🔨 Changelog

Changelog of Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System

All updates to the "Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System" addon listed here.

📅 Version 2.8 Released 1729602969 ago

🚀 Added
Inflation system added. NPCs in their dialog indicate when inflation is in progress on the server. This makes it very easy to modify all in-game prices according to how the server's economic health is doing, without having to modify every price manually. The multiplier in the configuration file will do the job very easily: cfg.inflation_multiplier

📜 Configuration file
----- Currency -----
cfg.inflation_multiplier= 2 -- 1 Is the base. To divide by two the prices in game make 0.5. To multiply by 2 just put 2. 2 = 200%
📅 Version 2.7 Released 1724151767 ago

✔️ Patch
Players can no longer switch to the admin menu even if they couldn't make any changes.
📅 Version 2.6 Released 1723500623 ago

🚀 Added
Added command to eliminate duplicated merchands in the same position : norda_debug_eliminate_3947_duplicates
📅 Version 2.5 Released 1723045768 ago

🚀 Added
This update makes it possible to choose whether an NPC can only buy or only resell (or both).
📅 Version 2.4 Released 1719590021 ago

⚡ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.

🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
📅 Version 2.3 Released 1717973772 ago

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and clientside code optimization.

✔️ Patch
Fixes the Lua error occurring when repeatedly displaying the list of NPC animation sequences to adjust their position.
📅 Version 2.2 Released 1712921829 ago

🧱 Improved
Improves compatibility with the DarkRP pocket. Note that it does not take quantity into account.

Inventory scripts that support quantities:
My own Inventory system: Gmod Advanced Inventory System
My own optimized pocket system who can continue to work without gamemode: Gmod Pocket System no Gamemode
📅 Version 2.1 Released 1711026923 ago

⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.

Reduction in client-side code size.

❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 2.0 Released 1702639607 ago

✔️ Patch
Corrects a calculation problem when reselling items from inventory.
📅 Version 1.9 Released 1701908297 ago

🚀 Added
Esthetic update.
New API support for Norda Inventory system.

🧱 Improved
Weapons and ammunition are saved after a purchase from the Gun Shop.

✔️ Patch
Patch Lua error when an object has no price set.
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1701730167 ago

✔️ Patch
Patch Lua Error when you click right on the items (Tool of management to get class name of entities)
Patch Lua error: [norda_items_dealers] addons/norda_items_dealers/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_items_dealers.lua:273: attempt to index local 'mdl' (a nil value)

🧱 Improved
The configuration file now includes the variable cfg.mode_item_image, allow choice for both 2D and 3D object icons. Since the version 5.5 of Norda inventory system automatically adjusts this variable based on your aesthetic preferences within the inventory style configuration menu.
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1699662082 ago

🚀 Added
-Adds features for compatibility with the next script: NCredit - Gmod Premium Currency, so you can choose which currency items can be purchased in.
-Significant aesthetic improvement
-Added currency selection menu for multiple currencies.

⚡ Optimization
-Reduce the size of Lua code.
-Optimization workshop file.

✔️ Patch
-Fixed Lua error when trying to change posture via the NPC Item Shop menu.
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1691445855 ago

✔️ Patch:
Corrects this Lua error: [norda_items_dealers] */cl_items_dealers.lua:1548: attempt to call method 'GetSequenceList' (a nil value)
This happens when when you want to modify the model's animation and you have chosen an image avatar instead of the model.
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1684491227 ago

✔️ Patched:
+Fixes the error when you enable options for DarkRP in the configuration file and do not use DarkRP.
+Corrects when the resale of items is limited to 1000 items.

🧱 Improved :
+Corrects and improves the pnj economy system.
+I've also improved a few things like the messages of the uninstalled scripts. If you don't have the pocket or the DarkRP you don't need to choose where to place the object. It will automatically go to the available locations.
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1680895188 ago

🚀 Added:
+Compatibility with Gmod Karma and Reputation System
+Added a new category of access restriction linked to the user's reputation and karma points. You will be able to define which type of person the Dealer deals with.
+Add the API DarkRP to get money of users if you dont use the Money System.

✔️ Patched:
Patch Lua error when you use a link image as a merchant avatar to replace his 3D avatar.
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1680725000 ago

🧱 Improved:
Hides everything on the HUD when the Items Dealer menu is open. This allows to optimize the display but also to purify the interface.
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1680295689 ago

🚀 Added:
The currency of my Gmod Money System is automatically adopted in the interfaces of the items dealer.

✔️ Patched:
Patch the Lua error related to the displayed currency
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1680272630 ago

🧱 Improved :
Link with Items Pack System for bonus features that make life easier. It simplifies adding items to the merchant without the need to spawn items and weapons nearby.
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1679176372 ago

Initial version
Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published1 year
Last update
Versionversion 2.8
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages🇬🇧 🇫🇷
Admin DarkRP VGUI Entities Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode NPC