Description πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Description πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator - Script

Demonstration Youtube video of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator

Gmod Craft Workbench Creator is a non-predefined crafting system because you can create recipes by workshop types, you can limit access to them according to level, job, rank and job category. It fits in 2 files. Gmod Craft Workbench Creator allows you to create different workshops to craft items on your Garry's Mod servers. This is a big step to enrich the gameplay. Users will not be able to craft anywhere. They will craft with what they have on them and where there are crafting shops. You will have the ability to set success rates and crafting time per combination.

Add base workbench Gmod Craft Workbench Configuration Set some restrictions Add new recipe insert-component-in-a-recipe If you want the workshop to be a stove for cooking then you can do it. Recipe settings build-unique-craft What the user see customise-your-crafting-workbench Craft all you can imagine. What your gamemode need. define-success-rate

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Description of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator

Contents :
  1. πŸ“˜ Description of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator addon
  2. ❓ What type of need can Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator meet
  3. πŸ“š Intuitive access to the craft list
  4. 🌎 Leverage your map environment on GMod
  5. βš—οΈ Usage examples
  6. πŸ‘‘ Administration and management
  7. 🧩 Gmod compatible inventory addons
  8. 🧰 Possible changes via the configuration file
  9. ⚠️ Not to be confused with Gmod Crafting Menu Editor

πŸ“˜ Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator addon description

With Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator you don't buy a workshop with a unique model, it can be anything you want, and crafter everything that exists you are the creator of the list of crafts, recipes and different workshops.

You will be able to generate different types of crafting workshops with different lists of items that you create yourself from a workshop management interface, create combinations with the necessary components and choose which entity will be rendered at the end, configure the success rate of a combination and the time it will take to create it. Users will only be able to craft if they are nearby by pressing the USE key to open the workshop menu and interact with it.

It has a system of restricting access, for example by reserving the use of a kitchen to a player who is a cook. This is a simple example but if you want everyone to be able to interact only according to their level, rank (vip, user, admin for example), job or job category, then you are in the right place. It contains an access level and restriction by jobs, ranks or job categories.

Clearly, create and place each workshop that will be products of your own imagination that will allow to make objects that respect the Lore of your Gmod server in a simple and intuitive way. Without coding, you will create a list of crafts by type of workshop, buildable or cookable with their recipes and restrict access according to certain conditions of the player.

❓ What type of need can Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator meet?

Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator is for those :
- Who are looking for a versatile crafting system.
- Who are looking for a crafting system that allows your players to combine items into a finished product?
- Who are looking for a crafting system that respects the Gmod server lore.
- Want to create a cooking system with recipes and ingredients?
- Want to create a foundry system?
- Want a system where your players can craft ammunition?
- Want a system where your players can craft potions in a cauldron?
- A carpentry system?
- All of the above at the same time? Well yes if you have the workshop model linked to its use (A foundry model for a foundry) and the resources (Hammer, Metals, I plan to release a script to meet resource needs quickly) you will be able to do what you want and meet your needs in a single script.

πŸ“š Intuitive crafting list access

I had already created a crafting system for the gamemode I created, but my players had to look at the crafting list on my site's wiki to know the combination, which was not well appreciated, I took note of that and I allow the crafting combinations of a workshop to be displayed on the right side of the screen when you want to craft an item. Your players won't have to search a website. But you will have the option to hide the ingredients if you want and only display the final products, it might make them search a bit.

🌎 Exploit the environment of your map on GMod

If you already have workshops placed on the map that you can't remove then exploit it. You will be able to create an invisible workshop, place it in the environment and it's done. The workshop that was useless now gets a role.

βš—οΈ Usage examples

Here are some example of usage type:
Since this script allows you to create a craft list by model type you could have multiple deviated uses for it, with one script for example:
- Create a base with a cauldron to allow certain jobs to craft magic potions in it.
- Create a base with a furnace model to melt your metals to make ingots. Or recycle metal objects into metal ingots.
- Create a base with a stove model to cook dishes by combining ingredients. (In the video you can see that I cook a cat, it's with humor I also like cats in one piece).

πŸ‘‘ Administration and management

As an admin manage everything from one interface.
Edit a workshop type and all the ones of the same type you placed on the map will be updated at the same time, no need to go to each workshop to edit them.

🧩 Addons Gmod Compatible

The script works well on its own because it basically allows you to place objects without an inventory system by storing the objects that are placed nearby. (Don't forget to put the objects you allow in the whitelist of the configuration file)
But it works even better with Gmod Advanced Inventory System which allow to place objects in the workshop without dropping them, in short the information is transmitted to the workshop without the server having to manage the physical spawn of an entity, it is a plus in optimization.

Concerning the list of objects that I use in my demonstration I plan to put it on the site it is a simple system that allows to create resources easily. The whole thing fits in a single file not very large. It currently contains 108 objects useful for crafting or other.

🧰 The possible modifications via the configuration file

From the configuration file you will have the possibility to activate the inventory if you have Gmod Advanced Inventory System installed.
You will also be able to hide the list of ingredients in the informative list of possible crafts.
You can configure or drop the item at the end of the craft. Either in the inventory or on the ground if you don't have an inventory system so the script is not dependent on my inventory system to work.

⚠️ Not to be confused with Gmod Crafting Menu Editor

Not to be confused with Gmod Crafting Menu Editor = An individual crafting system that doesn't require a workshop to craft an item, and lets you craft anywhere on a map. The two are compatible.

πŸ”Ή WIKI & F.A.Q πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Wiki πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Wiki πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Wiki of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator

Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator

☰ 1. Installation of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_craft_workshop_creator
☰ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator: 2899052581
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2899052581 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
☰ 3. How to open the workshop management interface?
There are several ways to open the workshop management menu:
- By command in the console: craft_workbench_manager
- By spawn the initial entity from the spawn menu
- From the crafting interface of a workshop in the top right of the menu
- From the shortcut button in my admin system.
☰ 4. How to add a new workshop base which can become a kitchen or a cauldron for example?
From the workshop management interface: Add manually the path of the model or spawl the props nearby it will be detectable and you can add the path without writing it.
Set Craft workshop model
☰ 5. How to change the name of the workshop? For example I would like to put Kitchen.
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to change by clicking on the wheel in the upper right corner of the panel setting in the middle. And click on "Name". In green on the picture.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 6. How do I edit a workshop model without deleting everything? Because I have a new model?
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to edit by clicking on the wheel in the upper right corner of the setting panel in the middle. And click on "Model". In Orange on the image.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 7. How do I edit a workshop model without deleting everything? Because I have a new model?
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to edit by clicking on the wheel in the upper right corner of the setting panel in the middle. And click on "Model". In Orange on the image.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 8. How do I change the sound effects of a workshop? For example I don't want the sound of the hammer while I am cooking a cat.
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to change by clicking on the wheel in the top right corner of the setting panel. And click on the different options of audio effect configuration, you will just have to enter the path of the audio file that should be played. In blue on the image.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 9. How do I put a restriction on a player based on his level in a workshop?
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to modify by clicking on the wheel at the top right of the setting panel in the middle. And click on LVL Restriction to set the required access level. Which is 0 zero by default. In Red on the image.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 10. How do I place a restriction on a player based on their rank? For example, I would like some workshops to be only for VIPs?
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to modify by clicking on the wheel in the top right corner of the setting panel. And click on Ranks ACCESS to configure access to certain ranks. In Red on the image.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 11. How do I restrict access to a workshop based on a player's job and job category? For example I would like that only the woodcutter can work with wood, the cook cooks cook, the smiths smith.
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to modify by clicking on the wheel in the top right corner of the panel setting in the middle. And click on JoJOBS bs ACCESS or JOBS CATEGORY to configure access to certain Jobs by job or category. In Red on the picture.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 12. How to change the color of a workshop? For example, I would like the kitchen to be red?
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to change by clicking on the wheel at the top right of the setting panel in the middle. And play with the color palette in the line Interface Workbench Color. See image:
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 13. How to make a workshop invisible? This can be useful when the map already has workshops placed that cannot be deleted.
From the workshop management interface: Select the workshop you want to modify by clicking on the wheel in the top right corner of the setting panel in the middle. And click on OFFLINE you will have the choice between ON and OFF. In purple on the picture.
Offline will disconnect the entity from the network, it is more than making it invisible. Its network variables will not be transmitted on the network.
Admin panel gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 14. How to add a new craft combination?
Select the type of workshop you want to add from the workshop management interface with the white button: ADD NEW CRAFT COMBINATION
add a new craft combination
☰ 15. Concerning the question just above, do I have to make the modification by going to all the workshops of the same type?
No, the modification is taken into account for all the workshops concerned. You don't need to go to each workshop to apply changes. Just open the interface, modify and it's done.
☰ 16. How to add ingredients to an old or new craft combination?
Drop your spawnable entities near you and insert the items one by one. You will edit the quantities once inserted. See the example in the image. (Grey square with the small + in the middle)
Add entity as ingredients of combination
☰ 17. How to add the entity that will be the result of a combination of craft?
Place your spawnable entities near you and insert the item that will spawn or be stored in your inventory after the crafting is successfully completed. You will edit the quantity once inserted.
See the example in the image. (Blue square on the right with the small + in the middle)
Add entity as result of combination
☰ 18. How to name a combination so that the player knows what he is going to do?
In the management panel click on the button setting a recipe you can configure the name of the recipe that will be displayed in the selection of the user craft interface. See image.
success rate of craft in panel
☰ 19. How can I make a craft take longer? For example 10 seconds?
In the management panel click on the setting button of a recipe you can set the construction time in seconds. See picture.
success rate of craft in panel
☰ 20. How to edit the success rate of a recipe?
In the management panel click on the setting button of a recipe you can set the SUCCESS RATE which is the percentage rate. By default 100%. See picture.
success rate of craft in panel
☰ 21. What is the definition of the success rate setting with this addon?
When your players will craft an item the success rate will define if they will succeed or not. If they fail they lose the invested ingredients.
Crafting Progress Animation HUD
☰ 22. How to restrict a recipe to a level?
In the management panel click on the setting button of a recipe you will be able to set Level Required, it will allow you to define the level required to produce this item. See right on picture.
List of CRAFT Workshop Creator
☰ 23. How does the player access the crafting interface of a workshop and add an item?
The player will approach a workshop and will see the message on the HUD: "Press USE to craft". When he opens the interface he will see the list of recipes of the workshop you have defined on the right and the ingredients.
In the middle he will have his crafting interface where he will be able to add the ingredients that are either near the workshop or in his inventory if my inventory system is installed. See the image below.
Make Cooking with craft system
☰ 24. I would like to have items like tools that don't disappear after crafting, is that possible? For example, the spin should not disappear after I put 5 screws in an item.
Yes, it will be enough to put 0 to the required object. In simple if you want to drive 4 nails in a board you will have to create a logical recipe for example;
1 hammer + 4 nails + 1 board = Nailed board.
You don't want to lose the hammer, so set it to 0. So the hammer will be required but it won't disappear in the same way as the 4 nails used to achieve the result.
☰ 25. Known error related to DARKRP. Do not work with weapons that you have dropped via /drop or /weapondrop or /dropweapon
Do not drop your weapons via /drop or /weapondrop or /dropweapon but only via your spawn mode. Like the gmod spawnmenu via the toolgun. You will then drop the weapon in question that you wish to add to the crafting system.

The weapon you want to spawn via the darkrp drop command is not really the weapon you are holding but an entity named spawned_weapon and it is this class that you might insert by mistake. This will result in the following error:

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "[C]" on line -1.

The best help I can give you is this:

spawned_weapon has model "models/error.mdl" with no physics and will be motionless

- Does this model have an associated physics model (modelname.phy)?
- Is this model supposed to have physics? Many models, like effects and view models aren't made to have physics
- The issue lies with weapon ""

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. function 'Spawn'
2. addons/norda_craft_workshop_creator/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_norda_craft_workbench_creator.lua on line 48
3. addons/norda_craft_workshop_creator/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_norda_craft_workbench_creator.lua on line 440
------- End of Simplerr error -------
☰ 26. How do I disable the rank restriction?
By default the rank superadmin and user are checked. If there is no rank checked then the rank restriction is disabled.

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published2 years
Last update
Versionversion 2.8
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
Entities Gameplay