🔨 Changelog
Changelog of Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system
All updates to the "Gmod Items Banks - Individual storage system" addon listed here.
📅 Version 2.4 Released 1719590013 ago
⚡ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.
🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
📅 Version 2.3 Released 1717973859 ago
🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and clientside code optimization.
✔️ Patch
Resolves the Lua error that appears when repeatedly displaying the list of NPC animation sequences to choose their postures.
📅 Version 2.2 Released 1711026904 ago
⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.
Reduction in client-side code size.
❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 2.1 Released 1701730383 ago
🧱 Improved
The configuration file now includes the variable cfg.mode_item_image, allow choice for both 2D and 3D object icons. Since the version 5.5 of Norda inventory system automatically adjusts this variable based on your aesthetic preferences within the inventory style configuration menu.
📅 Version 2.0 Released 1696580246 ago
⚡ Optimization
Major reduction in the size of the script source code.
📅 Version 1.9 Released 1691447903 ago
✔️ Patch:
Patch the error: [norda_items_bank_individual] .../cl_items_bank.lua:1393
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1685802935 ago
🚀 Added:
+Add cfg.items_cat_color in the config file:
cfg.items_cat_color = 1 -- Color of the object categories you have configured with the (Norda Inventory System) will be applied to the object list in the object bank.
cfg.items_cat_color = 0 -- OFF
+Add cfg.mode_item_image in the config file:
cfg.mode_item_image = 1 -- 3D Items Icon
cfg.mode_item_image = 0 -- Image of Spawnmenu for the items
🧱 Improved :
The object icon system has been improved. It takes into account more entity types. So 3D objects are now taken into account.
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1680898866 ago
🚀 Added:
+Compatibility with Gmod Karma and Reputation System
🧱 Improved:
The money system automatically switches to DarkRP if my Money System is not installed. Don't waste any more time configuring it.
✔️ Patched:
The text no longer leaves the dialog interface.
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1678394113 ago
✔️ Patched:
Patch a confmict with the skin dealer
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1678181971 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixes the background texture error on some servers. If you don't have this problem you can ignore it.
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1678098312 ago
🧱 Improved :
No more problems with missing textures with this update. Missing icons are automatically generated using the 3D model of the object. If you prefer custom icons, this is still possible. If you create your own icons, they will take priority.
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1677875336 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixed Lua error if you use it without inventory system or pocket system.
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1677512984 ago
🧱 Improved :
Respect the maximum limit of the pocket system (version +1.2 minimum) and the inventory system (version +3.2 minimum).
The maximum values of the storages are displayed at the top of the interface. To keep the user informed about the capacity of his inventory.
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1677326069 ago
🧱 Improved :
Reduction of the config file size and some minor optimizations
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1677198546 ago
Initial version
Gmod Addon
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Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 42 |
Published | 2 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 2.4 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 |
DarkRP Entities Gameplay Allgamemode |