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Norda Scripts


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⭐️ 552 Reviews - Average 4.98/5

All the reviews Norda Scripts received - page 4

Chiclala avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod ★★★★★ (5/5)
My first script and it works without a problem. Now I can craft anywhere on the server, block crafts depending on the job and make secret crafts and others only accessible to VIPs. It's perfect. You don't have to have an inventory system to use it, thanks for the freedom.

1688820587 ago | Purchased: 2023-07-08
Suzaku avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod ★★★★★ (5/5)
Franchement bluffant, hormis quelques bugs secondaires et non réellement dérangeant le gamemode est littéralement meilleur que certains jeux de zombies modernes.

1687892743 ago | Purchased: 2023-04-05
Barbe Rouge avatar
🎁 Buyer
Barbe Rouge
Rated Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor ★★★★★ (5/5)
Fr 🇫🇷:
Lorsque vous évaluez un script HUD, il est important de prendre en compte les éléments suivants :

Les Fonctionnalités : Un HUD basique pourrait simplement afficher des informations essentielles telles que la santé du personnage, le niveau d'armure et la mini-carte, tandis que cet HUD plus avancé peut offrir des éléments supplémentaires, notamment la personnalisation qui peut se faire directement en jeu, changer le style qui vous conviens le mieux. La chose qui est bénéfique, c'est que nous pouvons relier certains scripts de "Originahl-Scirpts" avec notre HUD de vie.

En ce qui concerne le prix, il est important de comparer les différentes options disponibles sur le marché. Passez en revue plusieurs scripts HUD similaires pour évaluer leurs fonctionnalités, alors que celui-ci nous pouvons tout faire.

Je mets 5 étoiles pour ce script.

En 🇬🇧:
When evaluating a HUD script, it's important to consider the following elements:

Functionality: a basic HUD might simply display essential information such as character health, armor level and mini-map, while this more advanced HUD can offer additional elements, including customization that can be done directly in-game, changing the style that suits you best. The good thing is that we can link certain "Originahl-Scirpts" scripts with our life HUD.

When it comes to price, it's important to compare the various options available on the market. Review several similar HUD scripts to assess their functionality, while this one we can do it all.

I give this script 5 stars.

1685615372 ago | Purchased: 2023-05-30
Barbe Rouge avatar
🎁 Buyer
Barbe Rouge
Rated Gmod Documents Editor system Gmod Documents Editor system ★★★★★ (5/5)
Fr 🇫🇷:
Ce script est formidable, je l'ai attendue pendant plusieurs semaines pour avoir un résultat incroyable.

La particularité avec ce script, c'est que nous pouvons l'utiliser pour toute chose, des quêtes, des énigmes, des journaux, des chasses aux trésors et bien d'autres...

Je met 5 étoiles, pour son optimisation, sa personnalisation, et pour son utilité pour chaque théme de serveur.

En 🇬🇧:
This script is great, I've been waiting for it for several weeks to get an incredible result.

The special thing about this script is that we can use it for anything, quests, puzzles, journals, treasure hunts and more...

I give it 5 stars for its optimization, customization and usefulness for every server theme.

1685614582 ago | Purchased: 2023-06-01
Barbe Rouge avatar
🎁 Buyer
Barbe Rouge
Rated Gmod Skins Dealer Manager Gmod Skins Dealer Manager ★★★★★ (5/5)
Fr 🇫🇷:
5 étoiles pour ce script pour les raisons suivantes :
- Optimiser
- Personnalisable
- Original

Grâce à "Gmod Skins Dealer Manager", nous pouvons virer PointShop 2, qui est maintenant libre d'accés et avec des Backdoors, alors que "Gmod Skins Dealer Manager", vous aurez que de bon retour et sans retour !

En 🇬🇧:
5 stars for this script for the following reasons:
- Optimized
- Customizable
- Original

Thanks to "Gmod Skins Dealer Manager", we can fire PointShop 2, which is now free and with Backdoors, while "Gmod Skins Dealer Manager", you will have only good return and without return!

1685613978 ago | Purchased: 2023-06-01
Barbe Rouge avatar
🎁 Buyer
Barbe Rouge
Rated Gmod Weapon Menu Creator (Customizable Weapon Selector Mod) Gmod Weapon Menu Creator (Customizable Weapon Selector Mod) ★★★★★ (5/5)
Je recommande cet addon qui permet de changer le design de son Weapon Selector quand on le souhaite sans passer par le fichier .lua
Trés bien optimiser, jamais eu de soucis avec.

Trés recommander pour vos débuts de serveur.

1685124822 ago | Purchased: 2023-02-15
Yagouroko avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: For me this addon is the best inventory system available that helps my mmo server I recommend!

Fr 🇫🇷: Pour moi cette addon est le meilleur inventory system disponible qui aide énormément mon serveur mmo je recommande !

1681916612 ago | Purchased: 2023-04-19
Yagouroko avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Scoreboard Editable Gmod Scoreboard Editable ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: Scoreboard very easy to configure and customizable in game, what more could you ask for?

Fr 🇫🇷: Scoreboard trés facile à configurer fais son taff et personnalisable ingame que demander de plus

1681916434 ago | Purchased: 2022-11-11
dark aloibou avatar
🎁 Buyer
dark aloibou
Rated Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 ★★★★★ (5/5)
Good script. Before the new addons of looting, i was using it and it was great. Now i still use it for spawn of can.

1680901981 ago | Purchased: 2022-07-23
dark aloibou avatar
🎁 Buyer
dark aloibou
Rated Gmod Advanced Character Creator System Gmod Advanced Character Creator System ★★★★★ (5/5)
Realy beautiful. There a lot of possibilities and it is really great. A lot of my user love it. ❤️

1680901901 ago | Purchased: 2023-02-02
dark aloibou avatar
🎁 Buyer
dark aloibou
Rated Gmod Server Title Screen Build Gmod Server Title Screen Build ★★★★★ (5/5)
Really good littel menu and really complete. Great addons 👍

1680901765 ago | Purchased: 2023-02-02
dark aloibou avatar
🎁 Buyer
dark aloibou
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
This addons is really great and give a lot of possibilities. I made a dark rp, manga rp, a survial with it and never i get trouble. Just perfect

1680901698 ago | Purchased: 2023-03-10
dark aloibou avatar
🎁 Buyer
dark aloibou
Rated Gmod Loot Furniture Designer Gmod Loot Furniture Designer ★★★★★ (5/5)
A beautiful addons made for a lot of gamemode. The addons is really well optimized, I put more than 200 items in 1 loot. The use of is so simple, in 1 min I can spawn loot and dev the addons. And again the answer when we open a ticket is really quick.

1680896921 ago | Purchased: 2023-03-10
Bouli avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
I recommend

1680824492 ago | Purchased: 2023-04-05
[NertyRP]DEYROS avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Skins Dealer Manager Gmod Skins Dealer Manager ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: Fast and quality support.
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager is a :
- easy to configure
- optimized
- originahl ... hmm hmmm
and it meets all my expectations.
A work of perfectionist as always, I recommend the purchase because in addition to all that it is regularly updated.
Bravo !

Fr 🇫🇷: Un support rapide et de qualité.
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager est un addon :
- simple à configurer
- optimisé
- originahl ... hmm hmmm
et il répond à toutes mes attentes.
Un travail de perfectionniste comme toujours, je recommande l'achat car en plus de tout ça il est réguliérement mis à jour.
Bravo !

1680268550 ago | Purchased: 2022-11-02
Crouipy (ESP) avatar
🎁 Buyer
Crouipy (ESP)
Rated Music areas system Music areas system ★★★★★ (5/5)
Amazing addon! Great configuration and I'm hoping to continue supporting this amazing guy

1680008374 ago | Purchased: 2023-03-28
리펄서[개발중] avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod ★★★★★ (5/5)
this is very useful for apocalypse roleplaying!

1679761241 ago | Purchased: 2023-01-19
T-Kitten Zoey avatar
🎁 Buyer
T-Kitten Zoey
Rated Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod ★★★★★ (5/5)
Now I'm always a fan of Zombie Game modes but this Zworld Game mode is an overhaul master peace, me and my friends love either roleplaying onto it and surviving the zombies that come at us. i will say. This is the best self-functioning game mode out there. If your into Survival Horror Universe this is for you!

1679311632 ago | Purchased: 2023-02-15
Lokozz avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
Hello, I discovered this shop not long ago and on it there are only gmod master classes scripts, very aesthetic and perfect addons and very optimized I highly recommend one of the best creator!!!

1678311618 ago | Purchased: 2023-03-04
[ NiXCity ]  NiXy avatar
🎁 Buyer
[ NiXCity ] NiXy
Rated Gmod Teleportation Portal Gmod Teleportation Portal ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: Hello, this is a very useful addon to bring the person anywhere, I highly recommend it to create doors between inaccessible places.

Thanks to Norda for making it ;)

Fr 🇫🇷 Bonjour, c'est un addon très utile pour amener la personne n'importe où, je le recommande fortement pour créer des portes entre lieux inaccessible.

Merci à Norda de l'avoir fait ;)

1677699619 ago | Purchased: 2022-10-27
Childlike avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: Much more than a simple gamemode, this is a game for your Garry's mod servers, super complete, efficient, optimized for a zombie apocalyptic or Survival Horror universe!

Fr 🇫🇷 Bien plus qu'un simple gamemode, c'est un jeu pour vos serveurs Garry's mod, super complet, efficace, optimisé pour un univers zombie apocalyptique ou Survival Horror!

1677694250 ago | Purchased: 2023-02-27
Joris avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧; Hello everyone, we would tend to say that this is a DayZ Like but it is more like DayZ is a Zworld Like because the concepts and content were already in Zowlrd before DayZ existed. What is added in DayZ today was already there in 2012. I bought the script during the private beta test, I am a zworld player since 2012 I support this project because I have seen it mature, I recommend zworld for your server or play with your friends for the simple reason that it is stable, optimized, authentic and the developer is respectful no matter what your level of knowledge. This 2023 version is the first time it appears in public and it's a nugget, before you could only play it on the private servers of the creator, it's something I didn't think I would ever see. In the current version, the file is 2mo but there is more content than 250 gmodstore addons combined.

Fr 🇫🇷; Bonjour à tous, nous aurions tendance à dire que c'est un DayZ Like mais c'est plutôt DayZ qui est un Zworld Like car les concepts et le contenu étaient déjà dans Zowlrd avant que DayZ n'existe. Ce qui est ajouté dans DayZ aujourd'hui était déjà là en 2012. J'ai acheté le script pendant le bêta test privé, je suis un joueur de zworld depuis 2012 je soutiens ce projet car je l'ai vu mûrir, je recommande zworld pour votre serveur ou jouer avec vos amis pour la simple raison qu'il est stable, optimisé, authentique et le développeur est respectueux quelque soit votre niveau de connaissance. Cette version 2023 est la première fois qu'elle apparaît en public et c'est une pépite, avant on ne pouvait qu'y jouer sur les serveurs privée du créateur, c'est quelque chose que je ne pensais pas voir un jour. Dans la version actuelle, le fichier est de 2mo mais il y a plus de contenu que 250 addons gmodstore réunis.

1675975080 ago | Purchased: 2023-01-19
massil avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Items Trading and Selling System Gmod Items Trading and Selling System ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧: Complete system as usual, offering a lot of possibilities in rp for bartering or selling with money. Reactive support to any request I strongly advise. No major problems encountered for the moment, easy to configure even for people who do not know much about it.

Fr 🇫🇷: Systéme complet comme d'habitude, offrant pas mal de possibilité en rp que ça soit pour du troc ou de la vente avec de la monnaie. Support réactif à toute demande je conseille fortement. Aucun probléme important rencontrer pour le moment, facile à configurer même pour des gens qui ne s'y connaissent pas trop.

1669104699 ago | Purchased: 2022-11-19
thefuryl34[FR] avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧 - Gmod addon highly recommended !!

Fr 🇫🇷 - Addons Gmod fortement recommandé !!

1667810278 ago | Purchased: 2022-10-13
{SNZ} Uki 柊 avatar
🎁 Buyer
{SNZ} Uki 柊
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧 - Hello, Quick support to help you to solve problems even if it's not necessarily related to the script.

Fr 🇫🇷 - Bonjour, Support rapide pour vous aider à résoudre les problèmes même si ce n'est pas forcément lié au script.

1666961382 ago | Purchased: 2022-10-27
massil avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Advanced Inventory System Gmod Advanced Inventory System ★★★★★ (5/5)
En 🇬🇧 🇺🇸: Hello, I'm doing this review to give my opinion on the inventory system, since I bought it an hour after the release, I had time to test many things. From what I saw the system is complete, the configuration is simple and similar to other Norda Originahl scripts. The in-game rendering is good, in short, an inventory system that I think is far better than what I've seen so far. Moreover, the support is very reactive, whether the problem is simple or complex. To conclude, I can only recommend this script.
I wish you all the best with it.

Fr 🇫🇷: Bonjour, je fais cette critique pour donner mon avis sur le système d'inventaire, puisque je l'ai acheté une heure après la sortie, j'ai eu le temps de tester beaucoup de choses. De ce que j'ai vu le système est complet, la configuration est simple et similaire aux autres scripts Originahl de Norda. Un rendu in-game de qualité, bref un système d'inventaire que je trouve bien au dessus de ce que j'ai pu voir jusqu'à présent. De plus le support est très réactif, que le problème soit simple ou complexe. Pour conclure, je ne peux que vous conseiller ce script.
Bonne continuation.

1665617652 ago | Purchased: 2022-10-08
Zackyo avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting ★★★★★ (5/5)
I was in need of a script that I could use to let the players interact more with the map. After a break from GMOD and coming back to start fresh, I saw this and was happy to see there was a system that's really easy to use. Giving players objectives such as chopping down trees or destroy crates with crowbars Is really good when the server population is low and want loyal players to stick to the server and be active rather than AFK.

Norda also replied fast to a ticket and came up with a suitable solution that worked flawlessly!

1665581148 ago | Purchased: 2022-10-12
zsqdzsqd avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Loot Furniture Designer Gmod Loot Furniture Designer ★★★★★ (5/5)
I was using a free loot system that did the job but this one is much better and the support is amazing responded within minutes and posted an update within hours to allow use the darkrp pocket.
Your players will 100% like it, I'm sure, don't hesitate to buy, it's worth it.

1660361853 ago | Purchased: 2022-08-10
C0sm0s avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod Loot Furniture Designer Gmod Loot Furniture Designer ★★★★★ (5/5)
Simple d'utilisation, top pour les survie ou coop, rien à dire je recommande à 100%.

1659808873 ago | Purchased: 2022-08-03
C0sm0s avatar
🎁 Buyer
Rated Gmod NPC Reward Manager Gmod NPC Reward Manager ★★★★★ (5/5)

1659808808 ago | Purchased: 2022-07-27