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โญ๏ธ 1332 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 16

Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included v1.5
Update released of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included version 1.5 1690565091 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Added a new material (The Paper Clip Entity) for crafting basic hooks for lockpicking or anything else you can think of.
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v3.3
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 3.3 1690555877 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added the shortcut button for Gmod Lockpicking System
Gmod Items Trading and Selling System v1.6
Update released of Gmod Items Trading and Selling System version 1.6 1690546643 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Patch the Lua error when swapping an equipped weapon. Causing a duplication of this one.
Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator v2.2
Update released of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator version 2.2 1690533886 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved:
Security update. Reduced risk of conflict. I forgot to add a local function. Reduced risk of conflict. One function was global.
Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod v1.2
Update released of Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod version 1.2 1690532889 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Patched Lua error: [norda_crafting_menu_editor] addons/norda_crafting_menu_editor/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_crafting_menu_editor.lua:437 : attempt to index local 'v0' (a nil value)
Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod v1.1
Update released of Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod version 1.1 1690412437 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Addition of a close entity detection system for adding ingredients to the list of craft products. Items Packs + Spawnmenu is not required for it.
Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System v1.6
Update released of Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System version 1.6 1690017998 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Fixes the tent storage glitch that doesn't work on some gamemodes.
Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) v2.2
Update released of Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) version 2.2 1690016036 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Patch Lua Error: [norda_atm_banker_system] lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:116: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System v1.5
Update released of Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System version 1.5 1689947058 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Patch the Lua error when a font is missing.
Patch when the mouse pointer does not disappear after closing the interface.
Gmod Karma + Reputation System v1.2
Update released of Gmod Karma + Reputation System version 1.2 1689945794 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Patch the database display.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v4.5
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 4.5 1689945654 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Supports Karma backup when the Karma system is installed.
Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v2.8
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 2.8 1689691336 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Addition of a client-side language selection menu in the F1 client-side menu.

Lua Files edited for this update:
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager v2.3
Update released of Gmod Skins Dealer Manager version 2.3 1689687642 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added variable cfg.memorize_lastskin Which allows you to respawn with the last skin you bought. After a disconnection, death or job change (in DarkRP).

cfg.memorize_lastskin = 0 --1 = The user respawns with the last purchase used. 0 = OFF You don't need it with my Character System, just keep it OFF.

It will be set to 0 by default.

Line 26 added in the wiki about it.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v4.4
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 4.4 1689682486 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added variable cfg.Remove_Char_Afterdeath that automatically deletes the character when it dies. Like in DayZ, for example. If you die, you lose your character. It will be deactivated by default.

cfg.Remove_Char_Afterdeath = 0 -- 1 = The character is deleted on death. 0 = The user does not lose their character on death.

Added the line 24 in the wiki about this new feature.
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v3.2
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 3.2 1688910957 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added the shortcut button for the guild chest system.

โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Corrects the thirst system shortcut button.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v4.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 4.3 1687267070 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added :
Added API to return the character's unique id.


๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Optimizing server-side code.
Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v2.7
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 2.7 1686932454 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Added variable to disable automatic spawn of boss. 1 = ON by default, 0 = OFF

cfg.boss_spawn = 1
Gmod Advanced Inventory System v5.0
Update released of Gmod Advanced Inventory System version 5.0 1686661513 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Compatibility with Gmod Crafting Menu Editor

๐Ÿš€ Added:
Craft button added from inventory.
Now you can add items to the craft menu from the inventory.
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v3.1
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 3.1 1686661412 ago
Add a shortcut button for manage my new script without command: Gmod Crafting Menu Editor
Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System v1.4
Update released of Gmod Fatigue mods + Sleep System version 1.4 1686428809 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch & Improvement:
Fixed a source of conflict for those not using Norda Inventory System. Automatic whitelisting of items included in Fatigue System creates a trace that makes it look like my inventory is installed on the other systems of my other scripts. This poses a problem when the inventory was not installed, for example the crafting system will propose to display icons according to the settings made in the inventory system to provide the same style of item icons.
Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) v2.1
Update released of Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) version 2.1 1686321791 ago
๐Ÿš€ Huge optimisation:
Source code optimization. Deletes 6 files and 3 folders.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Improved safety. You can no longer invest without being near an ATM or banker.
Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included v1.4
Update released of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included version 1.4 1686234631 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
+ 1 new category created: Chemistry. For your craft ideas and other uses.
+ 13 Items added in Chemestry Categorie who can be used and renamed for crafts in alchemy, potions and chemistry.
+ Workshop updated.

New Items List: Florence Flask, Volumetric Flasks, Erlenmeyer Flask, Ballon flask, Red Fluid, Orange Fluid, Blue Fluid, Pink Fluid, Green Fluid, Violet Fluid, Black Fluid, Yellow Fluid, White Fluid.
Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager v1.4
Update released of Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager version 1.4 1685918726 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Now also works on maps where the doors are prop_dynamic. By example with : rp_arcarea74_v2et
Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v2.6
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 2.6 1685906236 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
New problems have arisen following the GMod update. All server commands no longer generate a nil when issued from the console, but a NULL at the player's location. As a result, !player no longer filters, since player==NULL.

This update fixes all functionality related to the command: zw_cmd

This meant that zcoins distributed from your online stores, for example, could no longer function properly.

Where to set a rank from the server console.
Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v2.5
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 2.5 1685862925 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched the Lua Error:
[ERROR] */zworld_setting_server.lua:32: attempt to call method 'SteamID64' (a nil value)

File edited:
๐Ÿ“ zworld/gamemode/sv_management_system.lua
Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system v1.8
Update released of Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system version 1.8 1685802935 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
+Add cfg.items_cat_color in the config file:
cfg.items_cat_color = 1 -- Color of the object categories you have configured with the (Norda Inventory System) will be applied to the object list in the object bank.
cfg.items_cat_color = 0 -- OFF

+Add cfg.mode_item_image in the config file:
cfg.mode_item_image = 1 -- 3D Items Icon
cfg.mode_item_image = 0 -- Image of Spawnmenu for the items

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
The object icon system has been improved. It takes into account more entity types. So 3D objects are now taken into account.
Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator v2.1
Update released of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator version 2.1 1685798680 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched :
Fix this Lua Error:
[norda_craft_workshop_creator] */cl_norda_craft_workbench_creator.lua:342: attempt to index local 'cfg2' (a nil value)
1. additm_cl - */cl_norda_craft_workbench_creator.lua:342
Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator v2.2
Update released of Gmod Mana System + HUD Creator version 2.2 1685798019 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch & Improvement:
Fixed a source of conflict for those not using Norda Inventory System. Automatic whitelisting of items included in Mana System creates a trace that makes it look like my inventory is installed on the other systems of my other scripts. This poses a problem when the inventory was not installed, for example the crafting system will propose to display icons according to the settings made in the inventory system to provide the same style of item icons.