🔨 Changelog

Changelog of Gmod Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker

All updates to the "Gmod Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker" addon listed here.

📅 Version 2.5 Released 1741505741 ago

⚡ Optimization
Client-side file size reduced by 21%.
38 -> 30 kB
📅 Version 2.4 Released 1736648206 ago

🚀 Added
When the camera is in third-person view, the view zooms in on the entity when reading the roleplay description generated by NDesc: RP Item & Character Descriptions
📅 Version 2.3 Released 1736480333 ago

✔️ Patch
Forced 3rd-person view on login, in single-player and multiplayer. Problem solved.

🚀 Added
Add compatibility with 78th addon (coming soon)
📅 Version 2.2 Released 1717806679 ago

🚀 Added
Linking the management menu with all the other scripts makes it possible to switch menus quickly. The new linking system makes it possible to remove icons from the Workshop. This reduces the number of resource downloads via the workshop.

When you want to add jobs, you no longer have to write them manually. They are automatically detected, and you add them by clicking in the list of detected jobs (DarkRP or NJob System in my next script), which not only speeds things up, but also avoids synthesizer errors.

🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and code optimization.
📅 Version 2.1 Released 1711026501 ago

⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.

Reduction in client-side code size.

❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 2.0 Released 1710764858 ago

🚀 Added
Major aesthetic improvements to interfaces and reduced code size.

⚡ Optimization
Optimization of workshop file size: 44.014 KB > 24.514 KB (Materials in workshop updated)

✔️ Patch
The latest Gmod updates have broken ToVector's functionality. A solution was found to compensate this useful function. This makes camera mode 5 usable again.
📅 Version 1.9 Released 1685542997 ago

✔️ Patched :
Patched when opening the system from the admin panel and closing the window, the mouse remains displayed.
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1670055277 ago

✔️ Patched :
Another patch of compatibility for SharpeYe.
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1669972486 ago

✔️ Compatibility :
Patch the Lua Error of SharpeYe caused at the swich of the first person view to the third person view.

[SharpeYe] lua/includes/extensions/math.lua:52: bad argument #1 to 'max' (number expected, got nil)
1. max - [C]:-1
2. Clamp - lua/includes/extensions/math.lua:52
3. ApplyMotion - lua/cl_sharpeye_motion.lua:186
4. fn - lua/cl_sharpeye_motion.lua:278
5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109 (x2892)
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1664526173 ago

✔️ Patched :
Corrects the disappearance of the mouse pointer when notifying the display mode change while you have a menu open.

🚀 Added :
Compatibility with the gmod inventory system. When you are in the third person view and open the inventory the camera rotates on your character.
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1663837906 ago

🧱 Improved :
+Optimisation of the backup system of Advanced View Creator + Crosshair maker.
+Code optimization, size reduction serverside and clientside.
+Gmod Steam Workshop [Content ONLY] updated.
+Added a reset setting button at the top right of the management panel.

Improvement of DColorMixer of Garry's Mod. Which allows you to copy and paste the complete RGBA code and insert it in other DColorMixer to better respect the graphic charter of your game on your server. And also to work faster.

⚠️ Don't forget to click on the new blue Reset Setting button that appears at the top right of the administration panel. To delete the old style save to load the new updated variables. 🔃
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1658852500 ago

🧱 Improved :
Suppression of head wobble at rest with viewing mode 1
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1655667597 ago

🚀 Added :
Add variable in config file to disable the head bogging for the Camera Mode 3.
gmod head bobbing

cfg.headbobbing_cam_3 = 1 // 1 = Enable headbobbing in camera 3, 0 = OFF
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1644509246 ago

✔️ Patched :
Patched a Lua error when trying to switch views too early.
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1644506465 ago

🚀 Added :
Added association with resource pack on workshop if owner has no fastdl the resources can always be downloaded from workshop and not from server.
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1644423048 ago

Initial version
Gmod Addon

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Creator: Norda Scripts

Published3 years
Last update
Versionversion 2.5
CategoriesGmod addons
RequierementsGarry's Mod Server
Languages🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇪🇸
DarkRP Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode