π¨ Changelog
Changelog of Gmod Advanced Inventory System
All updates to the "Gmod Advanced Inventory System" addon listed here.
Version 7.6 Released 1741555357 ago
β‘ Optimization
Client-side file size reduced by 8%.
97 -> 89 kB
Version 7.5 Released 1736648546 ago
π Added new features with NDesc: RP Item & Character Descriptions (January 2025)
You no longer need to manually edit item descriptions readable from the inventory in cl_norda_items_descriptions.lua with my new addon. NDesc: RP Item & Character Descriptions (January 2025)
Added RP button Description of your character from the playermodel panel in the inventory if NDesc is installed. This avoids the redundancy of writing /rpdesc in the chat to do it.
Version 7.4 Released 1734667543 ago
πͺ Add VIP Features
Choosing an additional inventory slot name for VIP members of your server.
The system has been completely overhauled in terms of the different slot management methods to include this advantage in real time.
A quick reminder:
/* -----MaximumInventory Systems-----
0 = Set max inventory limit defined by: cfg.MaxInv_max + VIP Slots
1 = Max inventory_slot increases with user level: cfg.begin_inv_slots + LVL * cfg.MaxInventory_gain_per_levelup + VIP Slots
2 = User must buy or find item to increase max inventory: cfg.begin_inv_slots + Items Collected to upgrade inventory max + VIP Slots
cfg.MaxInventory_system = 0
π Added
Adds hook to force client update of max inventory.
Although my systems handle this automatically, you may find this hook useful.
Version 7.3 Released 1729640094 ago
π Added
Weapons and ammunition are saved when you change jobs.
Version 7.2 Released 1727998175 ago
Major aesthetic update.
π Added
Add tabs to the information menu: Status / Information / Progress
Displays Lockpicking skill progress information.
Displays information on fishing skill progress.
Add variables to the configuration file for displaying information in the inventory:
cfg.Script_LockPick = 1 -- Show Lockpick system + Skill Progress
cfg.Script_NJob = 1 -- Show NJob - Job Creator and Editor
cfg.Script_NFish = 1 -- Show NFish - Fishing game system + Skill Progress
β‘ Optimization
Reduce code size.
Version 7.1 Released 1725488659 ago
βοΈ Patch
Fixed weapon duplication glitch.
π Add
Add API to save all inventory system (+ weapons equiped + ammos): player:NInv_Save_All()
Version 7.0 Released 1725396215 ago
βοΈ Patch
Fix when spamming the inventory button sometimes only the character is displayed and the information window.
Version 6.9 Released 1721353852 ago
Changes to a character's Inventory stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System
Backpacks items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
Version 6.8 Released 1717808539 ago
π Added
Linking the management menu with all the other scripts makes it possible to switch menus quickly. The new linking system makes it possible to remove icons from the Workshop. This reduces the number of resource downloads via the workshop.
When you want to add jobs, you no longer have to write them manually. They are automatically detected, and you add them by clicking in the list of detected jobs (DarkRP or NJob System in my next script), which not only speeds things up, but also avoids synthesizer errors.
Major aesthetic improvements and code optimization.
Version 6.7 Released 1715621489 ago
π Added
Compatibility with new NRank API additions. (About displaying the Grade/Rank in the information section)
β‘ Optimization
The size of workshop resources is greatly reduced.
Version 6.6 Released 1715087133 ago
π Added
Optimisation Workshop features 234.527 KB > 182.503 KB
Clear also the weapon in your hands when the option to remove equipped weapons is activated.
Version 6.5 Released 1714487125 ago
π Added
Compatibility update with NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System: This update enables the character's ranks and badges to be displayed in the information menu, removing the need to display the rank and badge on the HUD for those who like a lighter HUD.
βοΈ Lua Error fix
[norda_inventory_system] /cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:2607: attempt to call a nil value
Version 6.4 Released 1713477001 ago
βοΈ Patch
Corrects a Lua error when NCredit is not installed. My compatible scripts are just optional.
[norda_inventory_system] */cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:2594: attempt to call a nil value
Version 6.3 Released 1711026937 ago
β‘ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.
Reduction in client-side code size.
β Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
Version 6.2 Released 1709890055 ago
βοΈ Patch
Disables display of rank in inventory when NRank is not installed.
Version 6.1 Released 1709321996 ago
π Added
Added the ability to disable the /drop command in the inventory system.
cfg.DropCommand = 1 -- /drop command 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.
Version 6.0 Released 1708099297 ago
π Added
Added content for compatibility with NRank advanced rank system (The next script).
Replacement of hooks noted as obsolete on the official Gmod wiki which will be removed in future Gmod updates.
β‘ Optimization
Major optimization of server-side and client-side administration systems.
Reduction in the size of resource files (workshop side).
Major aesthetic improvements.
Version 5.9 Released 1707305310 ago
π Added
Update of the method for listening to keyboard keys.
In some cases, the configured button didn't work, because in the old method it had to be active or already in use. In the new case, you can now configure any keyboard key from the configuration file.
// Use a Key to open the inventory
Version 5.8 Released 1702628296 ago
The craft menu no longer overlaps when you deactivate inventory windows.
Code optimization at craft system level when installed.
Aesthetic enhancement of the administration panel.
Version 5.7 Released 1702507168 ago
Using an alternative method that avoids this message: FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: use
Version 5.6 Released 1701909504 ago
βοΈ Patch
Patch Lua error since Player:Give(weapon_class) no longer returns weapon entities. The error was server side with soem weapons when Player:SetClip1 and Player:SetClip2 is nil. This prevented from receiving the weapons of safeguarding
The premium currency is displayed in the same way as in the Norda character system and server title screen . This maintains an aesthetic logic.
π Add new API
+ Replaces the function : meta:SaveInventory() with meta:NSave_Inventory(), so as not to overwrite functions with the same name or be overwritten by another addon using the same function name.
+ meta:NSave_Weapons() -- Force save weapons
+ meta:NSave_Ammo() -- Force save ammunitions
Add variable in the config file:
-- 1 = ON / 0 = OFF
cfg.Attach_Ncredits_Mod = 1
Esthetic improvement.
Weapons and ammunition are saved after a purchase from the Gun Shop.
Reduce the number of icons in the pack (the workshop resource has also been updated)
Version 5.5 Released 1701731149 ago
π Added
inv_item_img adapts the desired object image style of many of my scripts now. When toggling with the ON / OFF switch from the style management interface (Replace item Spawnicones with their 3D model icon or 2D icon icon).
Now autonomously manages this variable according to your aesthetic preferences for all these scripts:
- Gmod Guilds Chest System
- Gmod Craft list builder + Crafting Mod
- Gmod Pocket System without DarkRP
- Gmod Items Shops - NPC Dealer System
- Gmod Items Banks
- Gmod CRAFT Workshop Creator
- Gmod Items Trading and Selling System
- Gmod Pocket System without DarkRP
They have also been updated for automatic support, which saves configuration time.
Version 5.4 Released 1701697125 ago
β Removed
Deleting the variable: inv_wep_img (inv_wep_img = Display the 3D model of the weapon or the spawn menu icon). The functionality of this variable is relegated to the already existing inv_item_img (inv_item_img = Replace the Spawnicones of the items by their 3D model icon).
inv_item_img will be supported with the NPCs Items banks and NPCs Items Store. So that the images of the objects in the menus are the same as those chosen in the inventory system settings.
Version 5.3 Released 1699826055 ago
π Added
Adding a button for changing characters from the inventory, work with Gmod Advanced Character Selection System. Following a few requests for a simple way to change character without any commands, I've added the ability to add a button that allows you to simply change character from the inventory. This will take you back to the character selection menu.
Screenshot: Changing Character button from inventory system
Add in the config file the variabel: cfg.Changing_Character_button=1
-- 0 =Disable | 1 = Display the button on the character panel of the inventory if Gmod Character System is installed
Version 5.2 Released 1699662930 ago
π Added
Improved symbiosis with : Gmod Money System The edited symbol and custom logo of the basic monay are also displayed in the inventory.
Some aesthetic improvements to Derma.
Compatibility prepared with NCredit - Gmod Premium Currency
Version 5.1 Released 1696580280 ago
β‘ Optimization
Reduction in the size of the client-side lua file: Removal of Lua functions that are now useless.
Version 5.0 Released 1686661513 ago
𧱠Improved :
Compatibility with Gmod Crafting Menu Editor
π Added:
Craft button added from inventory.
Now you can add items to the craft menu from the inventory.
Version 4.9 Released 1684699258 ago
π Added :
If you use the right click with the tool hand to open the inventory an option allows to choose between two methods. One fully client-side and the other serverside. Sometimes it will be necessary to choose the second option when you have installed or used a gamemode that does not allow the first option to work properly.
cfg.Hand_Right_Clic=2 -- 0 = Drop items | 1 = Open inventory with ClientSide method (optimized) | 2 = Open inventory with Serverside method (If your server configuration don't allow to work with the option #1)
𧱠Improved :
The name of the objects is displayed instead of the class name of the weapon or entity. When you look at them on the ground.
Version 4.8 Released 1684548561 ago
βοΈ Patched :
Fixed a problem with the last Gmod update.
𧱠Improved :
Optimization of the inventory display.
Version 4.7 Released 1684362819 ago
π Added :
Allows to display the money of the darkrp in the inventory. This allows you to remove it from the HUD and provide a way for your players to still see their money in an interface.
The variable was added in the configuration file.
cfg.DARKRP_Money = 0
βοΈ Patched :
Patched this Lua Error:
[norda_inventory_system] addons/norda_inventory_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:1942: attempt to index local 'rcol' (a nil value)
1. load_inv - addons/norda_inventory_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:1942
[norda_inventory_system] addons/norda_inventory_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:2865: bad argument #3 to 'SDClr' (number expected, got no value)
1. SDClr - [C]:-1
Version 4.6 Released 1681907427 ago
π Added :
Added variable in config file: Drop_Equipment_Blacklist
cfg.Drop_Equipment_Blacklist, its the blacklist of equipment the user can't drop. With /drop.
Added a drop button in the equipment panel that allows you to drop them without having to hold them in your hands.
Add variable in config file: Hand_Right_Clic
cfg.Hand_Right_Clic=1 -- 0 = Drop items | 1 = Open inventory
𧱠Improved :
Add the API in the config file:
meta:GetLastConnection() : The API returns the last connection.
βοΈ Patched :
Patched when it displays the last connection in the addon inventory displays 53 years when character system is not installed.
Version 4.5 Released 1681217024 ago
π Added :
Added new icons, and new shortcuts commands.
Version 4.4 Released 1680914690 ago
Allows you to show or hide the reputation from the information panel.
Version 4.3 Released 1680709520 ago
π Added :
+Compatibility with my new script: Gmod Karma System which allows to display the player or character reputation in the character status menu. For those who don't want to display it on the HUD.
Version 4.2 Released 1680276513 ago
π Added:
Addition of the key category in the inventory. When you store keys the keys will be stored in the key compartment. And not in MISC.
Optimization. The weapon file and its contents no longer exist.
Version 4.1 Released 1679402477 ago
Patch a Lua error in the admin panel when trying to change the style when the inventory has never been opened.
It indicates that one of its 3 variables is nil:
The error does not exist if you have already opened the inventory once before.
Version 4.0 Released 1679348550 ago
+ Work on Compatibility with Harry Potters Wands completed.
+ Fixed when weapons sometimes drop into the ground.
+ No physical movement when dropping which allows to have zero impact on the netgraph. It can also avoid collisions and also collision spam.
βοΈ Patched:
Patched a error Lua related to: player:DropWeapon( wep )
Version 3.9 Released 1678715160 ago
𧱠Improved :
If you forget the StackMax variable in the item whitelist configuration then the stackmax will default to 1 for the item.
Version 3.8 Released 1678312922 ago
βοΈ Patched:
Corrige quand certaines armes spawn invisible. With the new chat command: /drop
Version 3.7 Released 1678221805 ago
This is a major update: In some word: Optimisation, Aesthetics. Compatibility. Additional features. Improved ergonomics.
π Added :
-Description is items is added to the left-click menu.
-The class of an object can be copied to the clipboard from the inventory. This helps in the configuration and development of a server. No need to open the gmod spawnmenu to do this. If you have the objects in the inventory.
-You can now drop your weapons stored in your inventory.
-Dropped weapons are no longer picked up automatically. You have to press USE to pick them up. This ensures that nothing is accidentally picked up. You remain in control of what you do.
-Added the /drop /dropweap command to the inventory system. This allows you to drop the weapon in hand with the ammunition in the magazine in memory. This compensates for the /drop of DarkRP which is problematic. Moreover the object generated by the command /drop of DarkRP does not return the name of class of the weapon but an object which has for name of class: spawned_weapon. This creates many problems with many addons, including mine.
𧱠Improved :
-Significant improvements to the aesthetics and animations of objects in the interface.
-Right-clicking on an object no longer opens its description as its description is added to the left-click menu.
The right click allows you to directly drop all the objects in the slot with a single click.
-Removal of the scroll menu when clicking on an object.
-No need to click on an object to see its name displayed. When you hover over it the name of the item appears at the top of the inventory.
-The name of the categories is displayed when you change it at the top of the inventory.
Version 3.6 Released 1677967273 ago
βοΈ Patched :
Corrects the Lua error if an object cannot be stored because it would not be in the whitelist: sv_norda_inventory_system.lua:405: attempt to index local 'p' (a nil value)
𧱠Improved :
Optimisation of the Swep code: Hand Inventory
Version 3.5 Released 1677882513 ago
𧱠Improved :
When the option is set to Icon in 3D model. 2D objects that do not have a model will display the original 2D object icons.
Version 3.4 Released 1677878402 ago
𧱠Improved :
When you try to store a blacklisted item the player will be notified.
Version 3.3 Released 1677872836 ago
𧱠Improved :
if Gmod Health Modules + HUD Editor is not installed the health and armour bar is still displayed in the stats section of the inventory.
If everything in the progress section is disabled then the progress section is removed from the inventory.
Version 3.2 Released 1677512329 ago
π Added :
Adding the API player:GetItems() Which allows to return the table of items stored in the inventory. This API is necessary to for the script items bank system and is more easily used in other scripts. Updated Wiki on how to return the items table.
Version 3.1 Released 1677197194 ago
π Added :
Added an additional reset button to reset the inventory contents of the whole database.
Version 3.0 Released 1676147607 ago
βοΈ Patched :
This only concerns jobs without predefined table weapons. Those who do not use it in a DarkRP you are not concerned but this update.
Fixes Lua error when inventory is used in DarkRP gamemode on custom jobs where weapons table was not created. By creating an empty table if it does not exist.
Reported Lua error that has been corrected :
[norda_inventory_system] cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:2209: bad argument #1 to pairs (table expected, got nil)
Version 2.9 Released 1674695233 ago
βοΈ Patched :
Patch when Ammunition is not saved if save_ammos is ON.
Version 2.8 Released 1673910085 ago
π Added :
You can prevent the weapons already provided by Jobs from being de-equipped.
La variable cfg.Job_Weps_Unequipable a Γ©tait ajoutΓ© dans le fichier configuration.
Add 3 variables in the modules settings (from the interface):
You want more realism objects should fall on the ground and not spawn without physics for optimization. You can choose this in the interface server settings.
You can prevent the saving of ammunition and weapons with the two variables added to the setting interface. Don't forget to reload the module from the blue button. This avoids automated checks for optimization reasons.
βοΈ Patched :
Patched the error when a weapon that no longer exists in the server content. This happens when you load a game with non-existent weapons.
The Error Lua patched is:
[norda_inventory_system] addons/norda_inventory_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_norda_inventory_system.lua:475: attempt to call method 'SetClip2' (a nil value)
Version 2.7 Released 1673353687 ago
π Added :
From the administration panel you can now see the saved weapons, ammunition and inventory contents of all your users.
Version 2.6 Released 1671375690 ago
π Added :
Added the norda_inventory concommand to open the inventory from a simple command. Allowing to associate this command to a bind.
This update is not important if you already use the existing systems. It was requested by a user.
Version 2.5 Released 1671226523 ago
𧱠Improved :
The darkrp job of the player is displayed in the stats window in the inventory.
Version 2.4 Released 1671026570 ago
π Added :
Compatibility with BSMod Punch SWEP + Kick & KillMoves
Version 2.3 Released 1670414412 ago
𧱠Improved :
If there are entities in your inventory that no longer exist on the server following the uninstallation of an addon. You will be able to remove it from your inventory.
βοΈ Patched :
Fixes the Lua error when an addon is deleted and its no longer existing entity is dropped from the inventory.
Version 2.1 Released 1667336462 ago
𧱠Improved :
Until now when all the spaces in the inventory are filled you can't store extra items. In this update. The items will stack on top of each other as long as their stacking limit is lower.
βοΈ Patched :
Correction of the drop distance of the objects.
Version 2.0 Released 1667227122 ago
π Added :
A limit is set on the distance to pick up objects and drop them. It is no longer possible to drop beyond a realistic distance. Both from the inventory when you want to drop or with the swep: Hands (left click for fart right click for drop).
Version 1.9 Released 1666960128 ago
βοΈ Patched :
Fixed when a weapon cannot be stored in the inventory.
Version 1.8 Released 1666865195 ago
βοΈ Patched :
We are not supposed to drop the weapons with the right click of the "Hands" tool. This causes a duplication of ammunition. This has been corrected.
Version 1.7 Released 1666786226 ago
βοΈ Patched :
You can add empty weapons to your inventory without it disappearing. The fact that the weapon displays the number of ammunition and when it is at 0 it is no longer counted as non-existent. So not deleted.
Version 1.6 Released 1666733263 ago
π Added :
Added a new option in the STYLE tab that allows to replace the icons of the objects by their 3D model.
ON = Spawn Icon
OFF = Image of the Model
don't forget to reset the style to make the new variable appear in the table. See the screen
Version 1.5 Released 1666398410 ago
π Added :
+ Added coordinates indicating the X Y Z position of the player. Can be disabled.
+ Added variable: cfg.Items_Use_Functions which allows to add uses to objects from the inventory. For example: Eat, Drink, Heal, Fill the empty water bottle when you are ready to use it...
Version 1.4 Released 1665747328 ago
π Added :
Added a new item drop system that allows you to choose the quantity. Drop a lot of items at once in one entity that won't burden your server.
Screenshot of the Gmod intuitive drop system
Added an item description system that allows you to give a story to an item, to share useful information about its use in your project. For example what craft it could be used for.
Screenshot of the Gmod description system
Added two new gameplay options:
Allow deletion of equipped weapons upon death of the user with a simple ON | OFF switch
Enable ammo deletion on user death with a simple switch ON | OFF the player will respawn with his weapons but without his ammo.
Version 1.3 Released 1665487827 ago
𧱠Improved :
Improvement of the shortcut Bind system.
Optimization of the size of the icons
βοΈ Patched :
When you bind a device that has already been binded in a shortcut, the previous busy bind is removed.
Version 1.2 Released 1665407965 ago
π Added :
Add Compatibility with Gmod Character Creator System Each created character has its own inventory. The inventory is displayed from the character selection menu.
Version 1.1 Released 1665230296 ago
βοΈ Patched :
Icons Errors
Version 1.0 Released 1665152988 ago
Initial version
Gmod Addon
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Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 188 |
Published | 2 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 7.6 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | π¬π§ π«π· π©πͺ πͺπΈ π·πΊ |
Admin VGUI Entities Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode Gamemode |