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โญ๏ธ 1331 Updates released

All updates published by Norda Scripts - page 15

Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod v2.9
Update released of Zworld Gamemode, Single Multiplayer & Server, Gmod version 2.9 1696255341 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added in the config file
Allows you to set the speed at which hunger and thirst progress.

-- Zworld Alteration of states
cfg.hunger_thirst_cycle=2 -- Cycle in seconds. 2 seconds by defaults.
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager v2.6
Update released of Gmod Skins Dealer Manager version 2.6 1696254253 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
+ Corrects the Lua error when you force DarkRP currency with cfg.Money_System=1 when you are not in DarkRP.
[norda_skins_dealer] */norda_skins_dealer_config.lua:87: attempt to call method 'getDarkRPVar' (a nil value)

+ Replaces a global with a local that can be replaced by another external addon to avoid a Lua error.
Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor v3.0
Update released of Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor version 3.0 1694467631 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Patch when cfg.MaxArmor_define_per_lvl is set to 0. It indicated max life. Not max armor.
Patch when cfg.MaxArmor_define_per_lvl is set to -1. (Ignore the overide of GetMaxArmor)

๐Ÿงฑ Improved :
Optimsiation of the option 2 about cfg.MaxArmor_define_per_lvl (Max armor is equal Max Health) The function has fewer steps.
Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone v1.4
Update released of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone version 1.4 1694035144 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Added the ability to move the Geiger counter on the HUD from the customization menu.
Reducing networked query size.
Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone v1.3
Update released of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone version 1.3 1693997634 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Animation of the Geiger counter on the HUD when left- or right-clicked. User names are displayed discreetly. This allows you to differentiate between scanning yourself and other users.
Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone v1.2
Update released of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone version 1.2 1693927386 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved:
Source code optimization.
Code size reduction.
Gmod Teleportation Portal v1.4
Update released of Gmod Teleportation Portal version 1.4 1693174114 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Disables collisions between players who teleport temporarily to avoid blockages.
Gmod Advanced Chat Multi-channel Customizable v2.3
Update released of Gmod Advanced Chat Multi-channel Customizable version 2.3 1693145433 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
You can now position your server's chat on the interface. Wherever you want.
You can round off the corners from the interface.

๐Ÿงฑ Improved:
The Chat is Now responsive: Size and position customization is no longer in pixels, but as a percentage of resolution.
The security system has been optimized.
Text no longer leaves the frame. Text is expanded to several lines when too long.

๐Ÿšฎ Removed:
Configuration variable deleted in configuration file: cfg.chat_minimal_wide and cfg.chat_minimal_tall
Gmod Job NPC Customizable System v1.1
Update released of Gmod Job NPC Customizable System version 1.1 1692663012 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added
Added link with the workshop pack.
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v3.2
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 3.2 1692617617 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch
Corrects the Lua error when you set a lock and you don't have a keys and locks script or a lockpick script.
Gmod Whitelist Server Access v3.2
Update released of Gmod Whitelist Server Access version 3.2 1692616511 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Optimisation:
Reduced code size.
Removal of certain globals by becoming Local, which increases performance and reduces the risk of conflicts.
Gmod Advanced Character Creator System v4.6
Update released of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System version 4.6 1692395613 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patched:
Problem of character deletion after death resolved. Since the addition of this new option. This could happen when you allow users to delete their own characters. If you have not activated this option, you are not concerned.
Gmod Youtube Manager System v3.2
Update released of Gmod Youtube Manager System version 3.2 1691954776 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Reduced file size.
Modification of rights system and optimization of right system.
Improved aesthetics.
Gmod Youtube Manager System v3.1
Update released of Gmod Youtube Manager System version 3.1 1691944474 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved:
Reduced code size.
Reduced number of Lua files.
Reduced number of backup files.

โœ”๏ธ Patched:
The playlist is automatically selected on number 1. This avoids the Lua error when you try to insert music to a playlist when you haven't selected one.
Patch: [nordahl_youtube_music_system_manager] .../nordahl_youtube_cl.lua:212: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got no value)

โš ๏ธ You'll have to redo your playlist. On the new healthy basis.
Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System v3.4
Update released of Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System version 3.4 1691893677 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Added the shortcut button for Gmod Job NPC System Customizable
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager v2.5
Update released of Gmod Skins Dealer Manager version 2.5 1691744501 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch Lua Error:
[norda_skins_dealer] lua/includes/extensions/table.lua:162: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) (cl_skins_dealer.lua:1334)
Gmod Karma + Reputation System v1.3
Update released of Gmod Karma + Reputation System version 1.3 1691449224 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch:
Corrects the module concerning the fact that killing a player with very good karma causes the player to lose more karma points.
Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system v1.9
Update released of Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system version 1.9 1691447903 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch:
Patch the error: [norda_items_bank_individual] .../cl_items_bank.lua:1393
Gmod Store Builder v4.0
Update released of Gmod Store Builder version 4.0 1691447751 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch:
Patch Lua Error: [nordahl_store_builder] .../cl_store_builder.lua:812: attempt to index upvalue 'model' (a nil value)
Gmod Guilds Chest System v1.1
Update released of Gmod Guilds Chest System version 1.1 1691447545 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch Lua Error:
[norda_guild_chest_system] .../cl_guild_chest.lua:1648: attempt to index upvalue 'model' (a nil value)
Gmod Skins Dealer Manager v2.4
Update released of Gmod Skins Dealer Manager version 2.4 1691447393 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch Lua Error:
[norda_skins_dealer] .../cl_skins_dealer.lua:1287: attempt to index upvalue 'model' (a nil value)
Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) v2.3
Update released of Gmod ATM + Banker (Banking System) version 2.3 1691446455 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch:
Patch this Lua error reported: [norda_atm_banker_system] */cl_norda_atm_banker.lua:425: attempt to index global 'model' (a nil value)

๐Ÿš€ Added:
The system for animating the banker's model is more intuitive. It is no longer necessary to print the list in the console using the animation button. Now the list is displayed and all you have to do is select it.
Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System v1.6
Update released of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System version 1.6 1691445855 ago
โœ”๏ธ Patch:
Corrects this Lua error: [norda_items_dealers] */cl_items_dealers.lua:1548: attempt to call method 'GetSequenceList' (a nil value)
This happens when when you want to modify the model's animation and you have chosen an image avatar instead of the model.
Gmod Loot Furniture Designer v3.1
Update released of Gmod Loot Furniture Designer version 3.1 1691364518 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
+Added a random locking system after each reboot with which you can choose the chance between 0% and 100%.
+Add Compatibility with the new addon: Gmod Key and Lock System v 1.3+, which allows you to lock and assign a type of lock for a specific type of key from the list of keys available.
+Added a button for deleting furniture in a category from the database without deleting its configuration.
Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager v1.3
Update released of Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager version 1.3 1691364433 ago
๐Ÿงฑ Improved:
You can add locks to the furniture with Gmod Loot Furniture Designer

โœ”๏ธ Compatibility:
Compatibility with the new script Gmod Lockpicking System
Compatibility with Gmod Loot Furniture Designer
Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager v1.5
Update released of Gmod Keypads System + Door Lock Manager version 1.5 1691364329 ago
โœ”๏ธ Compatibility:
Compatibility with the new script Gmod Lockpicking System
Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included v1.5
Update released of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included version 1.5 1690565091 ago
๐Ÿš€ Added:
Added a new material (The Paper Clip Entity) for crafting basic hooks for lockpicking or anything else you can think of.