Description πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Description πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included - Script

πŸ“Ί Video in progress

Pack of pre-designed and easily editable entities. They are mainly 2D with a simple image but you can replace the 2D image with a 3D model. Any of the entities can appear on the ground. I designed this script to work on my last 8 scripts, because I needed a quick and easy way to add items during my tests and to give concrete examples of situations. Many of you have asked me to publish the list of my items in one package, these items allowed me to design the lootable furniture system, the lootable destructible system, the mining system, the harvesting system, my inventory system, recently my crafting system, and the player exchange system. Here it is, Gmod Items Pack is an item pack that contains over 108 different items currently as 2D models that you can replace with your own 3D models if you already have them. All the configuration is in one file and it is designed to be easy to add new objects to your server from a single image. It also contains a minimalist spawnmenu system built in. This allows you to copy the class of entities and spawn them with a single click.

items-list-all Gmod fruits enitities categories-system-insects-for-fishing categories-system-materials-for-crafting categories-system-plants-for-wildlife categories-system-for-cooking categories-system-food-for-receipe-of-cooking categories-system-minerals-for-mining categories-system-tools-for-repair-and-crafting categories-system-medics-for-life electronics-components weapons-categorie Gmod chemestry stuff and potions

Maximum image size

Description of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included

  1. πŸ“˜ Description of the Gmod Items Packs addon
  2. πŸ”« Integrated Spawmenu without needing the Sandbox gamemode
  3. 🧩 Suggestions of scripts in which its objects will have other roles
  4. πŸ”– List of object categories
  5. πŸ“¦ List of objects in the current version sorted by category

πŸ“˜ 1. Description of the Gmod Items Packs addon

I designed this script to work on my last 8 scripts, because I needed a quick and easy way to add items during my tests and to give concrete examples of situations. Many of you have asked me to publish the list of my items in one package, these items allowed me to design the lootable furniture system, the lootable destructible system, the mining system, the harvesting system, my inventory system, recently my crafting system, and the player exchange system. Here it is, Gmod Items Pack is an item pack that contains over 108 different items currently as 2D models that you can replace with your own 3D models if you already have them. All the configuration is in one file and it is designed to be easy to add new objects to your server from a single image. It also contains a minimalist spawnmenu system built in. This allows you to copy the class of entities and spawn them with a single click.

πŸ”« 2. Integrated Spawmenu without needing the Sandbox gamemode

The Spawnmenu is just a bonus content when I open a server without gamemode, that is without sandbox I will need a spawnmenu, my admin system already allows spawn of entities related to server management but I was missing a spawnmenu for objects, so here it is. I'm sure you'll need it as well. Sandbox gamemode weight = 133 files, 15 folders, 896kb. Weight of the Items Pack file and its 108 objects = 3 files, 2 folders, 20kb.

🧩 3. Suggestions of scripts in which its objects will have other roles

You will have the ability to:
- Drop items by killing an NPC with NPC Death Loot Manager
- Go through furniture to loot items with Gmod Loot Furniture Designer
- Mine minerals and metals with Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting
- Pick mushrooms, collect fruits and gather plants with Gmod Resources Collecting System
- Trade or sell them to other players with Gmod Items Trading and Selling System
- Store them in an inventory and find them in your inventory at your next session with Gmod Advanced Inventory System
- To craft items by adding them in craft combinations with Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
- Add them to recipes and cook them Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
- Build weapons and ammunition by combining elements to get weapons and ammunition with Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
- To melt metals or other metal resources to get basic material that will be used for other craft with Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
- Create and place merchant NPCs on the map who can sell their items with Gmod Store Builder

It's not bad at all. The next scripts will allow you to sell to NPCS to make money, to fish, to build defences or barricades, and a quest system will make your items more and more versatile.

πŸ”– 4. List of object categories

In the current version Gmod Items Packs contains 9 Object categories.
Categorie Fruits: Production, harvesting, cooking, merchants.
Categorie Insect: For fishing, cooking, survivalism.
Categorie Materials: For crafting, building, repairing.
Categorie Plants: For the care, the craft of medical object, the kitchen as an ingredient.
Categorie Cook: For the tools of the cook for the craft, the kitchen.
Categorie Foods: For the finished products of the recipes, reload the hunger bar, the result of crafts.
Categorie Minerals: For mining, magic, merchants, craft, creation of magic items, jewelry.
Categorie Tools: For construction, repair, crafting, bushcraft.
Categorie Medicals: For the management of health-related matters.
Chemistry category (Potion or alchemy): For your craft ideas, it includes various vials and fluids in different colors.

πŸ“¦ 5. List of objects in the current version sorted by category

Fruits: Raspberry, Banana, Orange, Strawberry, Blackberry, Watermelon, Grapes, Apricot, Blueberry.

Insectes: Maggot, Fly, Worm, butterfly, Spider, Cockroach, Ladybird.

MatΓ©riaux: Plank, CoilSpring, Wood, Bolt, Ingot metal, Gold nugget, Empty Jar Size S, Fire wood, Screw, Bark, Bolt screw, Empty Jar Size M, Ingot silver, Charcoal, Watch, Brick, Nail, Stone, Bolt with Screw, Plate, Ingot gold.

Plantes: Common Sage, Basil, amanites, Grasses, Resemary, Peppermint, Cepe, Bolet 2, Chervil, Bolet 1, Wheat, Coriander.

Cuisine: Small pot, Butcher Knife, Frying pan.

Nourriture: Pea, Eggplant, Milk Bottle, Wheat flour, Raw egg, Black Pepper, Corn, Butter, Cat Meat, Olive Oil, Canned Tuna, Colza Oil, Garlic, Cheese, Onion, Salt, Cooked Tuna, Cooked Cat, Spinach, Cookie, Canned Food, Chilipepper, Sugar, Naughty cat, Carrot, Bread, Cooked Chicken, Biscuit, Small Water Bottle, Rosemary Seasoning, Cooked Beaf, Broccoli, Wine Bottle, Small Empty Bottle, Cooked egg, Raw Chicken.

MinΓ©raux: Diamond, Metal, Amber, Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Rubis, Quartz, Rose quartz.

Outils: Watch, Hammer, Spanners, wrench, Axe, Canopener, Fishingrod, Screwdriver, Saw.

MΓ©dicals: Health Kit, Health Vial.

Chemistry (Potion or alchemy): Florence Flask, Volumetric Flasks, Erlenmeyer Flask, Ballon flask, Red Fluid, Orange Fluid, Blue Fluid, Pink Fluid, Green Fluid, Violet Fluid, Black Fluid, Yellow Fluid, White Fluid.

πŸ”Ή WIKI & F.A.Q πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Wiki πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Wiki πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Wiki of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included

Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included

☰ 1. Installation of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_items_pack
☰ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included: 2899052934
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2899052934 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
☰ 3. What is the command to open the spawnmenu?
To open the spawnmenu you can use the console command: spawnmenu_items_pack
Or the shortcut button in my admin system.
☰ 4. Do the items also appear in the GMod spawnmenu?
☰ 5. How to add new items?
You will see the list of default objects in the configuration file: norda_ressources_list_config.lua find the variable: cfg.Resources_List.

For example to add a new craft material: Brick.

The name of class "brick" must be unique otherwise it will be overwritten by the next one with the same name.
Name = Defines the name of the object that will be displayed in the menus. Attention it is not the class name which must be unique.
Cat = Define the category of the object in my inventory system and in the spawnmenu.
Sound = Define the noise when you pick up the object.
StackMax = means that we can stack 20 per slot in the inventory.
Size2D = defines the size of the Model2D.
Color_fx = defines the background color of the object if you have a color code to define the different levels of rarity of an object.
☰ 6. How to add an image to an added 2D object?
Put your images in the addon folder : materials/vgui/entities
They should be in PNG format and just have the name of the class of the object. For the Brick for example it will be: brick
Only one image and it will be the 2D model of the object, the Material of the object but it is the same image that will be used in the spawnmenu of Gmod and the Spawnmenu of the itempack.
☰ 7. What size to use for the images?
Adapt the size of the images according to their size in your menu and also to the size of the object on the ground.
I use the size 96px and 128px to have less pixel to display.
☰ 8. How to add a 3D model to an existing 2D object?
Keeping the example of the object: brick. We will add a Model variable. Example:
brick= {Name="Brick",Model="props/brick.mdl",Cat="Materials",Sound="npc/zombie/foot_slide2.wav",StackMax=20,storable=1,Size2D=18,Color_fx=sky},
☰ 9. How can I remove the objects I don't need from the list?
The table of objects are arranged to fit on one line. So 1 row = 1 object. To allow you to delete the line of the object you don't want. Please take care to make a copy of your CFG. Updates can restore the default configuration.
☰ 10. Why is the object displayed as a cube in the inventories?
This inventory displays the default 3D model which is a grey cube. Its inventories should allow to display the Overide icon to override the 3D model or the default spawnmenu icon.
☰ 11. How do I know that there are no syntax errors in my Lua code after modification?
Errors are displayed in the console during editing.
Otherwise you can use this command after a reboot: norda_3944_cfg_check if everything is ok then you will see this message: Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included = OK
If there is any syntax error it will tell you [Unknown command].
☰ 12. How do I force a skin on an object or entity at its spawn?
Since version 1.6, it's possible to add the Skin variable to the line of the added item.


Name="item test",
☰ 13. How do I force a bodygroup on an object or entity at its spawn?
Since version 1.6, it is possible to add the Bodygroups variable to the line of the added object.


Name="item test",

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod Items Packs + Spawnmenu included installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

πŸ“₯ Download 2.3

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published2 years
Last update
Versionversion 2.3
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
Entities Gameplay