the config file :
cfg.FX_to_Open="F4" --0 = Disable, Define whether the menu can be opened with the F1 F2 F3 F4 key.
Version 3.2 Released 1645094608 ago
โ๏ธ Patched :
Fixed when a job description was duplicated in the presentation of a selected DarkRP job.
Version 3.1 Released 1640216057 ago
โ๏ธ Patched :
Patched this Lua error when you try to spam the button F4 in same time you change the job.
[nordahl_f4_menu] addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_f4menu.lua:249: attempt to call method 'Close' (a nil value)
1. DoClick - addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_f4menu.lua:249
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:237
Version 3.0 Released 1638198948 ago
๐ Added :
In the config file added the possibility to Hide the DarkRP job list if you do not want users on your server to select jobs from the f4 menu. This is useful if access to the jobs is only given by an Npcs or Admin via a Gmod Admin menu
In the config gile find :
cfg.Hide_jobs_list = 0 //0 = Draw all jobs, 1 = Hide list of DarkRP jobs
Check the id in the list in cfg.Screen, "jobs"= when the users open the first time the panel F4, the jobs list is selected. By exemple for the Home of the F4 panel replace the value by "home"
cfg.First_Button_Actived = "jobs"
Version 2.9 Released 1633691742 ago
๐งฑ Improved :
Improved the job selection menu, added a scroll for long job descriptions.
Small optimisation.
Version 2.8 Released 1631646780 ago
โ๏ธ Patched :
Patch the error of the last update
Version 2.7 Released 1631179376 ago
๐ Added :
Add variable to customise the fonts : cfg.custom_fonts = "Trebuchet24"
๐งฑ Improved :
Slight reduction in file size on the client side
๐ Added in the wiki of F4 Menu :
Add Question / Answer about : How to customize fonts?
Version 2.6 Released 1627920558 ago
๐ Added :
Add border inside the F4 Menu :
cfg.border_left = 0
cfg.border_right = 0
cfg.border_bottom = 0
๐งฑ Improved :
Reduction of file size.
Version 2.5 Released 1619653442 ago
๐งฑ Improved :
Sometimes you have a red error model instead of the Job image in your F4 menu. This update allows you to force the image to be refreshed when the model exists. And avoids the red model error in your DarkRP job images.
Thank "Boruto is LMAO" for your report.
Version 2.4 Released 1618986118 ago
๐งฑ Improved :
Optimized the size of the folder 361ko > 107ko (materials include)
โ๏ธ Patched :
[nordahl_f4_menu] lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:103: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
1. pairs - [C]:-1
2. WriteTable - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:103
3. unknown - addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_f4menu.lua:86
Timer Failed! [nord_f4_getskin_1][@addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_f4menu.lua (line 83)]
Version 2.3 Released 1618701193 ago
๐งฑ Improved :
Corrected when the F4 menu is not modified in real time.
Version 2.2 Released 1618612950 ago
โ๏ธ Patch :
Patch Lua error : attempt to call field 'Nord_f4editor_Save' (a nil value)
Version 2.1 Released 1618203348 ago
๐งฑ Improved :
The button to write a message to support opens the ticket system directly if it is installed
Version 2.0 Released 1618192041 ago
Dev message FR : Mise ร jour du systรจme de configuration des images d'arriรจre-plan et de banniรจre. Auparavant, vous deviez tรฉlรฉcharger une image dans un pack de contenu vers l'atelier (vous saviez aussi comment le faire !), ajouter le pack de contenu ร votre collection d'ateliers, modifier le chemin et redรฉmarrer le serveur. Maintenant, vous copiez le lien et vous avez terminรฉ.
Le systรจme a รฉtรฉ repensรฉ suite ร des suggestions, maintenant il suffit de copier l'url d'une image et cela change le fond instantanรฉment. L'image sera chargรฉe une fois lors de la premiรจre utilisation et mise en cache dans le fichier de donnรฉes du client.
Dev message US : Updated the system for setting up background and banner images. Previously you had to upload an image in a content pack to the workshop (you knew how to do that too!), add the content pack to your workshop collection, change the path and restart the server. Now you copy the link and you're done.
The system has been redesigned following suggestions, now you just copy the url of an image and it changes the background instantly. The image will be loaded once on first use and cached in the client data file.
๐ฎ Removed :
+ Removed debug_dl_from_server_store, is no longer used, before it was necessary to share the background or have it uploaded to the workshop. Now your background image is stored on the web and uploaded only once in the data file.
cfg.debug_dl_from_server_store=1 // is now removed
+ Removed old image system
๐ Added :
+Add new image storage with just a simple URL of your image.
+Created and linked the : Workshop ressource pack - content only
+Add the use of resource.AddWorkshop("2453425439"), it can be disabled with the variable USeWorkshopContent in the config file.
In the config file :
cfg_f4.USeWorkshopContent=1 // Enable 1 / Disable 0
+Add Preset in the config file :
-- 0 = Starwars base create by Norda
-- 1 = Hogwarts base create by Norda
-- 2 = Manga RP base create by Norda
-- 3 = HalloRP RP base create by Norda
cfg.skin_preset = 0
Version 1.9 Released 1616974508 ago
๐ Added :
Add compatibility with SAM Admin
Add compatibility with Gmod Scoreboard Editable
Version 1.7 Released 1608341645 ago
Update of the config file of DarkRP F4 Menu customizable
Version 1.6 Released 1595295767 ago
๐ Added :
System Automatic download of the background stored in the file: addons/nordahl_f4_menu/materials/f4_background/
Added variable to disable automatic downloading of f4_background folder contents
Version 1.4 Released 1587410882 ago
๐ Added :
Added report button, shortcut of : Report Tickets System
๐งฑ Improved :
Allows you to minimize the categories in the F4 Shop menu
Version 1.3 Released 1586130658 ago
โ๏ธ Patched :
Fixed when the entered link is added to the previous one.
๐งฑ Improved :
Improve when the "Update" and "Reset" buttons are barely visible in the size edition.
Thank @Girah for the report.
Version 1.2 Released 1584493167 ago
Patch some default DarkRP Commands who work with : "Say"
example : /dropmoney <number>
You can keep a copy of your config file. I only edited :
Version 1.1 Released 1580475133 ago
๐ Added :
Add an editable background image system from the interface
Add an editable link system from the interface
Add an editable link system from the interface
Added an example of a predefined skin for StarWarsRP
Added an example of a predefined skin for HogwartsRP
Added an example of a predefined skin for MangaRP
Added an example of a predefined skin for HaloRP
Version 1.0 Released 1580194132 ago
Initial version
Gmod Addon
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Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 186 |
Published | 5 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 4.2 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | ๐ฌ๐ง ๐ซ๐ท ๐ฉ๐ช ๐ฌ๐ช ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฏ๐ต ๐ฐ๐ท ๐ณ๐ด ๐ท๐บ ๐ช๐ธ ๐ธ๐ช |
DarkRP Jobs VGUI Gameplay Management |