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Gmod Resources Collecting System - Script

Demonstration Youtube video of Gmod Resources Collecting System

With Gmod Resources Collecting System, place resource collection points, gather, or extract ammunition depending on the use you give it, it will adapt to all such situations without the slightest effort, nor the need to have knowledge of Lua / GLua. The user will be able to spam the "USE" key in the environment to collect hidden resources. Like all my gmod addons, it is still a standalone, meaning it doesn't need a gamemode to work, so it is compatible with all of Garry's Mod gamemodes. A nice progress bar will indicate the progress of the collection followed by a nice animated notification displaying the result of the collection in the colour of the point you have predefined. This system is customisable.

create-extraction-points search-in-gmod-environment loading-bar notification-item-find ammo-box-like-left4dead use-all-entity rarity-rate admin-commands-clickable customisable-resource-point setting-extraction-points Since the version 1.2 collecting resources can give experience point

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Description of Gmod Resources Collecting System

  1. πŸ“˜ Description of Gmod Resources Collecting System
  2. πŸ“¦ What does Gmod Resources Collecting System contain
  3. πŸ’‘ What is editable with Gmod Resources Collecting System
  4. ⚑ Network optimisations
  5. ❓ What type of need can Gmod Resources Collecting System address
  6. 🧩 Looting System Collection

πŸ“˜ Description of Gmod Resources Collecting System

Gmod Resources Collecting System aims to bring to your Gmod server points of resources to loot, or resource extraction, the name you give it will depend on how you use it, the idea comes from an old reference on super nintendo "Secret of Evermore" the player digs each nook and cranny to collect and extract resources, I really liked this principle and I dreamed to reproduce it on my servers, so I propose you a similar system which will not be of too much of the gameplay of your server at the same time discrete and useful it will allow your players to explore the least recesses of it to discover its secrecies that you will have simmered with the help of my addon.

On the Admin side:
First create the bases, add either a model that will be visible or a simple cube that can be invisible. Name it and insert the different entities that the collection point will be able to output when the user presses the USE key when it is nearby.

User side:
The player searches the map near a point and will see a progress bar indicating that they have started collecting something.
Once the bar is complete, the resource is displayed nicely on his HUD, and ends up in his inventory or in his hands. If you have an inventory system the item will be in the inventory, it can be any entity specific to your server like weapons or ammo for example.

I imagine this script to be perfect for plant collection. It's up to you to imagine what you could do with it.

πŸ“¦ What does Gmod Resources Collecting System contain?

1. An interface for administering and configuring the database of extraction points you will distribute on your map.
2. A system for adding entities by detection to avoid syntax errors.
3. A basic customisation system for collection points.
4. Build a collection point.
5. Spawn props to get the model without writing
6. Add the materials and entities you want at the end of the collection at each point.
7. Your players will have to press use nearby to start collecting
8. Assign a colour code effect depending on the type of point on your server.
9. Disconnects the collection points, they become invisible and use zero bandwidth
10. Add new resource points based on your new additions whenever you feel like it.
11. If you need to make collection points visible you have the option to have them removed after collection.
12. Customise the resource extraction time by type of point.
13. Name the points to let the players know what they are digging.
14. Customise the collection sound by environment type.
15. Create an environment with hidden content that will allow your players to explore your maps from top to bottom.
16. Build and convert props into points.

As usual the video show a demo of version 1.0. Updates will be added as you request them.

πŸ’‘ What is editable with Gmod Resources Collecting System?

1. The name of the point, it will be displayed in the progress bar when the user is collecting the resource.
2. The model and skin if you have chosen to make the collection point visible.
3. The collection time of the resource point.
4. The collection sound when the collection is finished.
5. Respawn after, means the interval between collections that you have to wait.
6. Enable / Disable the invisible (Offline) option of a point to allow offline resource extraction points.
7. Customise the collection progress bar colour.

⚑ Network optimizations

This script allows to switch to offline in order to save bandwidth, this will have the effect of making the object invisible, which will also allow not to draw anything in 3D on the client side. However, the points are there. Ready to be interrogated with the USE key.

❓ What kind of need can Gmod Resources Collecting System meet?

1. You are looking for a system to hide objects on the map for your users to explore its environment.
2. You want to optimize your server's bandwidth by placing loot points offline.
3. You want your users in your gamemode to

🧩 Looting System Collection

Gmod Resources Collecting System is part of the LOOTING SYSTEM suite working independently from each other but together it completes a wide range of possibilities that concern looting.

1. NPC Death Loot Manager
2. Gmod Loot Furniture Designer
3. Destructible Resource Container System, Mining, Looting
4. Gmod Resources Collecting System

πŸ”Ή WIKI & F.A.Q πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
Wiki πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Wiki πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Wiki of Gmod Resources Collecting System

Gmod Resources Collecting System

☰ 1. Installation of Gmod Resources Collecting System
Installation: Download and Unzip the folder Install the addon in the addons file of your Gmod server,
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_resources_collecting_system
☰ 2. Where can I find resources and materials? What is the Gmod Resources Collecting System Workshop id?
Vous trouverez les ressources dans le workshop de Garry's Mod sur Steam. - Gmod Workshop ID of Gmod Resources Collecting System: 2848177725
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2848177725 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod Resources Collecting System [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
☰ 3. How to open the Gmod Resources Collecting System management menu?
1. Use the command from the console: collectible_manager
2. Or from the shortcut button with Nor Admin Mod.
You have a choice. The second one allows you not to have to come back to find the command.
☰ 4. How does a user collect a resource on my server map?
Your users will have to stand near a collection point and press USE. They will have to stay close to the point until the extraction bar is full, at the end they will get the fruit of the collection that you will have previously defined in the configuration from the management interface.
☰ 5. How to create a collection point on gmod map?
First of all, you have to choose a model. And insert it by clicking on Models Detection from the interface. Choose the mode of addition among:
1. Write the model path manually
2. Detect it from surrounding props.
3. Add a simple grey cube. This option is useful when you need to make invisible points.
☰ 6. How do I add a list of extractable objects to a point?
To make it simple you just need to spawn the object you want to add to the object list, then open the menu and click on Items Detection. The item will automatically appear in the menu.
☰ 7. How to set rarity rates between items?
Click on the item and set the percentage you want from the inventory.
☰ 8. I see in the video that you use a lot of materials that are not in the addon, is that normal?
Yes, the materials I use are suggestive and used for demonstration purposes. If you are interested in a full material pack in the store in the near future, let me know.
☰ 9. How do I save the position of the points I have placed?
Click on Admin and Save. As far as the configuration of the points is concerned after each modification of the variables this is saved automatically.
☰ 10. I can't delete a collection point, what do I do?
Open the management menu and go to the Admin button on the top right, Deactivate persistence. You will then be able to delete your points, this is a security feature that prevents accidental deletion.
☰ 11. How do I name a point so that the name appears on the HUD during collection?
From the management menu click on the base you want to customize a menu appears in the middle click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Name write the new name you want to be displayed during the collection.
☰ 12. How to change the collection time of a Point?
From the management menu click on the base you wish to customise a menu appears in the middle click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Collection time, set the loading time in seconds.
☰ 13. How to set a delay between each collection?
From the management menu click on the base you wish to customize a menu appears in the middle click on the corner wheel and go to : Respawn after, will force the point to stop supplying resources after a certain time.
☰ 14. How to play a specific sound at the end of the collection? Like a picking sound for blueberries and a stone sound for collecting stones?
From the management menu click on the base you want to customize a menu appears in the middle click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Collect Sound, and write the path of the audio file that should be played.
☰ 15. How to make a visible collection point delete itself right after collection?
From the management menu click on the base you want to customise, a menu appears in the middle, click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Delete after collect: Set the curser to ON. By default it will be OFF.
☰ 16. How do I set a respawn of a collection point after a time once it has disappeared, for example I want a mushroom to respawn after 10 seconds like in the video?
From the management menu click on the base you want to customize a menu appears in the middle click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Respawn after, and set the delay in seconds.
☰ 17. How to change the colour of the collection bar on the HUD and the effect?
From the management menu click on the base you want to customize a menu appears in the middle click on the wheel in the corner and go to : Progress bar color, click on the colour code you want.
☰ 18. How to make the user earn EXP points at the end of the resource collection?
From the interface a new line is added from version 1.2 of the script. It will show 0 because by default it will not be activated. Set the value you need and when a user succeeds in a collection he will get the resource you set + the experience points it generated.

set Collecting give xp

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod Resources Collecting System installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published2 years
Last update
Versionversion 2.1
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
Entities Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode Gamemode