Description πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Description πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone - Script

Demonstration Youtube video of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone

Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone is an addon for your Gmod server, it allows you to create radioactive zones on all maps, you will be able to edit the size of each zone and the radiation rate of its zones in real time. The pack includes a tool called Geiger counter which measures in mSv millisievert the radioactivity. This unit of measurement is changeable. The HUD indicates your contamination rate which is also adjustable from the included administration interface. It is possible to set an immunity rate by Team or Job if you use DarkRP, by rank (superadmin, vip, ect).

measure spawnmenu-includes database-sql area-builder area-management behavior-setting ranks-immunity jobs-immunized hud-modular easy-reset set-area

Maximum image size

Description of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone

  1. ☒️ What is Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone?
  2. πŸ“¦ What is in the Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone addon
  3. ❓ What type of need can Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone meet?
  4. πŸ“ The list of items included in the addon
  5. πŸŽ₯ Effect of Post Processing
  6. βš™οΈ The integrated radiation system management panel
  7. πŸ›‘οΈ Set the radiation protection rate according to rank and job
  8. πŸ”› Modules that allow you to modify the behavior of the radiation system
  9. 🎨 Modular contamination gauge (HUD included)
  10. ⚑ Optimisation
  11. 🧩 APIs for devs

☒️ What is Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone?

So Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone allows to bring as its name indicates a realistic and ultra optimized radioactivity system on your Gmod server, and allows to add on any map irradiated zones more or less large and more or less irradiated, these zones are invisible but you can make them visible to work on them.

When you enter a radioactive zone, depending on the intensity, the screen loses its color and turns black and white. The effect can be disabled which makes the danger more invisible and the Geiger counter is very useful.

The lethal dose is 10 000 mSv millisievert. So as soon as you reach this threshold your character will die.

The spawnable entities included such as stable Iodine can counter the effect of radiation. And the included Geiger counter allows to measure the radioactive radiation at your position, so it indicates precisely the rate of radiation you absorb.

A radiation protection system allows you to configure the protection rate in percent, darkrp jobs, teams, ranks and job categories.

What is radioactivity? Radioactivity is a radiation or particle flux emitted by chemical elements such as atoms. It can be caused by humans (medical therapy, nuclear activity) or occur naturally in the air. Above a certain limit, it is harmful to health and can lead to death. It is measured with a Geiger counter like the one added in the source code of the script.

What is the Geiger counter? The Geiger counter is a radiation and particle meter. It will tell you if you are in a dangerous or safe area.

Thanks to its function of dosimeter, it determines the cumulated radioactive dose or the equivalent of dose received by a person exposed to the ionizing radiation. Very useful in a risky environment and if you deactivate the HUD it will allow its wearer to know the contamination threshold he has reached. But also the level of radiation of the other players in front of him. There you are served at the Roleplay level. But if it's too realistic you can deactivate the options that simplify all this. In order to keep a rather Arcade gameplay, it will be according to your needs.

The complete title should be : Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone + Modular HUD + Geiger Meter + Iode Pills, but it's too long.

πŸ“¦ What is in the Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone addon

The script contains:
A modular radiation zone system with which you can place and configure zones on all maps.
A HUD to indicate the player's contamination gauge, adjustable.
An administration panel is included.
A Geiger counter which is the measuring tool
A spawnable entity: Stable iodine pill that allows to decrease the radiation rate.
A spawnable entity : Radioactive iodine pill that allows to contaminate a player or to be used for experimental purposes.

❓ What type of need can Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone meet?

1. Do you want to add an invisible threat to the gameplay of your project?
2. Looking for an addon to put irradiated areas on your map?
3. Add the notion of irradiation and contamination in the Lore of your server?
4. Make a StalkerRP or FalloutRP server?
5. An optimized GMod radiation system?
6. If you're into post apocalyptic. It's in the cards.

πŸ“ The list of items included in the addon

1. A 2D Geiger counter that displays on the interface when you hold it, you can always replace the 2D model with your own model. This will not prevent the system from crackling in the presence of radiation and indicating the contamination rate in mSv.
2. Radioactive pill, which allows you to increase your contamination rate for your tests.
3. A box of stable iodine pills, which allows you to decrease your contamination level.

πŸŽ₯ Effect of Post Processing

When you enter an irradiated area, the image becomes dull and loses its color. The closer you get to the center of the area, the more radiation you are exposed to, the more gray the image becomes until it is black and white.

βš™οΈ The integrated radiation system management panel

An intuitive interface to handle everything.
From this management menu you can create zones. Modify the database, Create and manage the resistance rate of DarkRP jobs (or team), Spawner the included items, Modify the options, and modulate the HUD and the display.

πŸ›‘οΈ Set the radiation protection rate according to the rank and the job

You will have the possibility from the management interface of the radiation system to configure the immunity rate of a rank, a job, a job category or a team in case you have decided not to use this script in a DarkRP.
You will be able to choose the protection rate in percentage.
For example:
0% = No protection (This will default to any new rank or job added to the list).
50% = Half protected.
100% = Fully protected.

πŸ”› Modules that allow to modify the behavior of the radiation system

The module panel allows you to enable and disable a wide variety of options. Disabled options are not dormant but totally inactive.
The list of modules:
radiation_reset: Set with a simple ON / OFF if the radiation rate drops to zero when a player loses life.
irradiation_zone_time: Define in seconds the contamination rate when you enter an irradiated zone.
irradiation_decrease_time: Define in seconds how often the player's contamination dissipates.
irradiation_decrease_points: Set the number of radiation points the player will lose when outside a contaminated area.
radiation_notif_change: Show and hide notifications in the chat when the radiation is changed.
radiation_kill: Enable and Disable by a simple ON/OFF if the player dies instantly when he receives the lethal dose of radioactivity. That is, the max dose you set.

🎨 Modular contamination gauge (HUD included).

You have the ability to modulate the HUD that everyone will have on your server via the management interface, which involves the HUD of all users of your server connected. What you see during your configuration is what all connected people will see. You will have the option to disable the HUD.

⚑ Optimization

My script is designed to run on a server, so it is thought and optimized to the maximum. It doesn't get heavy depending on the number of players connected. The system is dormant. It completely ignores the controls of players who are not in the zones and only works when players are in a zone. It saves a maximum of resources. I'm proud of this method and eager to apply it in my new systems. Zones are not spawned entities.

🧩 APIs for devs

player:Radiation() -- Returns the user's radiation rate. (Client + Server)
player:GetMaxRadiation() -- Returns the maximum limit that causes the character to die. (Client + Server)
player:addRadiation(add,text) -- Allows you to increase or decrease the player's radiation rate. (Server)
player:setRadiation(add) -- Allows you to directly set the user's radiation rate. (Server)

Added since version 1.7 (June 2024):
player:GetRadiation_Immun() β€” Returns the player's cumulative radiation protection percentage: rank + job + playermodel. (Server)
player:SetRadiation_Immun(value) β€” Allows setting the user's radiation protection rate directly (the values of rank, job, and playermodel are taken into account). (Server)

πŸ”Ή WIKI & F.A.Q πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Wiki πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Wiki πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Wiki of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone

Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone

☰ 1. Installation of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_radioactivity_system
☰ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone: 2962179909
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2962179909 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
☰ 3. Admin: How to open the management menu of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone?
You can open it from the console with the command: norda_radiation_system or from my administration system which gathers all the buttons of my scripts on a single interface.
spawnemenu of Gmod Radioactivity System
☰ 4. Admin: How to spawn a Geiger meter?
Either from the spawnemenu of Gmod if you use the drifting sandbox gamemode : category / Norda Scripts
Or from the system management interface which includes a spawnmenu.
spawnemenu of Gmod Radioactivity System
☰ 5. What is the Geiger meter used for in Gmod Radioactivity System?
When you have placed the radioactive areas on the map of your Gmod server, the players are not able to see them and could step into a dangerous area without knowing it. Unfortunately the invisible damage is already there. The Geiger counter allows you to detect them and therefore to stay away from these zones. The center of the areas are the most radioactive.
Disable HUD for Geiger meter
☰ 6. What are Iodine pills and Radioactive pills?
These are entities that allow you to increase or decrease your radiation level when you take them. For example in Fallout when you eat certain questionable foods your radiation goes up. There the idea is that you already have a basis to create something similar. And even for testing purposes they are useful.
Spawnmenu of Radioactivity System
☰ 7. Admin: How do I create an area filled with radiation particles?
From the management interface go to the location provided: Aim for a zone and click on the green button: + Radioactivity Zone
A zone will appear at the location where you aim. Players who enter this zone will suffer the harmful effects of radiation.
Create area with radiation particles
☰ 8. Admin: How do I delete a radioactive zone?
Right click on the zone selection button. And select delete. The area will then disappear.
Zone database for radiation system
☰ 9. Admin: How to change the size of the irradiated area and the radiation rate?
From the management interface go to the zone management area, choose the zone concerned.
You can configure the radiation rate in millisiever in the heart of the sphere and the size of the sphere. The further away you are from the center, the less you will be affected by radioactivity.
Set radiation zones
☰ 10. Why is it that when I'm on the edge of a radioactive area I don't detect the full amount of radiation that I have set up?
The further away you are from the center which is the emission area the less radiation particles you will receive.
☰ 11. Admin: How to modify the database of the users of what they have received?
From the management interface click on database you will see the list of players and their contamination rate in real time. This means that it is saved. If they leave and come back then they will not have lost the radiation rate.
Edit radiation database
☰ 12. How do I display the radiation rate from the statistics window in the inventory?
There's nothing to do, I've updated the inventory system, just make sure you're on the latest versions. You can hide it via a variable in the configuration file.
Radioactivity bar in inventory system
☰ 13. Immunity setting: How to set a radiation protection rate based on rank?
Click on the button: Rank from the management menu. You will see by default that nobody is protected. (0%)
Radiation immunity per job
☰ 14. Immunity setting: How to configure the radioactivity protection rate according to a DarkRP job or a job category?
Click on the button: Rank from the management menu. You will see by default Citizen and Mayor are set to 0%.
Change 0% to 100% to make a job immune. In between will offer a protection rate. For example 50% = half protected.
Radiation immunity per job
☰ 15. Module: How do I make sure that when a player dies their radiation rate drops to zero?
From the management menu and the module section:
radiation_reset: Set by a simple ON / OFF if the radiation rate drops to zero when a player loses his life.
Modules Radioactivity System
☰ 16. Module: How can I make sure that the player only receives radiation after a certain time when he enters a zone?
From the management menu and the module section:
irradiation_zone_time: Define in seconds how often the player gets contaminated when entering an irradiated zone.
Modules Radioactivity System
☰ 17. Module: How to make a player's strikeout rate decrease or increase over time?
From the management menu and the Module section:
irradiation_decrease_time: Define in seconds how often the player's contamination dissipates.
irradiation_decrease_points: Define the number of radiation points the player will lose when he is outside a contaminated area.
Modules Radioactivity System
☰ 18. Module: Disable radiation notifications when a player enters a radiation zone?
From the management menu and the module section:
radiation_notif_change: Show and Hide notifications in the chat when radiation is changed.
Modules Radioactivity System
☰ 19. Module: How to make sure that when the radiation rate reaches the maximum it does not kill the player or vice versa?
From the management menu and the module section:
radiation_kill: Enable and Disable by a simple ON / OFF if the player dies instantly when he receives the lethal dose of radioactivity. That is the max dose you set.
Modules Radioactivity System
☰ 20. HUD: How to disable the black and white colors of the environment when approaching the center of an irradiated area?
From the management menu and the HUD section:
Set the line radiation_color_modify to OFF.
HUD Radioactivity System
☰ 21. HUD: How to show and hide the areas on the server?
From the management menu and the HUD section:
Set the radiation_show_zone line to OFF or ON.
HUD Radioactivity System
☰ 22. HUD: How to hide the contamination gauge on the HUD?
From the management menu and the HUD section:
Set the HUD style to zero.
HUD Radioactivity System
☰ 23. HUD: How to customize the gauge and gauge style on the HUD?
From the management menu and the HUD section:
Choose from the 12 styles and you can move the gauge anywhere on the interface in a responsive way and edit the colors of the different elements as well. Don't forget that the gauge doesn't have to be displayed on the HUD since the Geiger counter allows you to know your contamination rate.
HUD Radioactivity System
☰ 24. RESET: How to reset the different settings?
At the top right of the management menu there is a blue button, click on it to see the following choices:
1. Reset Job + Category Job Setting
2. Reset HUD
3. Reset Modules
4. Reset zones
Reset Radioactivity Addon
☰ 25. What is the class name of the swep and the Geiger counter entity?
Le nom de class de l'entitΓ© dropable = norda_geiger_ent
Le nom de class du swep = norda_geiger_meter

You can copy them from the spawn table in the integrated administration menu by right-clicking on the object.
☰ 26. How do you set a radiation protection level for a playermodel?
Since version 1.7 (June 2026) you can define the list of playermodels that can affect the protection rate in % in the configuration file, find this table: cfg.PlayerModels_Rad_Immunity.

cfg.PlayerModels_Rad_Immunity = {
[β€œmodels/player/alyx.mdl”] = 50, -- Example 1: User with alyx.mdl has 50% radiation protection
[β€œmodels/player/rick.mdl”] = 20, -- Example 2: Rick has 20% radiation protection
[β€œmodels/player/norda.mdl”] = 5, -- Example 3: Norda has 5% radiation protection

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod Radioactivity System + Radiation Zone installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published1 year
Last update
Versionversion 1.9
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡·
DarkRP Jobs HUD Entities Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode