πŸ”¨ Changelog

Changelog of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker

All updates to the "Gmod Money System + HUD Maker" addon listed here.

πŸ“… Version 3.7 Released 1741505147 ago

⚑ Optimization
Client-side file size reduced by 15%.
52 -> 44kB
πŸ“… Version 3.6 Released 1723042823 ago

βœ”οΈ Compatibility
Compatibility update with new script NJob - Gmod Job Creator and Editor
πŸ“… Version 3.5 Released 1721353905 ago

🧱 Improved
Changes to a character's wallet stats no longer affect the player when using another character. Updates are now applied only to the character currently in play. With Gmod Addon Advanced Character Creator System

Money system items are now spawnable again from the Gmod spawnmenu.
πŸ“… Version 3.4 Released 1721343912 ago

🧱 Improved
Creation of an alias for the givemoney command: givemoney β€œsteamid64” amount.

Which also allows this command to be used in your project's online store.
πŸ“… Version 3.3 Released 1717807521 ago

πŸš€ Added
Linking the management menu with all the other scripts makes it possible to switch menus quickly. The new linking system makes it possible to remove icons from the Workshop. This reduces the number of resource downloads via the workshop.

When you want to add jobs, you no longer have to write them manually. They are automatically detected, and you add them by clicking in the list of detected jobs (DarkRP or NJob System in my next script), which not only speeds things up, but also avoids synthesizer errors.

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and code optimization.
πŸ“… Version 3.2 Released 1711027033 ago

⚑ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.

Reduction in client-side code size.

❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
πŸ“… Version 3.1 Released 1708071226 ago

🧱 Improved
Replacement of hooks noted as obsolete on the official Gmod wiki which will be removed in future Gmod updates.

⚑ Optimization
Major optimization of server-side and client-side administration systems.
Reduction in the size of resource files (workshop).
Major aesthetic improvements.
πŸ“… Version 3.0 Released 1699662710 ago

🧱 Improved
The standard currency configured on this script, the currency symbol and the custom icon are displayed in the standard currency slot of all my other scripts that work with money.

Compatibility with: NCredit - Gmod Premium Currency
πŸ“… Version 2.9 Released 1699369325 ago

πŸš€ Added
Added the option of giving money by entering a numerical value in the management panel. You can also withdraw money by entering a negative value. Before, you could only Set, which avoids having to calculate.

These actions can now be performed from the Nor Gmod Admin System panel on connected players.
πŸ“… Version 2.8 Released 1681217214 ago

πŸš€ Added :
Added new icons, and new shortcuts commands.

🧱 Improved :
Improved database examples that can be deleted without returning to an empty list after adding a new rank or job to the list.
πŸ“… Version 2.7 Released 1674487688 ago

πŸš€ Added :
Automated currency support displayed on : Gmod Items Trading and Selling System
πŸ“… Version 2.6 Released 1673999578 ago

πŸš€ Added :
Chat command to drop the money : /dropmoney amount
Example to drop 5$ in the chat : /dropmoney 5

Add in the config file the possibility to define the entity class name of the money you drop:

cfg.MoneyClassDropped = "cash_5"
πŸ“… Version 2.5 Released 1671166544 ago

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fixes conflict with DarkRP money
Use cfg.Only_DarkRP_money = 0 to overide the darkrp money.

This concerns only those who use DarkRP.

🧱 Improved :
If your wallet is limited to a defined maximum amount and you have reached the maximum. In this case, the money you are trying to collect will no longer disappear and you will be informed in the server language that your wallet is full.

πŸš€ Added :
Adding translations in config file
πŸ“… Version 2.4 Released 1665584197 ago

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fixed when some spawnable money cannot be collected
πŸ“… Version 2.3 Released 1664873983 ago

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Some new variable buttons do not work but work by command for example to customize the currency on the HUD. Sorry for this oversight.
πŸ“… Version 2.2 Released 1663839450 ago

🧱 Improved :
+Add new style (Light Style)
+Automation of the backup system.
+Purified interface.
+Optimisation of the backup system of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker.
+Code optimization, size reduction.
+Merge the contents of the HUD button and STYLE allowing the Style button to be removed.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
-Removal of buttons and the action of saving at each modification.
+The system automatically saves itself after during modifications.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. πŸ”ƒ
πŸ“… Version 2.1 Released 1660136442 ago

🧱 Improved :
Change the function cfg.hudmoney_save for it work also with ULX admin system.
πŸ“… Version 2.0 Released 1660076109 ago

🧱 Improved :
HUD Styles was improved

πŸš€ Added :
When the server restarts or changes map, players lose their progress. This has been improved. Another option to choose the save method has been added.

Add cfg.Save_Methods in the config file :

/* -----Save Methods-----
1 = Money is Save only when user disconnect (It will optimize your database. You need a stable server.).
2 = Money is Save every time the money is edited (Secure, if the server crash the user dont lost money).
cfg.Save_Methods=1 // (by default = 1)

βœ”οΈ Patched :

Sometime the payday and reward system was stopped. The pay and reward system timer was now fixed.
πŸ“… Version 1.9 Released 1655255028 ago

βœ”οΈ Patched :
Fixed the Lua error when the character system is installed and the player dies in the server title screen.
πŸ“… Version 1.8 Released 1654877167 ago

🧱 Improved :

Set the money maximum limit on your server with cfg.MaxMoney_max. A player will not be able to have more.
cfg.MaxMoney_max = 100000

0 = No Limit max per level, the limit max is the server limit max is defined by : cfg.MaxMoney_max
1 = The user has to buy or find the item that increases his max money.
2 = The max money rises with the level of the user.
cfg.MaxMoney_define_per_lvl = 0
cfg.MaxMoney_gain_per_levelup = 10 // The max additional money per level up.
πŸ“… Version 1.7 Released 1654123604 ago

πŸš€ Added :
Add a variable to continue using DarkRP money System

cfg.Only_DarkRP_money=0 // (default = 0) 0 = Use this system. 1 = Use DarkRP money.
πŸ“… Version 1.6 Released 1653861195 ago

🧱 Improved :
Database SQL Optimisation
πŸ“… Version 1.5 Released 1653856863 ago

🧱 Improved :
Minor patch
πŸ“… Version 1.4 Released 1653336025 ago

🧱 Improved :
Icon updates and optimizations
πŸ“… Version 1.3 Released 1652624849 ago

🧱 Enhanced:
High optimization (server side CPU)
Reduced file size.

πŸš€ Added :
Compatibility Gmod Character System
πŸ“… Version 1.2 Released 1645393095 ago

πŸš€ Added :
Added the id of the content workshop for the materials. If you don't use fastdl it will be useful.
πŸ“… Version 1.1 Released 1645285338 ago

πŸš€ Added :
English translation added.
πŸ“… Version 1.0 Released 1645185146 ago

Initial version
Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published3 years
Last update
Versionversion 3.7
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
LanguagesπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ
Admin DarkRP HUD Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode