🔨 Changelog

Changelog of Gmod Advanced Character Creator System

All updates to the "Gmod Advanced Character Creator System" addon listed here.

📅 Version 7 Released 1741507757 ago

⚡ Optimization
Client-side file size reduced by 9.4%.
85 -> 77 kB
📅 Version 6.9 Released 1739150846 ago

📜 Added in Configuration file
cfg.Change_PM = 1 -- 1 = New playermodel when changing jobs. 0 = Keep original playermodel after changing jobs.
📅 Version 6.8 Released 1736649139 ago

🚀 Added new features with NDesc: RP Item & Character Descriptions (January 2025)
You can generate your characters' descriptions with NDesc RP description individually, i.e. each of your characters has its own roleplay description.
📅 Version 6.7 Released 1731368503 ago

🚀 Added
cfg.Character_change=10 -- 0 = OFF, >0 = ON : Can change the character without disconnect (The number is also the time in seconds to leave a character. By default 10 seconds)

🧱 Improved
When DarkRP is replaced by NJob - Gmod Job Creator System and the option is set to cfg.Models_List_System=2 (DarkRP Model Per Job), this also loads the playermodel list for NJob jobs.

⚡ Optimization
Reduce source code size and number of files.
Spawn optimization on NJob. Unlike DarkRP, NJob doesn't need to obtain a job's team ID for each spawn.
📅 Version 6.6 Released 1730990607 ago

🧰 Lua Error fix
fix [norda_njob_creator] sv_norda_njob_mod.lua:322: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
📅 Version 6.5 Released 1730986494 ago

🧰 Lua Error fix
fix [norda_fishing_system] cl_norda_fishing_system.lua:1422: attempt to index field 'Norda_NFishKits' (a nil value)
📅 Version 6.4 Released 1729640316 ago

✔️ Patch
Patch the job name displayed in the character selection menu.

⚡ Optimization
Job management optimization.
📅 Version 6.3 Released 1719186069 ago

🧰 Lua Error fix
Fix [norda_character_creator_system] sv_character_creator_db.lua:464: attempt to index a nil value

⚡ Optimization
Optimisation of meta:setCJob() = Reduce the number of table searches, Anticipated verification, Efficient string concatenation.
Adding a filter to the PlayerChangedTeam hook
📅 Version 6.2 Released 1718415880 ago

✔️ Patch
Correction of a small visual bug in the character's information center.
📅 Version 6.1 Released 1718409685 ago

⚡ Optimization
Reducing the size of client-side code optimiation.
For the character system, we go from 2 customer files of 87kb and 26kb to a single file of 85kb on the customer side.
📅 Version 6.0 Released 1717809014 ago

🚀 Added
Linking the management menu with all the other scripts makes it possible to switch menus quickly. The new linking system makes it possible to remove icons from the Workshop. This reduces the number of resource downloads via the workshop.

When you want to add jobs, you no longer have to write them manually. They are automatically detected, and you add them by clicking in the list of detected jobs (DarkRP or NJob System in my next script), which not only speeds things up, but also avoids synthesizer errors.

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and code optimization.
📅 Version 5.9 Released 1715621523 ago

🚀 Added
Compatibility with new NRank API additions.

⚡ Optimization
The size of workshop resources is greatly reduced.
📅 Version 5.8 Released 1714486990 ago

🚀 Added
Compatibility update with NRank - Gmod's Advanced Customisable Ranking System: This update displays the ranks and badges of each character in the character selection menu.
📅 Version 5.7 Released 1711027224 ago

⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.

Reduction in client-side code size.

❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 5.6 Released 1710155239 ago

🚀 Added
Add a variable in the configuration file to delete the information / Name / Age / Gender / Job / Creation date space:
cfg.Show_Characters_Information=1 -- 1 = ON / 0 = OFF

Add a variable to disable separation labels / Progress / Status / Alignments:
cfg.Show_separation_label_statistics=1 -- 1 = ON / 0 = OFF
📅 Version 5.5 Released 1708661854 ago

🧰 Lua Error fix
Corrects the lua error when you deactivate the rarity color of items in the inventory: [norda_character_creator_system] */draw.lua:183: attempt to compare nil with number
📅 Version 5.4 Released 1708654072 ago

🚀 Added
Add Support for the karma system and character reputation.
Add Support for NRank advanced rank system (The next script).

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic update.
📅 Version 5.3 Released 1707086017 ago

✔️ Patch
Fixes the conflict causing a black screen once in-game after the user has chosen a character.
📅 Version 5.2 Released 1706823420 ago

✔️ Patch
Corrects Lua error caused by job backup when job option is enabled without DarkRP.
[norda_character_creator_system] /cl_character_creator.lua:1617: attempt to concatenate field 'job' (a nil value)
📅 Version 5.1 Released 1702482080 ago

✔️ Patch
Patch Lua error related to lock-picking system:
[norda_lockpicking_system] */cl_norda_lockpicking_system.lua:1456: attempt to index field 'Norda_LockpicksKits' (a nil value)
📅 Version 5.0 Released 1701734433 ago

✔️ Patch
Patch a problem of compatibility with: Gmod Advanced Player Position Memory
📅 Version 4.9 Released 1701732789 ago

✔️ Patch
Fixes a script conflict with: Gmod Key and Lock System + Door Manager

Fixes this lua error only exists if you use the key script:
[norda_lock_and_key_system] addons/norda_lock_and_key_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_keys_system.lua:1252: attempt to index field 'Norda_KeysRing' (a nil value)
📅 Version 4.8 Released 1700129823 ago

✔️ Patch
Patch a major internal conflict.
📅 Version 4.7 Released 1699953078 ago

🧱 Improved
-Interface optimisation. You can't see the map until you open the character selection menu when you arrive on the server.
-Aesthetic improvement.

🚀 Added
-Bring compatibility with the NCredit - Gmod Premium Currency addon and its features.
You can choose the price for unlocking a character slots in premium credit. You will always be able to choose which slots are free, paid (with NCredit), reserved for VIPs and/or Staff.

Screenshot #1: Pointshop slots
Screenshot #2: Character Slot Price with NCredit - Premium Currency
📅 Version 4.6 Released 1692395613 ago

✔️ Patched:
Problem of character deletion after death resolved. Since the addition of this new option. This could happen when you allow users to delete their own characters. If you have not activated this option, you are not concerned.
📅 Version 4.5 Released 1689945654 ago

🚀 Added:
Supports Karma backup when the Karma system is installed.
📅 Version 4.4 Released 1689682486 ago

🚀 Added :
Added variable cfg.Remove_Char_Afterdeath that automatically deletes the character when it dies. Like in DayZ, for example. If you die, you lose your character. It will be deactivated by default.

cfg.Remove_Char_Afterdeath = 0 -- 1 = The character is deleted on death. 0 = The user does not lose their character on death.

Added the line 24 in the wiki about this new feature.
📅 Version 4.3 Released 1687267070 ago

🚀 Added :
Added API to return the character's unique id.


🧱 Improved :
Optimizing server-side code.
📅 Version 4.2 Released 1684550536 ago

🚀 Added :
Add in config file the variables cfg.Script_Radiation and cfg.Script_FatigueWhich allows to display the stats of new scripts (fatigue and radiation) if installed.
cfg.Script_Radiation = 1 // : Gmod Radiation System
cfg.Script_Fatigue = 1 // : Gmod Fatigue & sleep System

✔️ Patched:
Fixes the problems that appeared since the new Gmod update.

🧱 Improved :
Optimization of the display of the bars in the stats.
Aesthetic improvement of the bars.
📅 Version 4.1 Released 1681216917 ago

🚀 Added :
Added new icons, and new shortcuts.
📅 Version 4.0 Released 1679402931 ago

🚀 Added Player API:
meta:setCJob( job ) = Apply and Save the Job of the character.
meta:setCRPname( Character_Name , save or nil ) = Apply and save the Roleplay name of the character.
meta:SetCAge( Age , save or nil ) = For example in a Hogwarts server you want to force an age in relation to a job.
meta:SetCGenre( F or M , save or nil ) = Defines gender. M or F
meta:SetCModel( model_path , save or nil ) = Defines and save the PLayermodel.
meta:SetCSkin( var , save or nil ) = Define and save the Skin
meta:SetCBodygroup( var , save or nil ) = Define and save the Bodygroup.
meta:SetCColor( var , save or nil ) = Define and save the color selection of the playermodel

✔️ Patched:
Patched <hen you change jobs and die, the player respawns with the playermodel of the database. And not the new one.
📅 Version 3.9 Released 1679330724 ago

🧱 Improved:
From the configuration file you need to find the variable: cfg.Save_Job_PModel and set it to 0.

cfg.Save_Job_PModel = 0 -- If you change jobs, your character model does not move. Save_Job_PModel Prevents DarkRP from replacing the character model and saving when you change jobs. In short, you will change jobs without losing the current model. 1 = Change the playermodel and save it when the job is changed.
📅 Version 3.8 Released 1678290557 ago

✔️ Patched :
If you don't have the inventory system installed then this patch is for you. It fixes a Lua error preventing the chat: /selection and /character commands from being used.
Lua error patched: sv_character_creator_db.lua:387: attempt to call field 'nord_inv_plyinit' (a nil value)
📅 Version 3.7 Released 1677774847 ago

🚀 Added :
Add in config file : cfg.Save_Job_PModel

cfg.Save_Job_PModel = 0 -- 1 = Saves the playermodel of the new job on the character after the job change. 0 = OFF.

Don't forget to force the change of playermodel when you change jobs if you use the DarkRP gamemode. The other gamemode is the team model.
📅 Version 3.6 Released 1677586595 ago

🧱 Improved:
More translations on some untranslated words reported
📅 Version 3.5 Released 1677199609 ago

🧱 Improved :
Added some translation.
📅 Version 3.4 Released 1676148416 ago

🚀 Added :
Sometimes you use a deathmenu that doesn't work simply because this system handles the death of the player. In this update you will be able to disable this management by changing a simple variable.

Add in config file : cfg.PlayerDeath_management

cfg.PlayerDeath_management = 1 -- 1 = ON (Enabled by default). 0 = Disable management of PlayerDeath, PlayerSilentDeath and PlayerDeathThink
📅 Version 3.3 Released 1674263415 ago

🚀 Added :
cfg.Respawn_Timer = 5 -- 5 = 5 seconds
cfg.Force_Respawn=1 -- 0 = Do nothing automatically after death
📅 Version 3.2 Released 1671226647 ago

🧱 Improved:
Compatibility Improvement with : Gmod Advanced Inventory System
The character's age and gender is displayed in the character's stats window in the inventory.
📅 Version 3.1 Released 1670980509 ago

✔️ Patched :
Improves compatibility with the DeathScreen and TitleScreen

Patch this Lua Error when you try to respawn from the DeathScreen:
[norda_character_creator_system] lua/includes/extensions/client/panel.lua:580: Tried to use a NULL Panel!
1. GetChildren - [C]:-1
2. Clear - lua/includes/extensions/client/panel.lua:580
3. character_menu3_reload - addons/norda_character_creator_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_character_creator.lua:957
4. func - addons/norda_inventory_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_norda_inventory_system.lua:2634
5. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:33
📅 Version 3.0 Released 1667843035 ago

🚀 Added :
Added compatibility with the new pocket system.
Character saves take into account the pocket and its contents regardless of the other characters your users have created.
📅 Version 2.9 Released 1667587938 ago

✔️ Patched :
Patched the conflict with (De/Re)generation systems. (Stamina, Hunger, Thirst, ect)
📅 Version 2.8 Released 1665615778 ago

🧱 Improved :
Displays the unoccupied slots of the inventory compared to the settings of the inventory system.
📅 Version 2.7 Released 1665489909 ago

🧱 Improved :
When deleting the character, the character stats generated by the independent scripts will be deleted too, this concerns my systems of : Life, Armor, Hunger, Thirst, Stamina, Mana, Level, Exp, Money, Inventory.

✔️ Patched :
Fixed Lua error when creating the character linked to the inventory.
📅 Version 2.6 Released 1665407883 ago

🚀 Added :
Compatibility with Gmod Advanced Inventory System
Add when each created character has its own inventory. The inventory is displayed from the character selection menu.
📅 Version 2.5 Released 1662997807 ago

✔️ Patched :
The save systems of some Gmod scripts for optimization reasons only launched if the player disconnects from the server, the problem patch when the player changes character it does not save his character in progress.

This patch update takes into account the saving of :

1. Gmod Leveling System
2. Gmod Money System
3. Gmod Health Modules
4. Gmod Stamina System
5. Gmod Hunger Mod
6. Gmod Thirst Mod
7. Gmod Mana System
📅 Version 2.4 Released 1662733436 ago

Add in the config file the variables:


Users_Can_Change_Color allows your users to change the colour of their character or block it from being displayed in the character creation menu.

Show_the_Inventory allows you to show the character's inventory or hide it.

🧱 Improved:
Compatibility with Gmod Death Screen and Gmod Title Screen addons.
📅 Version 2.3 Released 1660913738 ago

🧱 Improved :
Compatibility with DarkRP. When the steam player nickname is displayed instead of the roleplay name.

cfg.allowrpnames allow to enable and disable it.
📅 Version 2.2 Released 1655736408 ago

🚀 Added :
Using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the playermodel view
📅 Version 2.1 Released 1655255971 ago

🧱 Improved :
Players in the character selection menu are no longer visible in game. And cannot be killed.
📅 Version 2.0 Released 1654979882 ago

✔️ Patched :

Patch the Lua Error when using ULX:

[norda_character_creator_system] addons/norda_character_creator_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_character_creator_db.lua:21: attempt to index field 'OwnersSteamID64' (a nil value)
1. eRight - addons/norda_character_creator_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_character_creator_db.lua:21
2. norda_charstock_db - addons/norda_character_creator_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_character_creator_db.lua:470
3. fn - addons/norda_character_creator_system/lua/autorun/nordahl_sv/sv_character_creator_db.lua:320
4. unknown - addons/ulib-v2_63/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
📅 Version 1.9 Released 1654723473 ago

🧱 Improved :
cfg.Screen_default can now be modified from the configuration file. To be able to remove the -Home Screen- button.
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1654352912 ago

✔️ Patched :
When the player dies. He returns to his original job at the time of creation.

🧱 Improved :
The save job only works when the player has spawned in game.
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1654000709 ago

🧱 Improved :
The customization of the color of the playermodel is taken into account in the spawn.

🚀 Added :
When Skins are modified in game, the skin is saved.
When the Bodygroups are modified in game, the Bodygroups is saved.
When the player's color is changed in game, the color is saved.
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1653521267 ago

🧱 Improved :
Replace the steam name by the roleplay name of the character selected in the interfaces in game.

🚀 Added :
Add in the config file the variable : cfg.allowrpnames = true . To allow the system to replace the steam name by the roleplay name of the character.

Add in the config file the variable : cfg.char_zoom = -4. Character presentation model too big? Choose the zoom. Negative value = UnZoom. Positive value = Zoom. (Unzoom recommended = -4 )
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1653325267 ago

🧱 Improved :
The menu is updated in real time when the variables of the database are modified

🚀 Added :
Edit from the admin panel the :
- PlayerModels of users database
- Age of Characters
- Genre of Characters
- RP Name of the Characters
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1653319543 ago

🚀 Added :
Added the job of the character in the column of the administration system to manage it.

Add in the config file: cfg.Save_Job = 1
0 = The player respawns with his basic job chosen during Creation of the Character.
1 = Save the job change on the Character.

🧱 Improved :
For safety reasons it is not possible to create a character if there is no model in the list.
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1653315605 ago

✔️ Patched :
Patched when the refreshment of the list of the playermodels was not done when we change job in the menu of creation of character if its conditions were met.

cfg.Job_Selection_System = 3
cfg.Models_List_System = 2
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1652892295 ago

🚀 Added :
In the configuration file you can find the line : cfg.Show_PlayerModels_Reserved = 1
1 = Show all PlayerModels in the selection menu.
0 = Hide the playermodels from the list if the user is not VIP or Staff for the reserved models.

Topic added in the wiki about Show_PlayerModels_Reserved. (Question 16)
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1652825725 ago

🚀 Added :
Added link to resource pack on Gmod workshop on Steam.
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1652795893 ago

Initial Version
Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published2 years
Last update
Versionversion 7
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇪🇸
DarkRP Donation VGUI Optimisation Management Allgamemode