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Norda Scripts


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⭐️ 1332 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 5

Gmod Leveling System v4.9
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 4.9 1721353784 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's level stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Leveling system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager v2.0
Update released of Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager version 2.0 1721353767 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's keys stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Keys system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Advanced Lockpicking System v1.7
Update released of Gmod Advanced Lockpicking System version 1.7 1721353744 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's lockpicks stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Lockpick items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v1.9
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 1.9 1721353679 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's Ranks stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System
Gmod Advanced Player Position Memory v1.5
Update released of Gmod Advanced Player Position Memory version 1.5 1721353664 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's position stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System
NCredit - Premium Currency Mod v1.7
Update released of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod version 1.7 1721353634 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's Credit stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System
Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone v1.9
Update released of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone version 1.9 1721353530 ago
🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's radiation stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Radiation system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker v3.4
Update released of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker version 3.4 1721343912 ago
🧱 Improved
Creation of an alias for the givemoney command: givemoney β€œsteamid64” amount.

Which also allows this command to be used in your project's online store.
NCredit - Premium Currency Mod v1.6
Update released of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod version 1.6 1721260757 ago
βœ”οΈ Patch
add_premium_credits "steamid64_buyer" amount (test for Solstice)
Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator v2.8
Update released of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator version 2.8 1721256056 ago
🧱 Improved
You can move around while the menu is open. If you move away, it closes by itself. Useful in dangerous situations, as you don't need to click on the cross to defend yourself.
Gmod Pocket System without DarkRP v1.8
Update released of Gmod Pocket System without DarkRP version 1.8 1721249937 ago
🧱 Improved
When dropping weapons from the Osgmod Inventory System with ammunition. And when they are then stored in the pocket, the ammunition is taken into account. And displayed on the weapon stored in the pocket.
Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included v2.1
Update released of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included version 2.1 1721237301 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge optimization on the network side. The entities you create with itempack are even more optimized. Quantity does not stress your server's netgraph. Can be observed with the console command: net_graph 3

βœ”οΈ Patch
Corrects when 3D models are not displayed (this happens when no base is used)
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v1.8
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 1.8 1721071171 ago
πŸš€ Added
You can delete a rank by right-clicking on it.

βœ”οΈ Patch
Fix Lua error ([norda_nrank_system] cl_norda_nrank_mod.lua:958: attempt to index a nil value) when renaming a Rank with a name that already exists (names are converted back to indexes and the index must be unique
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v1.7
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 1.7 1720885991 ago
βœ”οΈ Patch
Fixes a conflict with TTT2.
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v1.6
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 1.6 1720882694 ago
🧰 Lua Error fix
Corrects a conflict with gamemode TTT2.
Patch Lua Error : terrortown2 weapon_zm_improvised.lua:234
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v1.5
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 1.5 1719873543 ago
βœ”οΈ Patch
Corrects a problem when the Gmod Server Title Screen Build and the Gmod Advanced Character Creator System were installed. When you want to apply a rank automatically based on a default job. Now it works for character creation. At the first spawn.
Gmod Job NPC Customizable System v1.9
Update released of Gmod Job NPC Customizable System version 1.9 1719616574 ago
🧰 Lua Error fix
Patch [norda_job_npc_system] lua/vgui/dmodelpanel.lua:54: bad argument #1 to 'ClientsideModel' (string expected, got nil)
Gmod Job NPC Customizable System v1.8
Update released of Gmod Job NPC Customizable System version 1.8 1719590035 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager v3.1
Update released of Gmod Skins Dealer Manager version 3.1 1719590028 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System v2.4
Update released of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System version 2.4 1719590021 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system v2.4
Update released of Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system version 2.4 1719590013 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Guilds Chest System v1.7
Update released of Gmod Guilds Chest System version 1.7 1719590006 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) v2.7
Update released of Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) version 2.7 1719590001 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Store Builder v4.4
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 4.4 1719589970 ago
⚑ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
Gmod Job NPC Customizable System v1.7
Update released of Gmod Job NPC Customizable System version 1.7 1719566215 ago
⚑ Optimization
The variable cfg.memorize_lastjob returns to 0 automatically if Njob is installed. There's no need to load a job twice. This avoids a conflict.
Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame v1.8
Update released of Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame version 1.8 1719530518 ago
πŸš€ Added
Added interface option for choosing job display position.
Added option to disable job display independently of name display.

⚑ Optimization
Code optimisation: Reduced number of operations for client-side CPU optimization.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v6.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 6.3 1719186069 ago
🧰 Lua Error fix
Fix [norda_character_creator_system] sv_character_creator_db.lua:464: attempt to index a nil value

⚑ Optimization
Optimisation of meta:setCJob() = Reduce the number of table searches, Anticipated verification, Efficient string concatenation.
Adding a filter to the PlayerChangedTeam hook
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v4.8
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 4.8 1719183780 ago
🧰 Lua Error fix
Fixes the lua error related to the use of PlayerChangedTeam too early when the charactere system is installed. The addition of the team filter not only optimizes but also prevents Lua errors.
Gmod Bodygroup Wardrobes Manager v1.8
Update released of Gmod Bodygroup Wardrobes Manager version 1.8 1719180051 ago
🧰 Lua Error fix
Fix [norda_bodygroups_wardrobes] cl_bodygroups_wardrobes.lua:316: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'cw2' (a nil value)
Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included v2.0
Update released of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included version 2.0 1718973661 ago
πŸš€ Added
Add a filter system to quickly find objects or entities in a category by keyword. Useful when you have a lot of weapon packs installed.