Description ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Description ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Gmod Advanced Inventory System - Script

Demonstration Youtube video of Gmod Advanced Inventory System

Gmod Advanced Inventory System is designed to create an inventory system for your users and save it when they log out, it works in Standalone, meaning that no gamemode is needed to run it. A variety of options will allow you to adapt the style of the inventory to your gamemode on your garry's mod server. It will be possible to offer upgrades to the maximum capacity of the inventory depending on the level of the user, or in the form of spawnable entities. You can also create a whitelist of items to secure your server.

A customization system unlike anything you've ever seen on Garry's Mod will allow you to easily blend it into your server's style without coding a single line in Lua, see the videos or screenshots. Create the inventory you imagine it will be unique. The idea is that you have a unique inventory so that your server will not look like any other. This way you can change the style of your inventory overnight for events like Halloween or Christmas without having to buy another one.

Gmod Advanced Inventory System is designed to be an alternative to ItemStore (or DarkRP Pocket) without imitating it because I didn't have an inventory system to work in combination with my other scripts, I would do a compatibility job later with ItemStore. I have already designed several inventory systems in my gamemodes but this is my first inventory system for Garry's mod that is sold here.

new-version make a unique item store Customisation adventure game style Customisation starwars or clones rp style Customisation rounded style Draw for anime gamemode Items description / Story System management panel edit user-setting upgrades kits includes rank job settings edit gameplay rules edit interface options and style edit responsive size and positions Inventory Style / Inventory Colour Management customise sounds effects reset settings database easily editable shortcut slot bind use itemstore Set your unique background medieval how-drop-item changing-character

Maximum image size

Description of Gmod Advanced Inventory System

  1. ๐Ÿ“˜ Description of Gmod Advanced Inventory System
  2. ๐Ÿ“ฆ Gmod Advanced Inventory System addon contents in brief
  3. ๐Ÿ’พ The Backups involved with Gmod Advanced Inventory System
  4. ๐Ÿงฐ Inventory System Management and Administration Panel for Gmod
  5. ๐Ÿ’ฝ User Inventory Backup Management Panel
  6. ๐ŸŽจ Inventory style customisation panel
  7. ๐Ÿ‘‘ Advantage system for roles and ranks
  8. ๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay customization modules related to the inventory addon
  9. ๐Ÿ”Š Customization modules for the different sound effects when interacting with the inventory
  10. ๐Ÿ”ซ SWEP for storing and manipulating objects
  11. ๐ŸŽ’ Spawnable inventory upgrade kits included
  12. ๐Ÿ‘† Editable Binds system to place equipment in shortcuts
  13. ๐Ÿ“ Item categorisation system
  14. โœ”๏ธ The Item Whitelist
  15. โ“ What type of need can Gmod Advanced Inventory System meet
  16. ๐Ÿงฉ Gmod Compatible addons
  17. ๐Ÿ’ก Why will this script also optimize your server physics
  18. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ API for development and implementation
  19. โญ Gmod inventory addon 5 stars alternative to Gmod Advanced Inventory System

๐Ÿ“˜ Description of Gmod Advanced Inventory System

An inventory system for every imaginable style and all your projects, and future projects. One inventory system for every conceivable style.
Gmod Advanced Inventory System is a very good quality customizable inventory system that you can blend into any gamemode and even run without any gamemode.

You love it when people wonder if they are still on gmod. This will be the case.
In Simple Test, when you saw the first 6 screenshots, were your reactions: "This is not Gmod anymore" or "Which game is it on?" or "Is it really Gmod?

If so, this is the exact reaction your players will have with this inventory system, I want users to arrive on the server and feel like they are on a game of their own and not just another copy of a successful DarkRP, my system works well without any gamemode, it's what I call a standalone script, that is to say that it can work alone without any other addon or gamemode

Dare to exploit your creativity, that's the goal of Garry's mod. Don't just install an addon with no freedom of customization that will make your server a copy of another.

Since version 1.4 it is possible to add a story to your items, a description text for each item that allows to indicate its use on your server.

Since version 1.5 you can use objects directly from the inventory like eating, drinking, filling the empty bottle.

Feel free to read the wiki page of this script for more information.

Since the version 3.7 The script has its own /drop weapons system.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Gmod Advanced Inventory System addon contents in brief

Technical Administration side contents:
1. A panel to manage the style of inventory on your server. The changes you make affect the general inventory that people will have on your server. You don't need to be a programmer to make a nice inventory.
2. A panel to manage the backups of your users, you can then delete, modify, empty the inventory of users, even those who are not online.
3. Spawnmenu where spawnable upgrade kits are included.

Content that the user will see and be able to interact with:
- A nice unique inventory (see screenshots).
- A Category System to neatly arrange items by type.
- A Swep called Hands, which allows you to have a normal or passive (friendly) posture in the eyes of other players when you select it, and also to pick up whitelisted entities/objects with the left click and put them where you aim with the right click. So you don't get unfamiliar with what you already know (Like the Pocket System of DarkRP without having to use DarkRP this time).
- A system of equipment shortcuts that can be linked via slots 1 to 6. Your users can switch between the equipment they have chosen to place in these slots. This option can be disabled.
- An information page of your statistics if you have the other systems installed (it is not an obligation to have them if you do not want them, then deactivate the information page in the management panel). So you will have to open the inventory to see its health status instead of using the HUD to minimize it.

๐Ÿ’พ The Backups involved with Gmod Advanced Inventory System

When your users log out their inventory contents will be saved, also their equipped weapons(disable) and also their ammo(disable).
They will get everything back when they log back in and also the last weapon they had in hand before logging out.

You will be able to choose the save modes between :
Save at the modification of the inventory or/and at the disconnection of the player or/and with a timer which will launch a safeguard every X time defined. I put "or/and" because you can choose to disable them individually from each other.

๐Ÿงฐ Inventory System Management and Administration Panel for Gmod

The system features a single administration panel that will allow you to edit gameplay rules, inventory design and the database.

๐Ÿ’ฝ User inventory save management panel

A database management system will allow you to manage the database where your users' inventory data is saved and their max limit progress. So you will have the possibility to either reset their data, delete it or modify it. Or simply get some information.
A search system by steamid64 or by name will allow you to easily find the user's data even offline.

๐ŸŽจ Inventory style customization panel

The power of this inventory system is the ability to edit it to a point that it will make it unique to your players and unique to your server, it is the identity and soul of your server so be imaginative. You will be able to modify all its variables:

1. Adjusting the position and size of the inventory: Customize the Position and Size of the items, the inventory boxes, the rounding of the corners by dragging a simple DSlider, etc. Everything is responsive.
2. Customise the colours of the inventory: The colour of the different elements: (See the video or the Screenshots).
3. Style of the inventory / Style of the inventory:
inv_activated = Inventory activated, you will be able at any time to deactivate the opening of the inventory by putting the module on OFF which allows access to the spawnmenu or contextual menu that the inventory obfuscates because you have the possibility of using one of its keys that serves as access to the inventory. In short, the useful case is that you are building your map to prepare for gameplay and don't need the inventory, so turn it off without uninstalling it.
inv_character = Display character. This choice allows you to display the character in the centre of the inventory.
inv_equipments = Allows you to activate and deactivate the equipment area and also to deactivate the binded shortcuts.
inv_stats = Disables the character's stats and status information window.
inv_blur = Enable the blur in the inventory background.
inv_icon = Replace text with intuitive icons.
inv_lock_s = Displays locked slots with a lock to let players know that he has the possibility to have more space on your server. And that it is not at maximum.
inv_percent = Display stat values in Percentage (Life, Armour, Hunger, Thirst, Stamina, Magic, Experience points before next level, etc)
inv_bottom = Display the bottom bar showing your XY GPS location, the number of players online, and the actual time.
inv_rarity_clr = Show the colour of the item category in your inventory.
inv_wep_img = Show the 3D model of the equipment or the spawn menu icon of the weapon in the shortcut menu.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Advantage system for roles and ranks

You will be able to Disable / Enable inventory for certain jobs or ranks. But also impose an inventory limit that a rank/Job cannot exceed. For example a VIP will be able to reach 128 max while a Guest will be capped at 64 slots, he will be notified that his rank or job can't upgrade higher than this limit. This is a choice that will be yours.

๐ŸŽฎ Gameplay customization modules related to the inventory addon

From the management panel in the module section with a simple button you will be able to dictate the behavior of the inventory system on your Gmod server by modifying its variables:

Screenshot : editable-gameplay-rules - Gmod Advanced Inventory System

pure_backup = Instant and automatic backup at each change in the inventory. (ON / OFF)
save_inventory = Save the inventory at logout. (ON / OFF)
periodic_backup = Backup the inventory every so many seconds (Value in seconds. 0 = OFF)
notification_stock = Notify when an object is stored in the inventory. (ON / OFF)
inventory_loot = Number of items dropped when the player dies. (Numerical value indicating the quantity.)
chance_loot = Chance of dropping an item on death (percentage value. 0 = OFF)
inv_afterdeath = The inventory content is emptied when the player dies. (ON / OFF)
inv_maxreset = The maximum inventory limit is reset to the minimum when you die (ON / OFF)
begin_inv_slots = Max inventory at start when a new player begins a game. (Numerical value)
inv_strip_wep = Delete weapons given to the spawn that are not part of the save. (ON / OFF)
inv_strip_ammo = Remove ammo given to the spawn that is not part of the save game (ON / OFF)
inv_give_hand = Give 'Hands (Inventory)' equipment automatically to players when they spawn. (ON / OFF)

๐Ÿ”Š Modules to customize the different sound effects when interacting with the inventory

So with this system give an even more unique feel by editing the inventory sound effects on your Garry's Mod server, that is:
-Edit the sound effect when opening the inventory.
-Editing the sound effect when closing the inventory.
-Editing the sound effect when inserting an item.
-Edit the sound effect when removing an item.
-Edit the sound effect when a button is clicked.

๐Ÿ”ซ SWEP allowing storage and manipulation of items

The inventory system includes a Swep that allows you to manipulate items that are in the item whitelist so you don't have to manipulate what is not intended to move, pick up from the inventory with left click and drop the last items picked up with right click. This will allow you to either pick up an item in the inventory which is the primary goal but also to move items without physically moving them, which will optimize your Gmod servers. This will optimize your Gmod servers. Allowing your users to do manipulations without physigun will avoid potential crashes and will also consume less CPU and bandwidth resources.

To do the test type in your console: net_graph 3 which allows you to see on a graph what you use as resources, take an object in the physigun and move it, you will observe the consumption of resource in red that uses this single object when it is in constant movement. Multiply it by the number of players connected and multiply it by the number of players who will do such manipulations. You will understand that it is heavy. We'll avoid that with this swep.

๐ŸŽ’ Spawnable inventory upgrade kits included

With inventory upgrade kits allow your players to upgrade their inventory by picking them up. See even by reward system. It will also be possible to set the max inventory limit according to the user's level.

Upgrade +1 will increase the player's max inventory slots by one when they pick it up. You can place them as NPC rewards, in the shop or in loot. For example, if the player's inventory is at 12 slots, +1 will increase the player's inventory to 13 slots.

The SetMax upgrade kits allow you to upgrade to the value you specify, for example the 64 slot kit will upgrade your inventory to 64 slots.

Players will not be able to exceed the server limit specified in the configuration file, which by default is set to 128.

๐Ÿ‘† Editable bind system to place equipment in bind

Allow your users to set up their own bind by associating their equipment with bindable keys 1-6 from their inventory from the equipment they already have.

For example, placing the physgun on slot 1 will cause the physgun to quickly exit gmod when the player presses that key ("Bind slot_1") and so on with the other binds that go up to key 6.

๐Ÿ“ Item categorisation system

The default inventory has several categories: "All" "Ammunition" "Foods" "Medicals" "Materials" "Tools" "Weapons" "Misc"

Items will be placed in one of these categories, which is defined in the item whitelist variable.

You can change the categories in the configuration file in the variable Inventory_Categories if you don't need one of them in your game.
cfg.Inventory_Categories={"All", "Ammunition", "Foods", "Medicals", "Materials", "Tools", "Weapons", "Misc"}

โœ”๏ธ Item Whitelist

The item whitelist will allow you to define the rules of what entities players can put in their inventory to prevent them from storing anything and everything. It defines the list of allowed items.
It will be enough to use the name of class in index, to define its category, its colour of type


local Resources_List={

In the example plant_basil is an entity that is a plant, it is stored in the Foods category of the inventory and StackMax set to 20 means that you will be able to store 20 plant_basil per inventory cell and the colour of the effect is Color(0,255,0) which is the code for green.

the second item is the hammer: tool_hammer which this time will be stored in the "Tools" category, StackMax which is set to 1 means that 1 hammer will take one slot in the inventory if you find a second one it will take one more slot.

โ“ What type of need can Gmod Advanced Inventory System meet?

1. You are looking for an inventory system for your gmod server that works even without gamemode and outside of DarkRP. Gmod Advanced Inventory System checks this box.
2. You would like to save your players weapons and ammo on your gmod server so they can find them when they log in again.
3. You are looking for a recent alternative to the DarkRP Pocket or ItemStore. This is the case and you don't need to have DarkRP to run it.
4. You are looking for a weapon and ammo backup system.

๐Ÿงฉ Compatible Gmod Addons

This system is intended to replace ItemStore that you can find on Gmodstore which is not compatible with most of my scripts. So I can provide support related to reported problems you will encounter with my gmod addons or my Gmod Workshop.

Among my addons a plus will be brought in addition to the compatibility in term of information displayed on the inventory to your free choice to display it or not.

Gmod Character System will allow you to create and save the inventory of all your characters separately.

Leveling System, Health & Armor System, Stamina System, Hunger System, Thirst System, Mana System, Money System: Will display the stats in the inventory if you decide to purify and lighten the HUD of all its information. Each of these variables can be disabled from the configuration file. The information panel can be disabled from the inventory customisation menu, as you don't have to have everything.

Advanced View Creator: If you are in third person view the camera will rotate your character to display the inventory instead of duplicating it on the inventory interface. Modern, Clean and Aesthetic.

Compatible with ๐Ÿ‘ค - Aden Character System (gmodstore)

๐Ÿ’ก Why will this script also optimize your server's physigun?

This script will change the behavior players will have with items. For starters if you intend to take the physigun out of your players hands to preserve your Gmod server, the "hands" swep included in this addon will allow your users to take items from his inventory and put it where he looks. This means that there is no physical movement of the object.

For more details on this tool jump to section 10. ๐Ÿ”ซ SWEP allowing storage and manipulation of objects

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ API for development and implementation

Server side API :

player:addMaxInventory( number quantity , bolean save) = Upgrade the user's inventory.
player:setMaxInventory( number quantity , bolean save) = Set the user's max inventory.

player:storeItem( class , quantity or clip1 , model path , clip2 or nil) = Store an entity that doesn't exist on the map by its class name
player:addItem( entity , number quantity ) = Store an entity that exists on the map and delete it when it is stored

Server and Client side API:

player:Inventory_Slot() = Allows to know the number of slots in the occupied inventory.
player:GetItems() = Return table of items stored in the inventory of the users.
player:GetMaxInventory() = Allows to know the maximum capacity of the player's inventory.
player:GetItem("item_class") = Returns the quantity of a type of object stored in all slots (item_class = is the class name of the entity).

โญ Gmod inventory addon 5 stars alternative to Gmod Advanced Inventory System

1- ItemStore - Inventory for DarkRP (Gmodstore)

๐Ÿ”น WIKI & F.A.Q ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง
Wiki ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Wiki ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Wiki of Gmod Advanced Inventory System

Gmod Advanced Inventory System

โ˜ฐ 1. Installation of Gmod Advanced Inventory System
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_inventory_system
โ˜ฐ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Gmod Advanced Inventory System Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Gmod Advanced Inventory System: 2872306927
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2872306927 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod Advanced Inventory System [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
โ˜ฐ 3. How to open the Gmod Advanced Inventory System management panel?
How to open the Gmod Advanced Inventory System management panel?
There are three ways to do this:
1. Use the command "norda_inventory_system" via the console if you are admin or have another authorized rank.
2. If in the configuration file you have chosen the F4 key: cfg.FX_to_Open="F4" then it will be the F4 key.
3. From the Norda Admin Mod panel use the key in the shortcut menu which allows you to not have to remember the command.
โ˜ฐ 4. How do I store or drop an item in the inventory?
To store an item in the inventory:
If the entity is whitelisted then you will be able to pick it up from your inventory with the left click when you take the "Hands (Inventory)" Swep.
To drop an item from inventory:
Either use the Hands (Inventory) swep included with this addon, or open the inventory and click on the item in question and you will have the choice to drop it.
โ˜ฐ 5. Style : How to disable the inventory without uninstalling the addon?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Disable the inventory system
โ˜ฐ 6. Style: How to disable the character display in the inventory menu?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Display character panel
โ˜ฐ 7. Style : How to show/hide the equipment block in the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Show equipment slots
โ˜ฐ 8. Style : How to show/hide the information block in the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Display information panel
โ˜ฐ 9. Style : How to show/hide the Blur effect in the background when the inventory is open?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Enable blur effect
โ˜ฐ 10. Style : How to unload the inventory interface by reducing the amount of text with small intuitive icons?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Set less text more icons
โ˜ฐ 11. Style : How to show/hide the boxes locked by a red padlock in the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Show Locked locations
โ˜ฐ 12. Style : How to display stats in % in the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Display stats maximum value
โ˜ฐ 13. Style : How to show/hide the bottom bar of the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Show bottom bar
โ˜ฐ 14. Style: How do I show/hide the item type or rarity colour in the inventory?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Edit inventory background color
โ˜ฐ 15. Style: How do I display equipment spawnicons (Model3D) instead of their spawn menu image?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
display 3D model of swep
โ˜ฐ 16. Style: How do I get the camera to rotate in front of my character when the inventory is open?
From the Style interface: Switch between the ON | OFF switch
Set camera rotation
โ˜ฐ 17. Customisation: How to change the positioning of the inventory?
From the Style / Setting position and size interface: Move the POS X, POS Y slider.
The value is a percentage because the system is responsive.
Set Inventory elements positions
โ˜ฐ 18. Customisation: How to change the size of the inventory?
From the Style / Setting position and size interface: Move the Length, Height slider.
The value is a percentage because the system is responsive.
Set Inventory lenght height
โ˜ฐ 19. Customisation: How to change the size of the inventory slots?
From the Style / Setting position and size interface: Move the Icon Size slider.
The value is a percentage because the system is responsive.
Set Inventory icons size
โ˜ฐ 20. Customisation : How to round the corners of the inventory to have something less square?
From the Style / Setting position and size interface: Move the Rounded slider
The value is a percentage because the system is responsive.
Inventory Rounded Customisation
โ˜ฐ 21. Customisation: How to change the colour of inventory items?
From the Style / Inventory Colour Management interface: Play with the different palettes. If your inventory is open in the background you will see the changes in real time.
If you want to manage the RGBA colour codes you can write it manually on the top right of the palette, don't forget to press the enter key in this case.
Color Customisation of the inventory
โ˜ฐ 22. Customisation: How to modify sound effects?
From the Style / Inventory Sound Effects interface: Insert the path of the audio file to associate it with an interraction type.
Inventory Sound management
โ˜ฐ 23. Gameplay Module : How to force a save every time the inventory is modified?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Automatic backup item added
โ˜ฐ 24. Gameplay Module: How can I optimize the save only when the player logs out?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Save inventory on logout
โ˜ฐ 25. Gameplay Module : How to secure the backup by making a backup automatically in a time loop?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface: value in seconds e.g. 180 means that a backup will be launched every 180 seconds.
set Automatic Save of inventory
โ˜ฐ 26. Gameplay Module : How to disable the notification when picking up an object?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Notification item pickup
โ˜ฐ 27. Gameplay Module : How to choose the amount of items a player can drop from his inventory when he dies?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Number item dropped death
โ˜ฐ 28. Gameplay Module : How to set the loot rate for inventory items when you die?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface: 100% will ensure a drop rate at each death. 0% will disable this module.
Chance drop item death
โ˜ฐ 29. Gameplay Module : How to delete the player's inventory if he dies?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
inventory clear after die
โ˜ฐ 30. Gameplay Module : How do I reset the maximum inventory limit when a player dies?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Inventory max limit reset
โ˜ฐ 31. Gameplay Module : How to set the starting inventory of players?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Max inventory at start
โ˜ฐ 32. Gameplay Module : How do I remove weapons that are not part of the savegame?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Remove weapons given to spawn
โ˜ฐ 33. Gameplay Module : How do I delete the ammo given to the spawn that is not part of the savegame?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface:
Remove ammo given to spawn
โ˜ฐ 34. Gameplay Module : How to give the inventory swep to everyone without adding it to the jobrelated.lua or touching the gmod code?
From the Server Setting / Gameplay Modules Setting interface: The player will receive the swep hands automatically. No need to tinker with the files for that.
Spawn with swep hand
โ˜ฐ 35. Gameplay module : Where are the upgrade kits, how to spawn them or how to get their class name to add them to a store?
Either from the gmod spawnmenu or from the system spawnmenu. If you have disabled sandbox gamemode to optimize your server then your solution is the latter. That's why it exists.
Right click from the management interface to copy the class name of the entity.
Spawnmenu of inventory extension
โ˜ฐ 36. How do I add a swep to a shortcut / Bind?
Open the inventory, select your swep stored in its respective slot and add it to the shortcut. You will see that you have the option to store the weapon in your inventory. Or deploy the swep without using the in-game weapon selection menu.
Custom shortcut Bind
โ˜ฐ 37. How to disable the shortcut binds 1 2 3 4 5 6 which are displayed when pressed?
In the configuration file set the variable: cfg.Bind_Shortcut = 1 to 0
โ˜ฐ 38. How do I use the gmod menu spawn key as a key to open the inventory instead of the contextual key?
In the configuration file find the variable cfg.bind and set +menu to true. You can add more binds if you need them.

["+menu"]=false, -- Replace Gmod Spawn menu by Norda Inventory
["+menu_context"]=true, -- Replace Gmod Context menu by Norda Inventory
โ˜ฐ 39. How do I customise the inventory font?
In the configuration file find the variable: cfg.Custom_Fonts = "Trebuchet24" -- Custom Fonts replace Trebuchet24 with your font.
โ˜ฐ 40. How do I edit the list of categories for sorting objects in the inventory?
You will see the list of categories in the configuration file at the variable: cfg.Inventory_Categories
All you have to do is remove, rename or add the one you need.
โ˜ฐ 41. How does the item whitelist work?
The purpose of the whitelist is to secure a corridor for certain entities to be stored in the inventory. For example you don't want your users to store cars in their backpacks. So you will define a list of allowed items. In this list you will be able to make small adjustments such as defining the category of the item, the colour of the item type and the stacking limit i.e. how many of the same item can be stacked in one inventory box.
โ˜ฐ 42. How do I add items to the item whitelist?
In the configuration file find the variable :
cfg.Items_Whitelist = { }

If you want to be able to store an object that has the class name "wood" then you need to add this entity to the list as follows:
cfg.Items_Whitelist = { 

wood ={Categorie="Materials",Color_fx=Color(255,215,0),StackMax=50},

Don't forget the comma at the end of the line you add.
If you want to add another object that has the class no: "brick"
Then it will become :
cfg.Items_Whitelist = { 

wood ={Categorie="Materials",Color_fx=Color(255,215,0),StackMax=50},
brick ={Categorie="Materials",Color_fx=Color(255,215,0),StackMax=20},

StackMax: You will find StackMax 50 and 20. This means that you will be able to store 50 wood in one box and then the storage of the one if will start a new box.
Category: Defines in which category the object will be considered. Useful to quickly sort the objects in the inventory by type.
Color_fx will allow you to define the colour of the storage effect when you store the item. This can be a rarity index or simply a colour related to the category.
โ˜ฐ 43. Do you have to have all your scripts or can you deactivate one by one what you don't need?
You don't have to have everything. In the configuration file set to 0 what you don't want to display in the information window or disable this window from the inventory customization menu.
cfg.Script_Life			= 1 -- Gmod Health Modules

cfg.Script_Armor = 1 -- Gmod Health Modules
cfg.Script_Level = 1 -- Gmod Leveling System
cfg.Script_Money = 1 -- Gmod Money System
cfg.Script_Stamina = 1 -- Gmod Stamina System
cfg.Script_Hunger = 1 -- Gmod Hunger Mod
cfg.Script_Thirst = 1 -- Gmod Thirst Mod
cfg.Script_Mana = 1 -- Gmod Mana System
cfg.Script_Characters = 1 -- Gmod Character System
โ˜ฐ 44. Is it like ItemStore on gmodstore?
I wouldn't say I was inspired by it, I started from a blank page to meet my own needs and the needs of users on my discord sharing suggestions in the chat. Don't hesitate to read the description, look at the screenshots and the video presentation to make sure you make the right choice that fits your needs.
โ˜ฐ 45. How to add the F1 key as a button to open the inventory?
In the configuration file find the table: bind


["+menu"]=false, // Remplacer le menu Spawn de Gmod par Norda Inventory
["+menu_context"]=true, // Remplacer le menu contextuel de Gmod par Norda Inventory

And do it like this:

["gm_showhelp"]=true, // Remplacer F1 par Norda Inventory
โ˜ฐ 46. How to put a weapon equipped or weapon in hand in the inventory? ItemStore does it with a command.
Go to the equipment section of the inventory and click on the slots where your weapons are.
Click on the weapon and click on put in inventory. It will be stored there and you will be unequipped. No command to know.
โ˜ฐ 47. Darkrp, the weapons you drop with /drop or /weapondrop or /dropweapon are not stored in the inventory.
The weapons you drop via the /drop or /weapondrop or /dropweapon command. The weapon you want to drop via the drop command of the darkrp is not really the weapon you are holding but an entity named spawned_weapon and it's this class that you can't add to the inventory, it's normal it's not the weapon. Replace its commands or trade your weapons with Gmod Items Trading and Selling System

Since the version 3.7 The script has its own /drop weapons system.
โ˜ฐ 48. Bind the order to open the inventory if the other methods do not suit you.
To add a key to bind manually for example with the "m" key in the console:
bind m norda_inventory
โ˜ฐ 49. Is it normal that I have weapons when I respawn but I delete them when I die?
Some addon or gamemode can assign weapons. Don't forget to force the deletion of all weapons see question 30.
Set item loss Inventory System
โ˜ฐ 50. How to see the saved equipment, weapons and ammunition of the players?
Since version 2.7.
In the management panel click on a user you can see the info icon next to the list of weapons, inventory and ammunition.
Users Inventory Database Manager
โ˜ฐ 51. How do we prevent the weapons already provided by the jobs from being de-equipped?
Look in the configuration file for the variable: cfg.Job_Weps_Unequipable
On 1 the players will not be able to unequip the sweps provided by a job.
On 0 the players will be able to unequip their weapon provided by the configuration of the job they occupy.
โ˜ฐ 52. What is the name of the API to view the table / list of inventory objects?
player:GetItems() = Returns the table stored in the user's inventory.
โ˜ฐ 53. How do I whitelist weapons?
You don't need to whitelist the weapons. The weapons are automatically whitelisted there is nothing to do.

For those who use DarkRP the weapons dropped by the /drop command are not the real weapons and therefore will not work. Feel free to disable the /drop command in DarkRP to avoid unnecessary problems.

You can always allow your players to change their weapons with : Gmod Items Trading and Selling System

Since the version 3.7 The script has its own /drop weapons system.
โ˜ฐ 54. How to drop a weapon on Gmod with its ammunition?
You can drop your with the chat command: /drop or /dropweap
The dropped weapon keeps its ammo in memory. This means that if you pick up the weapon and it has 3 bullets left, you will see on your HUD that it has 3 bullets left. If you store it in your inventory you can see its 3 bullets too.

You can also drop your weapons from your inventory.
โ˜ฐ 55. How to make the right click when you have your hands open the inventory and not drop items?
Since version 4.6 a variable has been added in the configuration file: cfg.Hand_Right_Clic, you can configure the right click there.

cfg.Hand_Right_Clic=1 -- 0 = Drop objects | 1 = Open inventory
โ˜ฐ 56. How do I create or replace object category icons?
If you add new categories, remember that the images must have the same name and be in .png format.

Example with default categories:
cfg.Inventory_Categories={"All", "Ammunition", "Foods", "Medicals", "Materials", "Tools", "Weapons", "Keys", "Misc"}

โ˜ฐ 57. How do I change the inventory font on Gmod?
In the script configuration file find the variable:

โ˜ฐ 58. How do I disable the drop command?
You can disable the inventory system's /drop command from the configuration file with the cfg.DropCommand variable.

cfg.DropCommand = 1 -- 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.

But beware: DarkRP's /drop command is glitched - read line 47 for more information.
Keeping cfg.DropCommand set to 1 ensures that /drop works properly. It also works without DarkRP.
โ˜ฐ 59. How do I disable or rename the Craft button in the inventory menu?
From the configuration file you can rename or remove the Craft button from the inventory.
Find this line:


To remove the Craft button, delete the content between {}, the line becomes:
โ˜ฐ 60. How can I find out in Lua how many objects a player has from a entity class name?
player:GetItem("item_class") = Returns the quantity of an object type stored in all slots (item_class = is the name of the entity class).

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod Advanced Inventory System installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published2 years
Last update
Versionversion 7.7
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ
Admin VGUI Entities Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode Gamemode