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Norda Scripts


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⭐️ 1369 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 37

Gmod Safezones Systems v3.4
Update released of Gmod Safezones Systems version 3.4 1620136361 ago
Optimisation serverside of the spheric safezone system
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.6
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.6 1619997878 ago
✔️ Patched :
When you block access to the console for players, those who still have permission cannot open the escape menu.
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.5
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.5 1619799913 ago
🧱 Improved :
Improves MOTD text field editing
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.4
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.4 1619790824 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixed a conflict with gui.OpenURL() of Garry's Mod. Reported by [GI] Whiskey
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.3
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.3 1619787608 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixed when the link does not work when the console locker is activated.

🚀 Added :
Added a variable to hide the top right palette when the user is not admin.
In config file of your server :
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.5
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.5 1619653442 ago
🧱 Improved :
Sometimes you have a red error model instead of the Job image in your F4 menu. This update allows you to force the image to be refreshed when the model exists. And avoids the red model error in your DarkRP job images.

Thank "Boruto is LMAO" for your report.
Report Tickets System - Gmod v1.3
Update released of Report Tickets System - Gmod version 1.3 1619644576 ago
🚀 Added :
Add chat command "@" to Initiate a recall in chat : To Open the panel: /report

To disable it in config file :
nordahl_cfg_3909.admin_chat_recall=1 -- Player type @ and he receive a message about he can open a ticket with /report

Add console command : report_ticket_remember to launch a remember in the chat. If you wish to use a different system for advertisements.
Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 v1.7
Update released of Gmod Loot Spawn Point Editor 2 version 1.7 1619640293 ago
🚀 Added :
Added in config file a variable to show or hide cube of players with admin rank.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v1.6
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 1.6 1619640266 ago
✔️ Patched :
Patched the button "Hide All Cube". Command was wrong.

🚀 Added :
Added in config file a variable to show or hide cube of players with admin rank.
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.7
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.7 1619195268 ago
🚀 Added :
Add SetTeam : Change the Job of a user, Generate the list of Job, sorted per categories of Job
SetMoney : Give or Remove Money of Users
Invisibility : Make the weapons and the player Invisible / Visible
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.7
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.7 1619187919 ago
🧱 Improved :
When a player is reanimated the Deathscreen is automatically removed. Compatible with all reanimation addons.
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.6
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.6 1619101548 ago
🚀 Added :
Set the donator rank to choose who respawn more faster.

In config file :
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v1.6
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 1.6 1619098581 ago
🚀 Added :
Add Spectate / UnSpectate
Add Cleanup Entities of the user / Or All entities

🧱 Improved :
Create and add new icons
Reduction of the file size
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.2
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.2 1618987461 ago
🕳️ Optimisation :
Optimise the size of the addon from 500ko to 46ko
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.4
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.4 1618986118 ago
🧱 Improved :
Optimized the size of the folder 361ko > 107ko (materials include)

✔️ Patched :

[nordahl_f4_menu] lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:103: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
1. pairs - [C]:-1
2. WriteTable - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:103
3. unknown - addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_f4menu.lua:86

Timer Failed! [nord_f4_getskin_1][@addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_f4menu.lua (line 83)]
Loot Spawn Point Editor v2.9
Update released of Loot Spawn Point Editor version 2.9 1618982010 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixed Lua error in the panel :

[nordahl_loot_ent_spawn_editor] addons/nordahl_loot_ent_spawn_editor/lua/entities/ent_spawn_point/cl_init.lua:919: bad argument #1 to 'SetMaterial' (IMaterial expected, got string)
1. SetMaterial - [C]:-1
2. unknown - addons/nordahl_loot_ent_spawn_editor/lua/entities/ent_spawn_point/cl_init.lua:919
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v1.1
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 1.1 1618926554 ago
🔑 Security :
Add variable in the config file to allow to lock the console access for some users who are not admin

-----Security and console access-----
/*########## Console_Access
0 = Console is not accessible for everyone
1 = Only Admin can open the console in game
2 = Everyone can open the console
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v1.5
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 1.5 1618844792 ago
🚀 Added :
Add variable in the config file.

You can change the maximum value of the interface with a simple variable in the configuration file.

Add question 18 about it, in the documentation of this scripts
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.5
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.5 1618706846 ago
✔️ Patched :
Patch a conflict. Replace a local variable with a global variable for compatibility with my F4 menu and bulletin board system.
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.4
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.4 1618702424 ago
🧱 Improved :
Improvement of the real time update system.
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.3
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.3 1618701193 ago
🧱 Improved :
Corrected when the F4 menu is not modified in real time.
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.2
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.2 1618612950 ago
✔️ Patch :
Patch Lua error : attempt to call field 'Nord_f4editor_Save' (a nil value)
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.3
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.3 1618612920 ago
🧱 Improved :
Change some variable in the config file
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.2
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.2 1618360109 ago
✔️ Patched :
Lua Error "eRight is nil" was fixed
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.1
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.1 1618203348 ago
🧱 Improved :
The button to write a message to support opens the ticket system directly if it is installed
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v1.1
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 1.1 1618193007 ago
🚀 Added :
Created Workshop Ressource here Workshop - Garry's Mod - Gmod Deathscreen Customisable - CONTENT ONLY

The pack contains the icons.
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v2.0
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 2.0 1618192041 ago
Dev message FR : Mise à jour du système de configuration des images d'arrière-plan et de bannière. Auparavant, vous deviez télécharger une image dans un pack de contenu vers l'atelier (vous saviez aussi comment le faire !), ajouter le pack de contenu à votre collection d'ateliers, modifier le chemin et redémarrer le serveur. Maintenant, vous copiez le lien et vous avez terminé.
Le système a été repensé suite à des suggestions, maintenant il suffit de copier l'url d'une image et cela change le fond instantanément. L'image sera chargée une fois lors de la première utilisation et mise en cache dans le fichier de données du client.

Dev message US : Updated the system for setting up background and banner images. Previously you had to upload an image in a content pack to the workshop (you knew how to do that too!), add the content pack to your workshop collection, change the path and restart the server. Now you copy the link and you're done.
The system has been redesigned following suggestions, now you just copy the url of an image and it changes the background instantly. The image will be loaded once on first use and cached in the client data file.

🚮 Removed :
+ Removed debug_dl_from_server_store, is no longer used, before it was necessary to share the background or have it uploaded to the workshop. Now your background image is stored on the web and uploaded only once in the data file.
cfg.debug_dl_from_server_store=1 // is now removed

+ Removed old image system

🚀 Added :
+Add new image storage with just a simple URL of your image.
+Created and linked the : Workshop ressource pack - content only
+Add the use of resource.AddWorkshop("2453425439"), it can be disabled with the variable USeWorkshopContent in the config file.
In the config file :
cfg_f4.USeWorkshopContent=1 // Enable 1 / Disable 0

+Add Preset in the config file :
-- 0 = Starwars base create by Norda
-- 1 = Hogwarts base create by Norda
-- 2 = Manga RP base create by Norda
-- 3 = HalloRP RP base create by Norda
cfg.skin_preset = 0