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โญ๏ธ 1332 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 3

Gmod Advanced Inventory System v7.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 7.3 1729640094 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Weapons and ammunition are saved when you change jobs.
Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System v2.8
Update released of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System version 2.8 1729602969 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Inflation system added. NPCs in their dialog indicate when inflation is in progress on the server. This makes it very easy to modify all in-game prices according to how the server's economic health is doing, without having to modify every price manually. The multiplier in the configuration file will do the job very easily: cfg.inflation_multiplier

๐Ÿ“œ Configuration file
----- Currency -----
cfg.inflation_multiplier= 2 -- 1 Is the base. To divide by two the prices in game make 0.5. To multiply by 2 just put 2. 2 = 200%
Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v3.5
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 3.5 1729528798 ago
๐Ÿ“œ Configuration file
cfg.zworld_lock_map_Button = 0 -- 1 = Lock map buttons, for optimization reasons, it is set on 1 by default. Also for gamemplay reasons, it prevents the game from bypassing generic locks.

The camera effect can now be disabled:
cfg.camera_wobble_sway_effect = 1 --move left/right fast/slow when aiming down sight there is like a wobble/sway effect

โšก Optimization
Rework and Optimizing the karma system.
Optimization of the alteration system.

โœ”๏ธ Patch
Hemorrhage display patch.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved
State changes are saved in real time, so you don't have to bypass them by disconnecting. This is taken into account for infection, poisoning, haemorrhage, burning, alkolaemia and shock.

The Karma system has been reworked and is now more optimized and customizable, allowing you to set bonuses and maluses for kills yourself. And also the name of reputation ranks.

๐Ÿ“œ Configuration file
----- Karma System -----
-- Karma kill points --
cfg.karma_kill_superbandit = 50
cfg.karma_kill_bandit = 300
cfg.karma_kill_neutral = -50
cfg.karma_kill_friendly = -250
cfg.karma_kill_hero = -400
-- Set Karma Rank: Names / Limit / Color --
{"Super Bandit",0,Color(225,0,0)},
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v5.1
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 5.1 1729382171 ago
๐Ÿš€ Add
9 role options configurable from the administration menu.

-Physgun: Can carry a player with the Physgun
-Physgun: Can freeze / Unfreeze a player with the Physgun
-Physgun: Cannot kill a player by dropping him from above with the Physgun
-Spawn limit of props
-Spawn limit of npcs
-Spawn limit of ragdolls
-Spawn limit of vehicle
-Spawn limit of entities
-Can spawn SWEPS

Don't forget to reset the roles to show the new options.

๐Ÿ“œ Files edited
NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system v1.4
Update released of NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system version 1.4 1729347057 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fixes the bug that when you throw the hook into the water nothing happens with some playermodels.

๐Ÿ“œ Files edited
Gmod Teleportation Portal v1.8
Update released of Gmod Teleportation Portal version 1.8 1729239290 ago
๐Ÿงฐ Lua Error fix
[norda_teleportation_system] cl_norda_teleportation_system.lua:544: attempt to concatenate field 'radius' (a nil value)
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.8
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.8 1729035676 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Lua Error fix: [norda_njob_creator] .../cl_norda_njob_mod.lua:1537: attempt to index local 'v2' (a number value)
Gmod Resources Collecting System v2.1
Update released of Gmod Resources Collecting System version 2.1 1729034517 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Pressing Use repeatedly during the collect time no longer resets the collect time.
Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager v2.1
Update released of Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager version 2.1 1729032730 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fix black screen in key menu
Gmod Teleportation Portal v1.7
Update released of Gmod Teleportation Portal version 1.7 1728653276 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Add an option to force a player to teleport, so that as soon as he enters the teleporter's radius, the transition is triggered without having to press USE. Possibility of choosing the radius per teleporter.
Gmod Stamina System + Editable HUD v3.2
Update released of Gmod Stamina System + Editable HUD version 3.2 1728650346 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Adds a variable to the HUD management menu to make the stamina bar disappear when the HUD is at its maximum.
Don't forget to reset the HUD from the menu to see the option displayed.
NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System v2.0
Update released of NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System version 2.0 1728647874 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
2 powerful options added to ranks settings. You'll need to reset the ranks to use them.

Option #1: "Get Grade: Get this Grade if you get this job. Empty = OFF or Job Name or Job Categorie",
Option #2: "Get Job: Get the Job if you get this Grade. Empty = OFF or Job Name",

Screenshot of NRank panel options location

Add API:
Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor v3.7
Update released of Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor version 3.7 1728641123 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Replaces player:SetArmor to correct malfunctions.

โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fix Lua Error when you set cfg.MaxHealth_Mod=-1 (Ignore the overide of GetMaxHealth.) and cfg.MaxArmor_define_per_lvl=2 (Max armor is equal Max Health)
NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system v1.3
Update released of NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system version 1.3 1728338834 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added the ability to set bait wear when a fish pecks at the bait.
cfg.bait_wear=10 --Each time the fish bites, 10% of the bait's durability is removed.

โœ”๏ธ Patch
Patched when, from the admin menu, you set a player's max fishing level manually higher than the max level you have set in the config file (cfg.Lvl_Max=20) .

๐Ÿงฐ Lua Error fix
Fixed Lua Error: SDClr - [C]:-1 radientd - */cl_norda_fishing_system.lua:42

๐Ÿ“œ Files edited
NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system v1.2
Update released of NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system version 1.2 1728224586 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added a variable to customize the warning sound when a fish passes near the bait.

Reduces fish abundance to normal levels:

โœ”๏ธ Patch
Server-side Lua error when stamina script is not installed and stamina usage is enabled in the module.
NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system v1.1
Update released of NFish - The optimized GMod fishing game system version 1.1 1728171348 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
To monetize a Gmod server with NFish, NPCs buy back fish at a higher price from VIP members of your server. This option was added in version 1.1.

To define the VIP groups concerned by the advantage of buying back fish, use the cfg.VIP_GROUP variable in the configuration file:


The number is the multiplier.
Gmod Weapon Menu Creator (Customizable Weapon Selector Mod) v3.0
Update released of Gmod Weapon Menu Creator (Customizable Weapon Selector Mod) version 3.0 1728169915 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fixes the realtime refresh problem.
Gmod Advanced Inventory System v7.2
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 7.2 1727998175 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Major aesthetic update.

๐Ÿš€ Added
Add tabs to the information menu: Status / Information / Progress
Displays Lockpicking skill progress information.
Displays information on fishing skill progress.

Add variables to the configuration file for displaying information in the inventory:

cfg.Script_LockPick = 1 -- Show Lockpick system + Skill Progress
cfg.Script_NJob = 1 -- Show NJob - Job Creator and Editor
cfg.Script_NFish = 1 -- Show NFish - Fishing game system + Skill Progress

โšก Optimization
Reduce code size.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v3.3
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 3.3 1726531157 ago
โšก Optimization
Optimization of server- and client-side code size.
Optimization of server-side functions.

โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fixes a bug that altered the timer when moving away from a zone during a cycle.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Interface reskin
The NPC delete button also resets the timer for the point's next spawn.
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.7
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.7 1725831199 ago
๐Ÿš€ Add
add player:isArrested() --return false. This avoids Lua errors with certain scripts created by default for DarkRP.
Zero Gamemode - Empty Base Gamemode v1.2
Update released of Zero Gamemode - Empty Base Gamemode version 1.2 1725830921 ago
๐Ÿš€ Add
Add GM.Config variable
Gmod Advanced Inventory System v7.1
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 7.1 1725488659 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fixed weapon duplication glitch.

๐Ÿš€ Add
Add API to save all inventory system (+ weapons equiped + ammos): player:NInv_Save_All()
Gmod Dynamic Map Switching - World Expansion v1.3
Update released of Gmod Dynamic Map Switching - World Expansion version 1.3 1725399783 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Patch the Lua error when entering a map switch zone when it's not finished being configured.

[norda_dynamic_map_switching] addons / norda_dynamic_map_switching / lua / autorun / nordahl_sv /sv_norda_dynamic_map_switching.lua: 206 : bad argument #1 to '__add' (Vector expected, got string)
Gmod Advanced Inventory System v7.0
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 7.0 1725396215 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Fix when spamming the inventory button sometimes only the character is displayed and the information window.
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.6
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.6 1724198833 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved
Custom checks and added variables are checked before being added to the database. This ensures that if a Lua error occurs in your synthaxis, it is ignored. The menu will close and a message will tell you that you have made an error when setting up the Custom Check.
Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System v2.7
Update released of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System version 2.7 1724151767 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Players can no longer switch to the admin menu even if they couldn't make any changes.
NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor v1.5
Update released of NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor version 1.5 1724150379 ago
โŒ Removed
Suppression of the stress function in the duplication system