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Norda Scripts


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โญ๏ธ 1332 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 4

NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.4
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.4 1723681975 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
You can now duplicate a created job by right-clicking on it and clicking on Duplicate.

โšก Optimization
Reduces bandwidth usage by 2 per connection.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v3.2
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 3.2 1723594582 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Corrects the spawn point duplication system.
Fix timer change when playing with this command: nord_npcspawn_enable_all
Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System v2.6
Update released of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System version 2.6 1723500623 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added command to eliminate duplicated merchands in the same position : norda_debug_eliminate_3947_duplicates
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.2
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.2 1723497867 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Add meta function DarkRP Alias: player:getJobTable()

Add Global:
- GetJobTable(id)
- GetJobTableByName(job_name)

๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Small adjustment to the job expiry system.
Zero Gamemode - Empty Base Gamemode v1.1
Update released of Zero Gamemode - Empty Base Gamemode version 1.1 1723116676 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Client Performance Improvements
We have disabled several client-side hooks to improve the overall performance of Garry's Mod. Each deactivation can be commented on in the init.lua and cl_init.lua files.

Loading and Menus:

OnGamemodeLoaded: Disabled to reduce initial loading time.
CreateMenuBar: Disabled to reduce memory usage related to unused user interfaces.
Spawn Icons and Tools:

SpawniconGenerated: Disabled to reduce the time and resources needed to generate spawn icons.
AddToolMenuCategories: Disabled to minimize memory used by unnecessary tool menu categories.
PostReloadToolsMenu: Disabled to reduce resources used for reloading tool menus.
Graphical Rendering:

RenderScene: Disabled to improve overall graphical performance.
RenderSuperDoF: Disabled to reduce GPU load related to Depth of Field.
RenderStereoscopy: Disabled to improve performance on setups not requiring stereoscopic rendering.
RenderScreenspaceEffects: Disabled various screen space effects (RenderToyTown, RenderBokeh, RenderBloom, RenderTexturize, RenderColorModify, RenderMaterialOverlay, RenderMotionBlur, RenderSharpen, RenderSobel) for a significant FPS increase.
Updates and Commands:

Tick: Disabled to reduce CPU load from frequent updates.
Think: Various hooks (NotificationThink, DOFThink, DragNDropThink) disabled to optimize performance.
User Input:

GUIMouseReleased: Disabled to reduce input processing time.
GUIMousePressed: Disabled to optimize performance related to user interactions.
VGUIMousePressed: Disabled to minimize processing of unused GUI inputs.
HUD and Interface:

HUDPaint: Disabled to improve UI rendering performance.
PopulateMenuBar: Disabled to reduce CPU load when populating menus.
PopulateToolMenu: Disabled to optimize performance by reducing unnecessary operations on tool menus.
Additional Visual Effects:

RenderScreenspaceEffects (RenderToyTown, RenderBokeh, RenderBloom, RenderTexturize, RenderColorModify, RenderMaterialOverlay, RenderMotionBlur, RenderSharpen, RenderSobel): All disabled to reduce GPU load and improve FPS.
Network Variables and Other Features:

EntityNetworkedVarChanged: Disabled to improve network performance.
PreDrawHalos: Disabled to optimize halo rendering around entities.
To comment to disable the modification, add the appropriate comments (--) in the init.lua and cl_init.lua files.

-- hook.Remove("OnGamemodeLoaded", "YourHookFunctionName")
-- hook.Remove("CreateMenuBar", "YourHookFunctionName")
-- hook.Remove("RenderScene", "YourHookFunctionName")
-- etc.
Gmod Guilds Chest System v1.8
Update released of Gmod Guilds Chest System version 1.8 1723067329 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added command to eliminate duplicate entries: norda_debug_eliminate_duplicates
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker v3.6
Update released of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker version 3.6 1723042823 ago
โœ”๏ธ Compatibility
Compatibility update with new script NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor
Gmod Documents Editor system v1.4
Update released of Gmod Documents Editor system version 1.4 1723039740 ago
โšก Optimization
Huge and important optimisation.

โœ”๏ธ Patch
The clean up button in sandbox mode deletes documents, but they reappear smoothly
Once again, you can spawn documents from the Gmod spawnmenu.
NCredit - Premium Currency Mod v1.8
Update released of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod version 1.8 1723034772 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
If you need to run the command from your website
Add the rcon command:
add_premium_credits "steamid64_buyer" amount
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.1
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.1 1722995197 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added system for manually adding weapons to a job by their class name.
Added the possibility of adding playermodels by inserting their path directly.
Added a button to clear the entire NJob database.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Improved DarkRP job extraction system.
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v4.9
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 4.9 1722857733 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
You can manage the NJob features administration tool from the Admin menu.
Added shortcut to open NJob menu
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v3.9
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 3.9 1722855119 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Compatibility with NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor - Addon | The best alternative Jobs System to DarkRP

๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Aesthetic enhancement
Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame v1.9
Update released of Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame version 1.9 1722734174 ago
โšก Optimization
Workshop resource size optimisation: Before 8.362 MB, After 1.3 MB

๐Ÿš€ Added
Addition of a new avatar mode displayable on HUD: Circular Mode 2. More optimized way than mode 1. Mode 1 is retained for preferences.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v3.1
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 3.1 1721773441 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Add in the config file: npcDisappearCheckCycle

cfg.npcDisappearCheckCycle=1 -- Defines the check cycle in seconds if the NPC disappears after the player has moved away. 0 = the time defined by the spawn cycle. Greater than 0 defines the time in seconds of the check cycle.
Gmod Leveling System v5.1
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 5.1 1721651728 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
PvP Server mode added: The option is activated from the modules panel: Killing any other player gives XP.
Gmod Leveling System v5.0
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 5.0 1721637805 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Compatibility with the TTT2 group system.

Added the mod_xpkill_team module and modified the mod_xpkill_faction module.

mod_xpkill_faction = Killing a player from another faction (DarkRP job group or NJOB) gives XP.
mod_xpkill_team = Killing a player from another team earns XP.

Don't forget to reset the modules (the blue button at top right to see the new option appear).
Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System v2.1
Update released of Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System version 2.1 1721353983 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's fatigue stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Sleep system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Ammo System + HUDs v1.9
Update released of Gmod Ammo System + HUDs version 1.9 1721353958 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Ammo items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Hunger Mod + Customizable HUD v3.3
Update released of Gmod Hunger Mod + Customizable HUD version 3.3 1721353941 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's hunger stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Food system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator v2.7
Update released of Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator version 2.7 1721353926 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's mana stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Mana system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker v3.5
Update released of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker version 3.5 1721353905 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's wallet stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Money system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Stamina System + Editable HUD v3.1
Update released of Gmod Stamina System + Editable HUD version 3.1 1721353885 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's stamina stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Stamina system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Thirst Mod + HUD Builder v2.9
Update released of Gmod Thirst Mod + HUD Builder version 2.9 1721353868 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's Thirst stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Thirst system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Advanced Inventory System v6.9
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 6.9 1721353852 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's Inventory stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Backpacks items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Karma + Reputation System v1.8
Update released of Gmod Karma + Reputation System version 1.8 1721353826 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Changes to a character's Karma stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Karma system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager v2
Update released of Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager version 2 1721353813 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Keypads items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.