Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System - Script
Nor Admin Mod is a Gmod administration addon 100% coded from scratch, it aims to be small, and ultra optimized, it includes no loops and allows you to do the work of an admin, create your staff and distribute power according to ranks, manage new ranks and customize access to your different scripts as you wish without weighing down the system. Thanks to the API create accesses that you have created, compatible with all your scripts. Generate also a donor status to your members (VIP) to distribute advantages to them. Read the description for more details.


Description of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System
π Presentation
"Nor Admin Mod" is a meticulously developed Garry's Mod administration addon, built from scratch to cater to all gamemodes. Its primary objective is to provide a compact and optimized solution, devoid of any loops, enabling efficient administration tasks. With this addon, you can effortlessly manage your staff, delegate authority based on hierarchical ranks, ensuring simplicity without compromising performance. Moreover, it empowers you to tailor access privileges for various scripts, seamlessly integrating with a long-term oriented system.
Utilizing the API, you can easily create custom access controls compatible with all your assigned scripts, simply by toggling an intuitive ON/OFF switch. Additionally, you can bestow donor status (VIP) upon your members, granting them a VIP rank through either a user-friendly interface or server commands, which is fully compatible with popular donation systems.
This script serves as a superior replacement for outdated administration systems lacking adequate support, guaranteeing continuous evolution through your valuable input.
Once installed, the addon operates flawlessly, allowing you to access the administration panel by pressing the F2 key (default). You will swiftly adapt to its new features and appreciate its smooth navigation and user-friendly design.
Notably, banned users are effectively prevented from returning using the same IP address or exploiting family sharing.
Furthermore, by utilizing any donation system that supports sending commands to the server, you can effortlessly automate the distribution of VIP roles to donors.
In summary, this addon serves as a viable alternative to established administration solutions like ULX, SAM admin, and ServerGuard.
𧬠Lua file size optimization for Nor Gmod Admin Mod
The purpose of investing effort into reducing the size of Lua files on your Garry's Mod server was to optimize the loading time experienced by your users. It is unfair for your non-administrative players to endure extended loading times due to the inclusion of tools they will never utilize. While certain administration systems contribute an additional 2MB to the overall file size for download, Nor Admin Mod stands out by merely requiring 0.029MB on the client side. This reduction is perceptible in the loading time of a Garry's Mod server since the download process introduces lag (latency). The larger the Lua files to be downloaded, the longer it will take for your users to load, thereby increasing the likelihood of losing players during this critical phase, much like on the web.
π¦ Gmod Admin Mod System Features
- A user management table: This is the first menu that appears when you press F2, click on the line you want to do an action on a user, see the list of administrative actions below.
- A Team Management System (Your Staff). It contains a search system to find a line with a simple steamid64 or a name.
- A Banned User Management System. It contains a search system to find a line with a simple steamid64 or a name
- Management of your VIP members list. It contains a search system to find a line with a simple steamid or pseudo
- A Rank Creation System: Add ranks with the index you want, the name and its level in relation to other ranks.
- Rank management system: Modify an already created rank, i.e. id, name and level.
- Access generation system for each row
- Access management system for each row
- Delayed or instantaneous server reboot system
- Delayed or instant map change system
- Tool button system that allows you to quickly launch an ad, clear the decals for all, stopsound for all, cleanup everyone's entities.
- The System Admin contains an Admin ESP that allows you to view the positions of players and other entities you have chosen from the administration interface, among others.
- A monitoring system in the user list that allows to indicate if they are using the godmod, if they are freeze, etc.
- A Warning System, when a user is warned, a yellow triangle appears next to their nickname in the list.
- Translated into several languages: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and more if suggested
π All types of Admin actions you can do on a player
- Promote a user's rank, and choose the duration, e.g. you could make a user moderator for a week, or 3 days, or permanent.
- Kick / ban, and choose the duration.
- Give the VIP rank to a user when they make a donation or offer the rank as a reward. Also you can choose the duration of the VIP
- Invisibility in game, this makes the user invisible
- Invisibility in the Tab menu, this makes the user invisible in compatible tab menus.
- The Godmod, to be invincible, the icon is displayed in the mods column of the list
- Freeze, to stop all the movements of a user
- Spectate for you what another user is doing, useful for detecting ESP and observing suspicious behaviour.
- Teleportation contains the function: Goto to go towards the user, Bring to make the user appear in front of you, Look to make the user appear where you are looking, Return to make the user return to his last position before you teleported him so he can continue his game
- Warn : To warn a user, a yellow triangle appears for warned users.
- Touch Life allows you to set a player's max HP, heal, give/withdraw armour points, give damage or slay.
- Cleanup entities, to remove entities spawned by the target user
- SetModel allows you to change the playermodel
- DarkRP: allows to change the job of a user if DarkRP is installed
- SetMoney allows you to give/withdraw money to the player
- Steam, allows to copy the steamid, the steamid64 and to open the steam profile page of the user
π‘οΈ Gmod Security
- If you secure Player:SetUserGroup(), Garry's Mod Workshop addons can no longer bypass basic security functions. This prevents a workshop addon from being updated without your knowledge and everyone becoming an administrator on your server without asking you. That's what security is for.
- You can see who is in spectator mode and also who has the godmod activated, useful for those who forget but also for those who manage to give themselves the godmod.
- The banning system, banned by SteamID64 and also IP, if the user comes back with another family share account this is also detected.
The ESP admin allows you to see across the map the position of players, vehicles, npcs, props, items, weapons, doors, ladders, and other options for unlisted entities. Each of these entities can be filtered from the interface. Example, if for props you put on OFF, the ESP will not indicate any more the position of the Props
π Commands
Command to open the management panel : nor_admin_mod
Chat Command : !admin ou /admin
πΎ Saves
Actions are saved at the time of modification, Mysql is used by default. If you don't have a Mysql server at hand you can use the one already included in garry's mod, automatically functional, No need for configuration with this.
π Configuration
There is no need to know how to use it, once installed it works. The user who downloaded the script will automatically be in the superadmin.
Everything can be configured from the interface accessible with the chat command : "!admin or /admin" or the button F2 (can be changed)
The configuration file can be found at this location : nor_admin_mod_config.lua
β Compatibility
Compatible with Prometheus: The server command to give VIP rank to a user is used for this.
Compatible with all DarkRP gamemodes and their variants, StarwarsRP, HogwartsRP, CityRP, gtaRP, AnimRP, MangaRP, ScoolRP, CloneRP, CloneRP, HaloRP, HarryPotterRP, PoudlardRP, MedievalRP, StalkerRP.
Path: garrysmod/addons/nor_admin_mod
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2559536263 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
Otherwise you can always use the Chat command: !admin
1- From the administration menu, Player Management / Logged in user, click on the player, then promote and choose the rank you want to give and the duration. Since you can choose a duration or if it is permanent.

2- From the scoreboard click on the player then same as solution #1
3- In the tab "Staff list" insert the SteamID64 and the name and click on "Add". You will only have to choose the duration.

4- From the server command

1- From the administration menu, Player Management / Logged in user, click on the player, then "Expulsion" and choose "Ban" then choose the duration. It is also possible to ban permanently.

2- From the scoreboard click on the player then same as solution #1
3- In the tab "List of banned users" Insert the SteamID64 and the name and ip (optional) and click on "Add". You will only have to choose the duration.

4- From the server command

1- From the administration menu, Player management / Logged in user, click on the player, then "Manually give VIP rank and select duration (Permanent, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 month, etc...).

2- From the scoreboard, click on the player, then do the same as solution #1
3- In the tab "VIP list" insert the SteamID64 and the name and click on "Add". You will only have to choose the duration.

4- From the server command
You can see the list of ranks already created. By default: superadmin, admin, moderator, vip, user.
To create a new rank, create a unique id, i.e. a name without spaces or capital letters.
For example for a rank called "Super Admin" the unique_id will be "superamdin".
Once the unique_id and the name of the rank are written click on "Create a new rank".
This will create your new rank. This will make one more rank in the list.

You will see the list of existing ranks. Click on the rank you want to modify.
You will then have the possibility to modify the id of the rank, the name of the rank and the level of the rank.

It will be possible to generate special accesses by ranks for other scripts not part of my creation.
You will then see the list of ranks and when you select a rank you will see all the powers in the list on the right, some will be on "ON" others on "OFF".
To activate and deactivate an access click on the ON/OFF button
To delete an access click on the cross on the right of each line. If an access is deleted, i.e. the line no longer exists, the super admins will still have a right on the action.

The compatible rewritten Gmod standard that you will already be familiar with from Nor Admin Mod:
player:IsSuperAdmin() -- A user with the rank of superadmin will return true, from the access system ranks that have access set to "ON" for "access_superadmin" will also return a true
player:IsAdmin() -- A user with the rank of admin will return true, from the access system the ranks that have access to "ON" for "access_admin" will also return true
player:SetUserGroup(str) -- Will change the rank of a user
player:GetUserGroup() -- Returns the user's rank
-- Returns true if the user's rank is equal to name, otherwise false.
Additions made by Nor Admin Mod :
player:CheckUserAccess(unique_id) -- For example with the unique_id "access_superadmin" obtained from the interface allows to make other ranks superadmin.
player:IsAbove(player2) -- Allows you to know which staff is higher than another. For example a Moderator will not be able to kick an Admin
.The first button allows you to reboot your server, click on it, choose if the effect is immediate otherwise choose a delay. Everyone will be warned.

Click on the map you have chosen, choose if the effect is immediate or choose a delay. Everyone will be notified.

To do so, go to Server Settings / Announcement, click on it and write your message, it will be displayed in the chat, in the console and in the centre of the HUD of each user.

To do this, go to Server Settings / Clear Decals and click on it. It's done.

To do so, go to Server Settings / Stopsound and click on it. It's done.

To do this go to Server Settings / Cleanup Entities and click on it. It is done.

To activate it go to ESP Admin: And set the cursor to ON in the first line "ESP Activation".

When you have finished you can return to your place with (Return)
Or have them return to their position before teleporting with (Return)
Goto = Teleport to the user.
Bring = Teleport the user to you.
Teleport = Teleport a user to where you are looking.
Return = Return to the original position.

Otherwise follow this step:
In Player Management / VIP list (Yellow Icon) Click on the user you want to unban, if you can't find it because you have people in the list, then use the "Search" function it works by name and also by SteamID64.

To do this go to Server Settings / Tool Buttons / Cleanup Entities and click on it. It is done.

To print the access list in the server console
Use the command: "nor_admin_debug_sv ranks
To print the list of ranks in the server console
To test the role of a player: "nor_admin_debug_sv userrank"
Print the user's role and the return of the role checking functions to the server console.
To test a user's access, use the command: "nor_admin_debug_sv test_access {here the access id}".
To test the accessibility of the power granted, this will always return a true for superadmins.
To do the test on the client side you will have to replace the command "nor_admin_debug_sv" with "nor_admin_debug_cl".
SteamiD64 is the steamid64 of the user
Name = His name
Delay = Set to 0 to make it permanent. Otherwise put in seconds if you want to put a delay. For example 86 400 seconds for one day.
For example to add the user Norda permanently it would be: add_vip 76561198033784269 "Norda"
To add the user Norda for 1 day it would be: add_vip 76561198033784269 "Norda" 86400
Don't forget the quotes for the names.
SteamiD64 = The steamid64 of the user
Name = The user's name
Reason = The reason for banning
Ip = IP address (optional)
Delay = Leave blank to make it permanent. Otherwise set to seconds if you want to set a delay. For example 86400 seconds for a day, this is the number of seconds in a day.
For example to ban user Nordahl permanently it would be: add_ban 76561198033784269 "Norda" "Its a Test" 0 ""
To add the 1 day old user Norda it would be: add_ban 76561198033784269 "Norda" "Its a Test" 86400 ""
Don't forget the quotes for the name, reason, ip address.
SteamiD64 is the steamid64 of the user
Name = His name
Delay = Don't put anything so that it is permanent. Otherwise put in seconds the expiration delay. For example 86400 seconds for one day.
For example to add the user Norda permanently it would be: add_staff 76561198033784269 "Norda" "superadmin"
To add the user Norda for 1 day it would be: add_staff 76561198033784269 "Norda" "superadmin" 86400
Don't forget the quotes for the names and rank.
Add shortcut for quick access on my last scripts: Gmod Ammo System + HUDs
Tip to avoid the leak of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 72 |
Published | 3 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 5.5 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | π¬π§ π«π· π©πͺ π·πΊ πͺπΈ |
Admin DarkRP VGUI Optimisation Management |