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Norda Scripts


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⭐️ 1369 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 28

Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v2.3
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 2.3 1663838041 ago
πŸš€ Added :
+Addition of shortened buttons (Gmod Inventory System)
+Updated icons on the resource pack in the workshop and also in the product.
+The product page can be found by right-clicking on the shortened buttons. (Open link or Copy like in your clipboard)
Gmod Hunger Mod + Customizable HUD v2.3
Update released of Gmod Hunger Mod + Customizable HUD version 2.3 1663838019 ago
🧱 Improved :
+Add new style (Light Style)
+Purified interface.
+Optimisation of the backup system of Gmod Hunger Mod + Customizable HUD.
+Code optimization, size reduction.
+Merge the contents of the HUD button and STYLE allowing the Style button to be removed.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
-Removal of buttons and the action of saving at each modification.
+The system automatically saves itself only fter during modifications.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker v1.5
Update released of Gmod Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker version 1.5 1663837906 ago
🧱 Improved :
+Optimisation of the backup system of Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker.
+Code optimization, size reduction serverside and clientside.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
+Added a reset setting button at the top right of the management panel.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator v1.9
Update released of Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator version 1.9 1663837842 ago
🧱 Improved :
+Add new style (Light Style)
+Automation of the backup system.
+Purified interface.
+Optimisation of the backup system of Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator.
+Code optimization, size reduction.
+Merge the contents of the HUD button and STYLE allowing the Style button to be removed.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
-Removal of buttons and the action of saving at each modification.
+The system automatically saves itself after during modifications (Gmod antispam).

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor v2.2
Update released of Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor version 2.2 1663837779 ago
🧱 Improved :
+Add new style (Light Style)
+Automation of the backup system.
+Purified interface.
+Optimisation of the backup system of Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor.
+Code optimization, size reduction.
+Merge the contents of the HUD button and STYLE allowing the Style button to be removed.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
-Removal of buttons and the action of saving at each modification.
+The system automatically saves itself after during modifications.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame v1.2
Update released of Gmod RP Name + Avatar Editable frame version 1.2 1663837705 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
+Patch a conflict with : Gmod Weapon Menu Creator

🧱 Improved :
+Optimisation of the backup system of RP Name and Avatar Editable frame.
+Code optimization, size reduction.
+Merge the contents of the HUD button and STYLE allowing the Style button to be removed.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
-Removal of buttons and the action of saving at each modification. The system automatically saves itself after during modifications (There is no spamming possible.)
+Added a reset setting button at the top right of the administration panel.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod Leveling System v2.8
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 2.8 1663837628 ago
πŸš€ Added :
New, more modern style.
Automated backup system. No more forgetting to click the save button.
Added a reset button at the top right of the management panel.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v2.5
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 2.5 1662997807 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
The save systems of some Gmod scripts for optimization reasons only launched if the player disconnects from the server, the problem patch when the player changes character it does not save his character in progress.

This patch update takes into account the saving of :

1. Gmod Leveling System
2. Gmod Money System
3. Gmod Health Modules
4. Gmod Stamina System
5. Gmod Hunger Mod
6. Gmod Thirst Mod
7. Gmod Mana System
Gmod Leveling System v2.7
Update released of Gmod Leveling System version 2.7 1662997462 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Added a function that will be used for the Character System that I made that will stop the playtime, the xp gain per presence in game and the AFK system. When the player goes back to the character screen they have created to select another character.
Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator v1.8
Update released of Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator version 1.8 1662997281 ago
🧱 Improved :
Optimisation of the mana system.
Optimisation of mana recharge items for customisation.
Gmod Deathscreen Customisable v2.2
Update released of Gmod Deathscreen Customisable version 2.2 1662733806 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Add in the config file the variables that will allow you to disable buttons in the deathscreen easily:

cfg.Press_to_Change_Character=1 // You must have GMod Character System installed : /gmod-scripts/3931/gmod-character-creator-system
cfg.Press_to_Return_Titlescreen=1 // You must have GMod Title screen installed : /gmod-scripts/3929/gmod-server-title-screen-build
cfg.Press_to_Respawn=1 // Respawn in a new position
cfg.Press_to_Wakeup=1 // Respawn where you are dead

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Corrects when you die and the Deathscreen is not displayed. You see the ragdoll and you can't do anything else. This was a conflict with titlescreen.

🧱 Improved :
CompatibilitΓ© avec les addons Gmod Character Creator System et Gmod Title Screen.
Gmod Server Title Screen Build v1.9
Update released of Gmod Server Title Screen Build version 1.9 1662733529 ago
🧱 Improved:
Compatibility with Gmod Death Screen and Gmod Character Creator System addons.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v2.4
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 2.4 1662733436 ago
Add in the config file the variables:


Users_Can_Change_Color allows your users to change the colour of their character or block it from being displayed in the character creation menu.

Show_the_Inventory allows you to show the character's inventory or hide it.

🧱 Improved:
Compatibility with Gmod Death Screen and Gmod Title Screen addons.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v2.3
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 2.3 1662581143 ago
🧱 Improved :
Improvement of optimisation.
Like in MMORPGs, Spawn NPCs are despawned depending on the presence of players in an area. If you set the respawn to 10 minutes, if the npc is not dead it will spawn quickly when there are players in the area (which you will have set the distance so that they don't spawn in front of the players to look ugly). If the players leave the area, the npcs generated by the spawn point disappear. They will then respawn later with all their life points.

If they die then they will have to wait 10 minutes before they can respawn automatically.
Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator v2.2
Update released of Gmod NPCs Spawn Point Creator version 2.2 1662560781 ago
🧱 Improved :
Adds the DetectionPlayer_Timeheck variable to the configuration file, which separates the checking time from the respawn time.

Previously, if an npc spawned every 5 minutes, it would not be removed until the next 5 minutes.

Configuration file :
cfg.DetectionPlayer_Timeheck=2 -- sets the time in seconds to check for the existence of players in the point area that will remove NPCs in areas where there are no players on your server and spawning them where there are players. To optimise it you can set a high value.
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v1.8
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 1.8 1662514010 ago
🧱 Improved :
The name of the items is now displayed. If the name is nil, you will see the class name of the stored entity.
Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) v1.7
Update released of Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) version 1.7 1661714465 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fixes a conflict in the backup.
Corrects when in some rare cases ATMs do not spawn.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v2.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 2.3 1660913738 ago
🧱 Improved :
Compatibility with DarkRP. When the steam player nickname is displayed instead of the roleplay name.

cfg.allowrpnames allow to enable and disable it.
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v1.7
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 1.7 1660578251 ago
🧱 Improved :
Takes into account the maximum pocket limit of the darkrp
Gmod Resources Collecting System v1.1
Update released of Gmod Resources Collecting System version 1.1 1660391234 ago
πŸš€ Added :
In config file add variable to store directly in the DarkRP pocket system.

cfg.DarkRP_Pocket=0 --0 = Like when you press use on item, 1 = Store directly in the Darkrp pocket
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v2.2
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 2.2 1660379591 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Added new shortcut buttons for opening panels for my new scripts without knowing the commands for:

Gmod Resources Collecting System
Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v1.6
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 1.6 1660348574 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Added a variable to store directly in the DarkRP pocket system.

cfg.DarkRP_Pocket=0 --0 = OFF, 1 = Show the menu Store in DarkRP Pocket
Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting v1.2
Update released of Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting version 1.2 1660234958 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fix the red error model caused by the client-side effect.

πŸš€ Added :
Add variable to disable smoke: cfg.Smoke_FX=1 --0 = OFF, ON = 1.
Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting v1.1
Update released of Gmod Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting version 1.1 1660230515 ago
🧱 Improved :
The entity's models are taken into account
Gmod Discord Logging System v2.2
Update released of Gmod Discord Logging System version 2.2 1660209070 ago
βœ”οΈ Patched :
Patch this Lua Error related to "ULibPlayerKicked" :

[nordahl_discord_logs_system] bad argument #3 to 'Add' (function expected, got nil)
1. Add - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:31
2. unknown - addons/nordahl_discord_logs_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/discord_log_system_sv.lua:402
3. act_hk - addons/nordahl_discord_logs_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/discord_log_system_sv.lua:413
4. unknown - addons/nordahl_discord_logs_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/discord_log_system_sv.lua:471
5. include - [C]:-1
6. unknown - addons/nordahl_discord_logs_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_discord_log_system_init.lua:20
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker v2.1
Update released of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker version 2.1 1660136442 ago
🧱 Improved :
Change the function cfg.hudmoney_save for it work also with ULX admin system.
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker v2.0
Update released of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker version 2.0 1660076109 ago
🧱 Improved :
HUD Styles was improved

πŸš€ Added :
When the server restarts or changes map, players lose their progress. This has been improved. Another option to choose the save method has been added.

Add cfg.Save_Methods in the config file :

/* -----Save Methods-----
1 = Money is Save only when user disconnect (It will optimize your database. You need a stable server.).
2 = Money is Save every time the money is edited (Secure, if the server crash the user dont lost money).
cfg.Save_Methods=1 // (by default = 1)

βœ”οΈ Patched :

Sometime the payday and reward system was stopped. The pay and reward system timer was now fixed.
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v1.5
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 1.5 1659662888 ago
πŸš€ Added :
Added a persistence button to block furniture from being deleted by other systems. It is enabled by default. You just have to switch it to OFF to be able to delete furniture on your map.

Added a button to convert props on the map equal to the model of the selected entity into movable furniture.

Replaced some sliders with a manual add menu.