Description πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Description πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

NCredit - Premium Currency Mod - Script

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NCredit - Premium Currency Mod for Gmod server allows, to add a premium currency for your own Credits shop / PointShop, you will be able to rename the currency and to add your logo directly with the link image without needing the Workshop, the modules will allow to define the conditions of obtaining if it is not by your online shop, each of the Originahl Scripts will be updated to support it thanks to the API provided, with the API of NCredit you will also be able to use the Credits in other Gmod mods.

Gmod credits database management Edit the way Credits are displayed Rewarding active players Clear it easyli Reserved Characters slots in my best Characters Selection menu Compatible with my best GMod Character system Draw the amount of the credits from the best Gmodi inventory system API includes Manage Credits of User from the best Gmod administration system items-shop skins-shop

Maximum image size

Description of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod

Table of Contents:
  1. πŸ—ΊοΈ Addon Description: NCredit - Premium Currency Mod
  2. 🎨 Customization of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod
  3. πŸ’Ύ Database Management Panel
  4. ⏰ Module Management Panel
  5. 🧩 Compatible Scripts Where NCredit - Premium Currency Mod Can Be Used
  6. πŸ’» Gmod NCredit API for Developers and Integration into Third-Party Scripts
  7. βš™οΈ Server control for online store systems
  8. πŸ’Έ Striking the Balance: Navigating "Pay-to-Win"(P2W) Dynamics in Online Gaming Environments

πŸ—ΊοΈ 1. Addon Description: NCredit - Premium Currency Mod

The Gmod NCredit - Premium Currency Mod allows the integration of a premium currency, similar to a PointShop, which you can customize by assigning it the name of your choice. These credits can take the form of a paid currency. However, if this option does not suit you, they can also represent a simple presence point system that players accumulate by staying connected to your server. This rewards the active engagement of players. Moreover, you have the flexibility to switch to a paid currency system without requiring a server restart, allowing you to test the credit system progressively.

Currently, I am working on integrating this system with all of my other scripts, offering the possibility of providing an alternative payment currency. By using this script in conjunction with my other Gmod mods, you can create your own physical PointShop on the map. These compatible scripts are listed in the section "🧩 Compatible Scripts with NCredit - Premium Currency Mod." Although this is not a content extension (DLC) combined with my other scripts, it gives you the freedom to configure prices in the currency of your choice.

The implementation of a premium currency system in Gmod will depend entirely on your needs and the direction you want to take with your project. NCredit can be used as a paid currency, a point system accumulated over time, or simply as a secondary currency that can be earned in various ways, in addition to other existing currency systems.

While I have not yet created a traditional PointShop, my various systems allow users to physically go to specific locations on the map to buy outfits, weapons, jobs, and other services. This approach contributes to the immersion of players in your game world, creating an interactive and realistic experience, rather than the traditional approach of buying items from anywhere.

Why is NCredit similar to a PointShop but different? The main difference lies in customization. While PointShop is a common feature in Garry's Mod, usually added as an addon or plugin, offering players the ability to earn points by playing on the server, completing objectives, or performing certain actions, NCredit stands out for its flexibility. NCredit is not a PointShop because it does not include a shop as such. The display in the HUD, for example, is fully customizable from the NCredit management interface, including color, currency name, location, size, and logo, which you can update with a simple link to an image. If you do not want to display the currency on your server's HUD, you have the option to disable the HUD and display from the user's inventory, optimizing the user interface. Additionally, with my other scripts, the currency is already supported, meaning that when configuring a shop with another of my mods, you can set prices in the currency of your choice, rather than offering only one choice.

Furthermore, NCredit's APIs, specifically designed for use with my other products, facilitate integration with third-party products. A complete list of APIs is provided to simplify this process. Regarding my scripts, no updates are required on your part, as these are already supported at the time of reading this presentation.

🎨 2. Customization of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod

You will have the ability to customize the display of Credits on the HUD, including adjusting the position, changing the currency logo, renaming the currency (default 'Credit'), customizing the color of elements, and the display style. Additionally, you can choose not to display them at all if you prefer to show the players' credit amounts from another interface, for a streamlined HUD.

πŸ’Ύ 3. Database Management Panel

User credits are stored in the database, and you will have the ability to modify values using the administration panel. This panel allows you to view the Credits that players possess, but it also offers the option to manually adjust the number of credits associated with an account. You can add or remove credits according to your needs.

⏰ 4. Gain Credits Based on Presence Time

In the modules panel, you have the option to enable or disable additional features, such as gaining credits based on presence time. You can set the quantity of credits to award and adjust the intervals in seconds for this feature.

🧩 5. Compatible Scripts Where NCredit - Premium Currency Mod Can Be Used

All my Gmod Store addons support premium currencies. You are not required to have them; they are not DLCs. Each works individually, but combined, they offer more features. An API is planned to incorporate the system into external scripts. However, you will not have to do anything with my scripts; it is my job to work on compatibility between my products. This is already the case for these scripts:

Gmod Advanced Inventory System: Display the player's credit count in their inventory instead of the HUD, lightening the HUD.

Nor Admin Mod for GMod - Administration System: Distribute credits from the list of connected users directly from the Nor Admin Mod administration panel interface. Open the NCredit management menu from Nor Admin, eliminating the need to remember menu open commands.

Gmod Skins Shop System: NCredit adds the new premium currency to the Skin Shop. It is possible to use different currencies to obtain new skins or models, if desired.

Gmod Items Shop System: You can also use this currency in shops of NPCs created with Gmod Items Dealers System. The creator will define the cost in NCredit of an item in alternative currency.

Gmod Jobs Shop System: This script allows you to create different NPCs that can offer jobs based on conditions you set. You have the option to make jobs accessible under certain conditions without having to modify the jobrelated.lua file, or make them paid. NCredit adds a premium currency to this system.

Gmod Character Selection Menu System: With NCredits, you have the ability to lock certain character slots. The user needs to have Credits to unlock additional character slots, thus avoiding a purely "pay-to-win" usage.

πŸ’» 6. Gmod NCredit API for Developers and Integration into Third-Party Scripts

The APIs allow the use of NCredit's premium currency in other products not present in the Originahl Scripts Store. These APIs are shared and used consistently with my other mods.

player:Credit() // Returns the user's credit count.
player:SetCredit(number, msg) // Sets the credit count.
player:AddCredit(number, msg) // Gives credits to a user. A negative number will deduct credits.

βš™οΈ 7. Server control for online store systems

If you have a website with a shop capable of sending an rcon command to your server, users will receive their in-game credits even when offline using this command that you can use with your online shop.

add_premium_credits "steamid64_buyer" amount

πŸ’Έ 8. Striking the Balance: Navigating "Pay-to-Win"(P2W) Dynamics in Online Gaming Environments

I understand that you may have a different perspective on "pay-to-win" (P2W) , but there is something important to consider. When an addon is considered P2W, it usually means that certain significant in-game benefits are available only to those who pay for additional features. This can unbalance the gaming experience, as those who invest money have a significant advantage over those who prefer not to spend more. To maintain a fair gaming environment, it's often up to the server owner to strike a delicate balance. The Owner is responsible for creating a game environment where all players, whether paying or not, can enjoy the game to the full without feeling an unfair disadvantage. The balance between paid and free benefits helps maintain a healthy and fair community. This is to emphasize that balancing benefits is an important responsibility of the server owner.

πŸ”Ή WIKI & F.A.Q πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Wiki πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Wiki πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Wiki of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod

NCredit - Premium Currency Mod

☰ 1. Installation of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_premium_currency
☰ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the NCredit - Premium Currency Mod Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod: 3074832557
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 3074832557 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : NCredit - Premium Currency Mod [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
☰ 3. What is the rcon command to assign premium credits to a buyer for online store systems on Gmod?
The rcon or server command is: add_premium_credits "steamid64_buyer" amount
☰ 4. What is the command to open the premium credits management menu on my server?
You can use the command: "norda_premium_currency" in your in-game console. Bind a key from F1 to F4. Or use the button to open the NCredit menu in my administration system: Nor Gmod Admin Mod.
☰ 5. How to grant or withdraw premium credits from a player through the interface?
The administration interface provides an intuitive function to manually adjust a player's premium credits using the "Add Credits" and "Remove Credits" options. You can also do this through the connected player list of Nor Gmod Admin System.
grant or withdraw premium credits
☰ 6. How to check the credits of a non-connected player?
The search system from the management interface allows quickly checking the current balance of premium credits for a player.
check player's credits
☰ 7. How to reward connected players to automatically earn premium credits?
Players can automatically earn premium credits every hour through an automated system based on connection time. It is disabled by default. You can set the interval time and amount.
reward connected players with premium credits
☰ 8. How to ensure that players start with credits to experience the features?
Upon account creation, each player automatically receives an initial amount of premium credits to explore the game's features. By default, it is set to 0. You can edit this from the Mod menu in the management interface.
players start with premium credits
☰ 9. How to adjust the size of the currency icon?
The size of the currency icon is easily adjustable in the graphic settings of the NCredit system.
adjust premium currency icon size
☰ 10. How to change the currency icon, and is the workshop required?
The currency icon can be changed by simply replacing the corresponding image file with a link to your new credit logo. No workshop intervention is necessary.
change premium currency icon
☰ 11. How to modify the name of the premium currency?
The name of the premium currency is editable in the system settings, offering easy customization. The change is automatically reflected in all my other scripts.
modify premium currency name
☰ 12. How to adjust the layout and size of graphical elements of the currency on the HUD?
Administrators can customize the layout and size of graphical elements of the currency directly from the system interface options in the HUD section.
adjust HUD graphical elements layout and size
☰ 13. How to change the colors of elements on the HUD?
This can be done without modifying configuration files but via the management interface, HUD section. The changes are responsive, meaning they adapt to all resolutions.
alter colors of elements on HUD
☰ 14. Is it possible to assign premium credits from a system administrator?
Yes, although the script has its own system panel, you can give premium credits from the Nor Admin Mod administration system. This allows administrators to manage player premium credits. This is not possible with SAM, ULX, ServeurGuard, or Fadmin. The APIs contained in the script offer a solution.
assign premium credits from a system administrator
☰ 15. I don't need to display premium credits on the HUD; is it possible to disable it?
Yes, in that case, you will need to choose Style 1. This has the effect of removing the hook. 1 = OFF.
Hide premium credits on the HUD

Tip to avoid the leak of NCredit - Premium Currency Mod installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published1 year
Last update
Versionversion 1.9
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
Admin VGUI HUD Gameplay Management