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โญ๏ธ 1203 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 29

DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v3.1
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 3.1 1640216057 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Patched this Lua error when you try to spam the button F4 in same time you change the job.

[nordahl_f4_menu] addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_f4menu.lua:249: attempt to call method 'Close' (a nil value)
1. DoClick - addons/nordahl_f4_menu/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_f4menu.lua:249
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:237
Gmod NPC Reward Manager v1.1
Update released of Gmod NPC Reward Manager version 1.1 1640199776 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Upload the ressources on the workshop
Add Workshop id for the contents (option of download can be disabled in the configuration file)
Gmod Leveling System v1.4
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 1.4 1640044176 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
The management menu becomes a simple server ranking for non-admin users.

๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add Compatibility with Gmod admins System and other admin mods.
Gmod Store Builder v2.1
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 2.1 1640008344 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add variable Money_Lost_when_die : The user loses a percentage of the money he has in his inventory.

In the config file :
cfg.Money_Lost_when_die=50 -- 50% is amount of money lost when the user die. 0 = OFF
Gmod Store Builder v2.0
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 2.0 1639962714 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Uses its own database. Players will get their money back when they log in and come back to play on your server. Even without DarkRP installed.

If DarkRP is not installed the following variables have been rewritten to allow the scripts that depend on them to run anyway.


Question number 14 added in tutorial about this update.
Gmod Leveling System v1.3
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 1.3 1639915698 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Add level Minimum
Add level Maximum
Impossible to have a level outside the range of the minimum and maximum level
Gmod Leveling System v1.2
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 1.2 1639870225 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Set Manual XP per level
Gmod Leveling System v1.1
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 1.1 1639869593 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Displays the position in the players ranking.
Gmod Leveling System v1.0
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 1.0 1639864945 ago
Initial version
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v2.3
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 2.3 1639691227 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Scoreboard displaying the level of the players via a leveling system. Work also on DarkRP or without gamemodes.

Added a variable to hide the job categories in the scoreboard. In the config file find : cfg.Hide_Categorie_listing = 0
Gmod Advanced Chat Multi-channel Customizable v1.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Chat Multi-channel Customizable version 1.3 1639134555 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added variable Enable_Chat_Command in the config file To allow the use or not of chat commands from the chat.

cfg.Enable_Chat_Command = 1

1: To activate
0: To Disable

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Optimization of the configuration file size.
Gmod Store Builder v1.9
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.9 1638635862 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Some DarkRP configurations store the money variable as a string. This update brings compatibility to that.
S.A.C.S Gmod Server map Optimizer v3.1
Update released of S.A.C.S Gmod Server map Optimizer version 3.1 1638616664 ago
๐Ÿš€ Huge optimisation :

Reduce the size file to 194kb to 104kb clientside

Add variable cfg.Download_with_a_command in config file : cfg.Download_with_a_command = 0

cfg.Download_with_a_command = 0

Before version 3.1 all the content of the table was downloaded by all the staff members.
0 = Download automatic when the admins join (some time useless to keep it).
1 = Allows to start the download only when requested by the user with the command: dl_sacs
Music areas system v2.4
Update released of Music areas system version 2.4 1638613850 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
For those who have problems with the configuration of their maps and wish to move cubes through walls, I have added a command that allows you to teleport the last point touched with the physgun to your position.

In video : Teleport a point outside a closed room

Command added : tp_last_touched_point
Gmod Scoreboard Editable v2.2
Update released of Gmod Scoreboard Editable version 2.2 1638280469 ago
The update 2.2 of this addon - Gmod Scoreboard Editor - allow to hide the DarkRP jobs name of the users from the scoreboard. For those who want to put forward the anti meta gaming.

๐Ÿš€ Added :
In the config file added the possibility to Hide the DarkRP job name of the users from the tabmenu. This is useful if you want a Roleplay without meta-gaming elements.

In the config file find :
cfg.Hide_jobs_list = 0 //0 = Show jobs name in the scoreboard, 1 = Hide DarkRP jobs in the scoreboard
DarkRP F4 Customizable menu v3.0
Update released of DarkRP F4 Customizable menu version 3.0 1638198948 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
In the config file added the possibility to Hide the DarkRP job list if you do not want users on your server to select jobs from the f4 menu. This is useful if access to the jobs is only given by an Npcs or Admin via a Gmod Admin menu

In the config gile find :
cfg.Hide_jobs_list = 0 //0 = Draw all jobs, 1 = Hide list of DarkRP jobs

Check the id in the list in cfg.Screen, "jobs"= when the users open the first time the panel F4, the jobs list is selected. By exemple for the Home of the F4 panel replace the value by "home"

cfg.First_Button_Actived = "jobs"
Gmod Youtube Manager System v2.9
Update released of Gmod Youtube Manager System version 2.9 1638183519 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add Two variable in the config file :

cfg.Admin_master_volume = 0 // 1= The level of the volume selected by the launcher (Admin) is also applied for everyone, 0= Users is free to choose the volume he want (by default = 0)

cfg.User_cant_disable = 0 // 1= Users cant disable, 0= Users is free to disable (by default = 0)

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Reduction of the file size on the client side from 66kb to 50kb
Gmod Store Builder v1.8
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.8 1638090805 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Important update In the storage method
Optimisation server side
Gmod Youtube Manager System v2.8
Update released of Gmod Youtube Manager System version 2.8 1638076584 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add link of tutorials in the panel, accessible by a simple button.
Replace the link of Workshop Ressource
Gmod Escape Menu Editor v2.4
Update released of Gmod Escape Menu Editor version 2.4 1635373942 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
During the last update I accidentally forgot the materials folder. Even if the resource pack on the workshop fixes this problem I prefer to fix it here.
Corrected the transparency of the banner
Gmod Store Builder v1.7
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.7 1634934814 ago
๐Ÿš€ Configuration modification :
Edit mode is enabled by default. It will be disabled by default.

โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Patch the error Lua when the user is not admin.
Gmod Store Builder v1.6
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.6 1634813619 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :

-----Gmod Collision Group and physics MECANICS-----

cfg.Physics_of_model = SOLID_VPHYSICS -- Set default Physics, see the list here https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/SOLID

cfg.Merchand_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_NPC -- Set default CollisionGroup, see list of collision group : https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/COLLISION_GROUP
Gmod Store Builder v1.5
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.5 1634552923 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Replaces the display of the entity's class name with the entity's PrintName.

Example :
weapon_357 = "HL2 Magnum",
weapon_ar2 = "HL2 Rifle Gun",
item_healthkit = "HL2 Med Kit",
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v2.0
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 2.0 1634550587 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Add variable in configuration file :

cfg.COLLISION_GROUP = COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS -- Collision between NPCs is disabled at spawn time to avoid collisions. At spawn time the npcs will spawn with this default collision. Before reverting to their original collision type after 3 seconds (See variable below to change this delay, Set on 3 by default).

cfg.DELAY_APPLY_COLLISION = 3 -- (By default 3 seconds) If you have a custom collision type for your specific NPCS. Then it will find its collision group after 3 seconds. If you have a system that applies a special collision to your NPCS then it will have to be assigned after its 3 seconds.

Optimisation of file size on the client side.
Gmod Store Builder v1.4
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.4 1634074484 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Replaces missing textures when entity creators have not given an image to their creation in the GMod workshop.

โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Fixe conflict with DEATH LOOT MANAGER
Gmod Store Builder v1.3
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.3 1633995261 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Modification of file names
Gmod Store Builder v1.2
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.2 1633987625 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Add the workshopid for the ressources - Servers Content only
Gmod Store Builder v1.1
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.1 1633979335 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Optimisation of the icons size
Gmod Store Builder v1.0
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 1.0 1633965130 ago
Initial version