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Norda Scripts


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βš—οΈ Scripts created:79 scripts
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⭐️ 1368 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 41

Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.4
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.4 1567755861 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Area Restrictor v2.5
Update released of Gmod Area Restrictor version 2.5 1567755855 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod v3.9
Update released of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod version 3.9 1567755837 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Todo list Manager v2.8
Update released of Todo list Manager version 2.8 1567755815 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Event Planning Editor v2.8
Update released of Gmod Event Planning Editor version 2.8 1567755738 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.6
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.6 1567755728 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.8
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.8 1567755713 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Whitelist Server Access v2.7
Update released of Gmod Whitelist Server Access version 2.7 1567755707 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Safezones Systems v2.8
Update released of Gmod Safezones Systems version 2.8 1567755686 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Compass Systems v1.6
Update released of Gmod Compass Systems version 1.6 1567755640 ago
Updating the site requires updating the scripts.
Gmod Whitelist Server Access v2.7
Update released of Gmod Whitelist Server Access version 2.7 1567755177 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Add server command to Enable / Disable the system
Improvement of the skin
Gmod Area Restrictor v2.5
Update released of Gmod Area Restrictor version 2.5 1566396511 ago
🧬 Improved :
- Commands : "area_restrictor_disable_all" & "area_restrictor_enable_all" can be now used from the server side console. Useful when you want to turn ON and OFF depending on the time of day.

βœ”οΈ Patched :
- Patched the error lua when the command "area_restrictor_disable_all" & "area_restrictor_enable_all" are used from the console : [ERROR] addons/nordahl_area_restrictor/lua/entities/zworld_zone_restrictor/shared.lua: 74: tentative d'appeler la mΓ©thode "SteamID" (une valeur nulle) )
1. ZZR_eRight - addons/nordahl_area_restrictor/lua/entitΓ©s/zworld_zone_restrictor/partagΓ©e.lua: 74
2. unknown-RunString: 1
3. inconnu-lua/includes/modules / concommand.lua: 54
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.6
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.6 1565921794 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Calendar automatically assigned to the user when he changes job. The system also works with category names, so you don't have to create an agenda per job
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.8
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.8 1563964417 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fixed a rare Lua error(minor):

[ERROR] addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/nordahl_whitelistjob_sv.lua:866: Tried to use a NULL entity! Cause : When a player disconnects before the data sending process is launched. Consequence: the system does not send the data to someone who does not exist.
Gmod Area Restrictor v2.4
Update released of Gmod Area Restrictor version 2.4 1562512821 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- Access to the menu from the second cube

βœ”οΈ Patched :
- Fixed when the second cube can be moved with the physgun. Once the persistence is activated from the menu, you can no longer move it
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.7
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.7 1562409064 ago
πŸš€ Added :
New variable in config.lua : Allow_ACCESS_ULXRANK_IN_JOB

Note : This allows certain rank ulx access the job without being in the whitelist, The Whitelist continues to block thoose who are not in the whitelist. With this you no longer need to touch custom check then you can clean it.
In this example : The job called : "Job_test" can be join by the users with the ULX rank superadmin without be in the whitelist.
Music areas system v1.5
Update released of Music areas system version 1.5 1562205348 ago
πŸš€ Added :
It is now possible to create a zone in a zone. The music will switch in priority to the next zone. And the place name will be displayed.
Remove some useless print.
Optimisation, The rate of the thinks is slowed down to preserve the CPU server side.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.5
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.5 1560852912 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Clear the variable default_agenda in the configfile. To avoid an unnecessary mistake.

⚠️ If you do not have an error, you can ignore this update.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.4
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.4 1559348080 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Add default_agenda

In version 3.4 it is possible to configure a agenda by default. It is also possible to make a single agenda for everyone. Keep it empty like this nordahl_cfg_1512.default_agenda="" to disable.

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fix incompatibility bugs with the latest update of Garry's mod
Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.4
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.4 1556258408 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched : Patched when some users without right can access the pannel.
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.6
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.6 1554886103 ago
πŸ’… Changed :
Some functions are assigned locally. This has a positive effect on performance and safety.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.3
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.3 1554203754 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- Agenda can be accessed now by players.
- Agenda work also with categories jobs name. To avoid create several same agenda for the jobs in the same categorie.
- Show/Hide Seconds in the HUD with the new configuration variable : SHOW_SECONDS_IN_HUD
- New skin of HUD more clean.
- The agendas are automatically assigned to the HUD when the player chooses another agenda.
Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.3
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.3 1553186997 ago
Improvement of npcs spawn categorie.
If you spawn a group of npcs the collision is now not a problem.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.2
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.2 1552852580 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- Add Encodage and Decodage system for aloow the users use special char in jobs name.

βœ”οΈ Patched :
- Compatibility with data file system
Music areas system v1.4
Update released of Music areas system version 1.4 1550940616 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Patched mode 1, when the music is too loud and the volume does not change.
Gmod Job Agenda Editor v3.1
Update released of Gmod Job Agenda Editor version 3.1 1548821203 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Agenda Automated assignment when a user changes jobs.
New fresh Skin
Agenda Name Editor
Security Improvement

Special Thank for DinamikZ ( Arthur ) for the Hot Beverage. β˜• ^^
Gmod Area Restrictor v2.3
Update released of Gmod Area Restrictor version 2.3 1546527847 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- Add Option Show/Hide Whitecube.
- Add Wiki Question 15 with more information about it.
- Reskin of the panels.
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.5
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.5 1546445671 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- API for external and developer Scripts that would like to use the functions of the White list, for example for NPCs job changer.
- Debug Commands to test the API
- Update of the wiki about the use of the API (Question 18 - 19 in the wiki)
Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.2
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.2 1544344716 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched : -Fixed glitch reported in one of the tickets by Jean Marc, when you use the cleanup button the cube becomes white and no longer works. Download version 2.2 if you have this problem otherwise you can continue to live peacefully with unicorns and vikings.
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v4.4
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 4.4 1542019183 ago
πŸš€ Added :
- Job classification system of jobs in categories instead of displaying everything. Guaranteed time savings for admins.
- Compatibility of the new system with the context menu
- Visual enhancement of the right click menu.
- Button to remove a job from the whitelist. Useful when it is old job that no longer exists on your server. (wiki question 16 add about it)

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