🔨 Changelog

Changelog of Gmod Job NPC Customizable System

All updates to the "Gmod Job NPC Customizable System" addon listed here.

📅 Version 1.9 Released 1719616574 ago

🧰 Lua Error fix
Patch [norda_job_npc_system] lua/vgui/dmodelpanel.lua:54: bad argument #1 to 'ClientsideModel' (string expected, got nil)
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1719590035 ago

⚡ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1719566215 ago

⚡ Optimization
The variable cfg.memorize_lastjob returns to 0 automatically if Njob is installed. There's no need to load a job twice. This avoids a conflict.
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1717973729 ago

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and clientside code optimization.
Dynamic animation of the character displayed.

✔️ Patch
Fixes the Lua error occurring when repeatedly displaying the list of NPC animation sequences to adjust their position.
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1711026841 ago

⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.

Reduction in client-side code size.

❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1707991677 ago

🧱 Improved
Replacement of hooks noted as obsolete on the official Gmod wiki which will be removed in future Gmod updates.
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1704969080 ago

🚀 Added
Added a function allowing your players to choose whether or not to playermodel.

✔️ Patch Lua Error
[norda_job_npc_system] .../sv_job_npc.lua:441: attempt to compare number with string
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1699662440 ago

✔️ Patch
- Fixed some minor Lua errors.
- Patch Lua error (Entity not valid) when you buy and store item in the DarkRP Pocket.

🚀 Added
- Work on Compatibility with NCredit - Gmod Premium Currency: If you have configured different currencies for getting a job they will be displayed. Right-click to choose the currency in which to buy a job. This can be the premium currency or the standard currency.

🧱 Improved
- Added currency selection menu for multiple currencies.
- Improved visual interface.
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1692663012 ago

🚀 Added
Added link with the workshop pack.
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1692628088 ago

Initial version
Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published1 year
Last update
Versionversion 1.9
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages🇬🇧 🇫🇷
Admin DarkRP Jobs NPC