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โญ๏ธ 1369 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 38

Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v5.4
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 5.4 1617932922 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
+Added variable to Disable access of player:IsAdmin() and player:IsSuperAdmin()
+Optimisation of Right Checker

In config file :
cfg.Allow_Admin=0 --0= Disable access of player:IsAdmin() (gmod admin checker)
cfg.Allow_SUPER_Admin=1 --0= Disable access of player:IsSuperAdmin() (gmod superadmin checker)
Job Whitelist system - DarkRP v5.3
Update released of Job Whitelist system - DarkRP version 5.3 1617807945 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
+Add Delayed_reception variable in config file.

-- Some administration systems are slow to provide the admin role depending on the servers that have their database slowed down due to overuse.
-- For optimization reasons my whitelist needs to know if you are an administrator to send resources to the administrator connection.
-- So if you don't have the role then at that moment you don't receive anything and when you try to open the menu you see this message,
-- Delayed_reception=5 corrects this by setting a delay of 5 seconds.
-- Set it to 0 if you don't have this problem.
-- This problem does not exist in the whitelist systems which are even slower
-- 0=Disable the delay


This update patch also this problem.

Whitelist System: You are not Admin
You did not admin when you joined the server. You are missing information. Please reconnect. Thank you.
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.5
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.5 1617657133 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add variable to customise the fonts : cfg.custom_fonts="Trebuchet24"
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.4
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.4 1617155076 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+ Return to its original position, After a teleportation you can turn the user to his original position.
+ Give Weapons, give a weapon or tool to a user. Click and the list appears.
+ Tab Visibility : Become invisible in the scoreboard. The players do not see you in the scoreboard. Useful for silent administration, or playing.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
+ Goto, Bring, Teleportation : The players appear face to face after a teleportation of one of its three commands. The return position is also memorized.
+ Add some icons
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.3
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.3 1617059252 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+We can release the menu tab button while we perform actions in the Scoreboard (Suggestion by [LN] Tuski โšก)
+Allow you to choose the amount of HP you want to give back to the players (Suggestion by [LN] Tuski โšก)
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.2
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.2 1617056082 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+Admin Command to reset the colors setting of the scoreboard : nord_scoreboard_color_reset
+Add variable in config file :
cfg.keep_tab_pressed=1 //0 = You can released and press againt to close, 1 = Keep Pressed to maintain the scoreboard open
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.1
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.1 1616974671 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
The users download the image only one time. Even for the futurs sessions. Image is stored in folder : data / nordahl_scoreboardeditor
Call the F4 Panel from the interface (for some gamemode with F4 button disabled or as shortcut)

๐Ÿš€ Added :
Write the reason of kick in a panel
Select the number of damage point with the admin's action
Create a pack content only for the workshop for the icons.
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v1.9
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 1.9 1616974508 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add compatibility with SAM Admin
Add compatibility with Gmod Scoreboard Editable
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v1.4
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 1.4 1615959221 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added console commands :

Command to delete all loot points on the map : nord_npcspawn_cleanup
Deactivate all loot points without deleting them : nord_npcspawn_enable_all 0 : 1 = edit mode enable, 0 = disabled
Hide all cubes : nord_npc_hide_all_cubemodel
Show all cubes : nord_npc_show_all_cubemodel
Make all Npcs Spawn Persistent : nord_npc_spawn_persistent 1 (0 to disable persistance of all Npcs Spawn Point)
Spawn one Npcs Spawn point without spawn menu (for game modes that do not have a spawnmenu) : spawn_nordahl_npcs_system
Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 v1.6
Update released of Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 version 1.6 1615915113 ago
Adapt the content to the new DRM.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v1.2
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 1.2 1615915089 ago
Adapt the content to the new DRM.
Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.8
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.8 1615910042 ago
Correct a conflict. Update required.
Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 v1.5
Update released of Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 version 1.5 1615909925 ago
Replacement of a Global variable. Avoiding a conflict with other scripts in my collection.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v1.1
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 1.1 1615909867 ago
Replacement of a Global variable. Avoiding a conflict with other scripts in my collection.
Gmod Area Restrictor v2.8
Update released of Gmod Area Restrictor version 2.8 1614548123 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+Add compatibility with Sam Admin System
Gmod Safezones Systems v3.3
Update released of Gmod Safezones Systems version 3.3 1614424628 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+ Add variable to Force everyone to see/hide the Limit of the safezones(white lines)

nordahl_cfg_1364.Players_DrawLimit = 1		--(Defaut 0) 0=Disabled | 1= Enabled

+ Add the question 18 in the wiki.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
+ Optimisation Clientside
+ Optimisation Serberside
Gmod Compass Systems v1.8
Update released of Gmod Compass Systems version 1.8 1614193603 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added a variable allowing to disable the compass drop with the right click. (See the question 4 in the wiki)
Gmod Safezones Systems v3.1
Update released of Gmod Safezones Systems version 3.1 1613999456 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
+ Compatibility with nextbot deletion system entering the zone
+ Added examples of functional class name in the configuration file, in the variable: Nordahl_NPCS_Blacklist
For those who do not go through the script wiki on the site.

๐Ÿš€ Improved :
+ Arrangement of the structure in the configuration file
Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod v4.3
Update released of Player Spawn Point Editor for Gmod version 4.3 1612040528 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Compatibility with Sam Admin
S.A.C.S Gmod Server map Optimizer v2.9
Update released of S.A.C.S Gmod Server map Optimizer version 2.9 1611910535 ago
Add compatibility with SAM admin system
Gmod Safezones Systems v3.0
Update released of Gmod Safezones Systems version 3.0 1611104365 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
When the persistence of the safeszones is activated, they can no longer be moved to the physgun.
Gmod Discord Logging System v2.0
Update released of Gmod Discord Logging System version 2.0 1611101987 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Config File : nordahl_cfg_3905.deterrence_Notification=1

1= Alerts less serious players that the server is logging user activity
0= Disabled

๐Ÿš€ Documentation updated:

Added Question 9 : What to do with the folder web_file? Where to upload it?
Added Question 10 : How do I know if my web server works well with PhP and also with Curl?
Gmod Discord Logging System v1.9
Update released of Gmod Discord Logging System version 1.9 1608613875 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Patch the webhook system
Automatic replace the link client side
Fixed Lua Error server side when a Non Player Entity trigger the hook.
Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 v1.4
Update released of Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 version 1.4 1608431858 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch :
1.When you activate the system with the command (nord_lootspawnpoint2_enable_all 0 or 1) there is this Lua error that prevents the opening of the menu.
2. Lua error on the client side when deleting a loot point while trying to open it at the same time.
3. Corrected after reboot the system doesn't work anymore. This was caused by the luck system.

If you meet one of this problem on your server you can install this update.
Here you don't remove something that doesn't work anymore. It is improved and corrected.

Credit :
Thank Vagabond for your reports
Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 v1.3
Update released of Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 version 1.3 1608341863 ago
Update of the config file of Loot Spawn Point Editor 2
Scripts Command Center v1.4
Update released of Scripts Command Center version 1.4 1608341688 ago
Update of the config file of Scripts Command Center
Gmod Discord Logging System v1.8
Update released of Gmod Discord Logging System version 1.8 1608341661 ago
Update of the config file of Gmod Discord Logging System
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v1.7
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 1.7 1608341645 ago
Update of the config file of DarkRP F4 Menu customizable