🔨 Changelog
Changelog of Gmod Store Builder
All updates to the "Gmod Store Builder" addon listed here.
📅 Version 4.4 Released 1719589970 ago
⚡ Optimization
Huge server-side optimization this time, helps relieve bandwidth, Article on Osgmod's Gmod forum with screenshots and list of addons concerned.
Opening menus disables HUD display.
🧱 Improved
Improved animation system for fluid postures instead of freeze postures.
📅 Version 4.3 Released 1718414240 ago
🚀 Added
Add command to give money or credit:
- Example 1: a user has bought money ($1,000 for DarkRP, for example) on your site, the order will be :
give_money 76561198033784269 1000
- Example 2 a user bought in your store on your site 500C Coins, the order will be :
give_coins 76561198033784269 500
📅 Version 4.2 Released 1717973593 ago
🧱 Improved
Major aesthetic improvements and clientside code optimization.
Dynamic animation of the character displayed.
✔️ Patch
Corrects the Lua error that occurs when attempting to repeatedly display the list of NPC animation sequences to set their posture.
📅 Version 4.1 Released 1711026308 ago
⚡ Client-side Optimization
I've implemented a brand new translation system aimed at enhancing performance and reducing overall size. Now, initialization occurs only once, regardless of the number of installed scripts. Previously, each of my scripts would initialize individually on the client-side, which, with a total of 51 scripts, could lead to slowdowns. With this update, a single initialization will handle all 51 scripts and future ones, optimizing both the client and the overall experience.
Reduction in client-side code size.
❌ Removed
Removed certain icons such as flags, reducing the size of the workshop ressources download.
📅 Version 4.0 Released 1691447751 ago
✔️ Patch:
Patch Lua Error: [nordahl_store_builder] .../cl_store_builder.lua:812: attempt to index upvalue 'model' (a nil value)
📅 Version 3.9 Released 1685694848 ago
✔️ Patched:
This update fixes the problem when you can't apply a model different from the base money. This means that cfg.Credit_Model will be dissociated from cfg.Money_Model. In order to assign another money to another type of money such as Credits.
If you use custom models for credits on your server, this update is for you. If you've disabled it because you don't need it, you can ignore it.
📅 Version 3.8 Released 1685088660 ago
✔️ Patched :
When dropping a stack of items from inventory (Gmod Advanced Inventory System). For example, 5 medkits. The quantity of items that fit in the stack of a single entity is taken into account. So if you sell 1 medkit at $1. It will be sold for $5 because there are 5 of them.
📅 Version 3.7 Released 1684994434 ago
✔️ Patched :
Lua Error Patch [nordahl_store_builder] */cl_store_builder.lua:138: attempt to concatenate local 'mdl' (a nil value)
📅 Version 3.6 Released 1684981815 ago
🧱 Improved :
- cfg.item_no_img was removed from the config file. This allowed to display this image instead of the item images without spawnicones.
+ cfg.Image_Entity_Icon = 1, has been added, it allows to display the spawn icons in priority. If they don't exist, the 3D models will be displayed as a backup. This means that the standard icon for objects without icons is no longer displayed. If disabled it will only display the 3D icons.
+ cfg.Image_Model_Icon = 1, has been added, it allows to generate an icon of the absent item from its model.
✔️ Patched :
The name of the item is displayed in the store summary instead of the item 's class name.
⚠️ If you already have your icons this update is not important for you. Otherwise the items must be replaced in the store to see the 3D icons because in the previous version the model was not a registered option.
📅 Version 3.5 Released 1684871913 ago
🚀 Added :
Added the possibility to choose to disable the possibility for the merchant to sell and buy in order to make special merchants for selling and others for buying.
To do this add an empty field in the text configuration area to disable the choice line in the dialog.
+Question 21 Added in the Wiki about this new feature.
📅 Version 3.4 Released 1684700800 ago
🧱 Improved :
Change the UI to show display name rather than the class name.
Yo go to buy the "Repair Kit 100%" it said "Select "vc_pickup_healthkit_100" with money (2,000 $)"
Now : "Select "Repair Kit 100%" with money (2,000 $)".
✔️ Patched :
Corrects a translation mistake.
📅 Version 3.3 Released 1683927349 ago
Now the Gmod Store Builder NPCS sells items but also buys items, since the version 3.3 Gmod Store Builder also becomes a buyer. All you have to do is to physically present the items for sale in front of him. He will propose you his price (the one you will have configured in his configuration menu).
🚀 Added :
+Add a New line in the dialog to sell after placing the items to sell in front of him.
+New words have been added in the translation
🗜️ Optimisation :
+There are several files and folders that are no longer needed to provide the same result. The goal is to reduce the size of the client-side code provided when the player connects.
Don't forget to completely delete the addon files before installing 3.3.
✔️ Patched :
+ The Lua refresh will no longer create duplicate NPCs.
🚮 Variable now useless deleted:
- cfg.Resale_System
- cfg.Purchase_Percentage
📅 Version 3.2 Released 1671376535 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixe this Lua Error : [nordahl_store_builder] addons/nordahl_store_builder/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/cl_store_builder.lua:545: attempt to index global 'z4' (a nil value)
📅 Version 3.1 Released 1671228589 ago
✔️ Patched :
Removal of the button "Administrate the store" from the wallet.
📅 Version 3.0 Released 1669029325 ago
🧱 Improved :
It is no longer need to save every time you make changes to the store content, it is done automatically when you make changes.
📅 Version 2.9 Released 1668982331 ago
🚀 Optimisation:
Fewer files and reduced size of Lua code.
🚮 Removed :
Removed the button to save (Now its save when its edited)
🧱 Improved :
Improved physics for NPCS merchants
✔️ Patched :
Fixed the collision problem
Fixed the problem when you have to look down to open the menu
Fixed the problem when you have to move a merchant by aiming the feet
📅 Version 2.8 Released 1667564544 ago
🧱 Improved :
Improvement of the posture system. Before, you had to print the list in the console and manually insert the posture index in a text field so that the merchant takes a default posture. Now it's easier. Click on a button, the list of postures is displayed with their name and click on the one you want. It's done.
📅 Version 2.7 Released 1653381921 ago
🚀 Added :
Add Restriction per Level : Restrict access to an in-game store depending on the user's level.
📅 Version 2.6 Released 1645342139 ago
🚀 Added :
Add new variable in config file :
/* ----- MONEY SYSTEM -----
0 = if you want use "Norda Gmod Money System" as money system, can be find here : Norda Gmod Money System
1 = if you want use "DarkRP money system" (you must have DarkRP installed)
2 = Use money system of "Gmod Store Builder" (By default)
cfg.Money_System = 2
cfg.Credit_System = 1 -- 0 = OFF 1 = ON (Enabled by default)
🧱 Improved :
Added a white background for transparent entity icons
🚮 Removed :
Removed : cfg.DarkRP_gamemode
Replaced by : cfg.Money_System
📅 Version 2.5 Released 1642229503 ago
✔️ Patched :
Fixed the 3D Model Draw in the panel when you dont use Avatar image.
🧱 Improved :
Due to the random behavior of some DarkRP modified for compatibility with DarkRP a variable has been added, you will choose manually if the script uses the DarkRP money or the Money system of "Gmod Store Builder"
cfg.DarkRP_gamemode = 1 -- 0 = You dont use DARKRP variables, 1 = You Use the money system of DarkRP (you must have DarkRP installed)
📅 Version 2.4 Released 1640968736 ago
🚀 Added :
Add a variable in the configuration file to define the physics of the money model :
cfg.Money_Physics = 1 // Defining the physics of the money model. 1= Collid. 0 = No Collid with players
📅 Version 2.3 Released 1640949100 ago
🚀 Added :
Add Wallet System
Add Chat Command : !wallet
Add Console command : wallet
Drop the amount of money you want on the ground.
Possibility to display the money only in the wallet instead of the HUD for those who want to lighten the HUD.
Give the amount of money you want to the player in front of you without spawning the money on the server. (Secure method since another user won't be able to steal the money on the ground, and also more efficient since the server doesn't need to spawn the item)
📅 Version 2.2 Released 1640294072 ago
🧱 Improved :
Decrease the chances of conflict with darkrp by making a system that does not depend on it.
📅 Version 2.1 Released 1640008344 ago
🚀 Added :
Add variable Money_Lost_when_die : The user loses a percentage of the money he has in his inventory.
In the config file :
cfg.Money_Lost_when_die=50 -- 50% is amount of money lost when the user die. 0 = OFF
📅 Version 2.0 Released 1639962714 ago
🚀 Added :
Uses its own database. Players will get their money back when they log in and come back to play on your server. Even without DarkRP installed.
If DarkRP is not installed the following variables have been rewritten to allow the scripts that depend on them to run anyway.
Question number 14 added in tutorial about this update.
📅 Version 1.9 Released 1638635862 ago
🧱 Improved :
Some DarkRP configurations store the money variable as a string. This update brings compatibility to that.
📅 Version 1.8 Released 1638090805 ago
🧱 Improved :
Important update In the storage method
Optimisation server side
📅 Version 1.7 Released 1634934814 ago
🚀 Configuration modification :
Edit mode is enabled by default. It will be disabled by default.
✔️ Patched :
Patch the error Lua when the user is not admin.
📅 Version 1.6 Released 1634813619 ago
🚀 Added :
-----Gmod Collision Group and physics MECANICS-----
cfg.Physics_of_model = SOLID_VPHYSICS -- Set default Physics, see the list here https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/SOLID
cfg.Merchand_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_NPC -- Set default CollisionGroup, see list of collision group : https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/COLLISION_GROUP
📅 Version 1.5 Released 1634552923 ago
🧱 Improved :
Replaces the display of the entity's class name with the entity's PrintName.
Example :
weapon_357 = "HL2 Magnum",
weapon_ar2 = "HL2 Rifle Gun",
item_healthkit = "HL2 Med Kit",
📅 Version 1.4 Released 1634074484 ago
🚀 Added :
Replaces missing textures when entity creators have not given an image to their creation in the GMod workshop.
✔️ Patched :
Fixe conflict with DEATH LOOT MANAGER
📅 Version 1.3 Released 1633995261 ago
🧱 Improved :
Modification of file names
📅 Version 1.2 Released 1633987625 ago
🚀 Added :
Add the workshopid for the ressources - Servers Content only
📅 Version 1.1 Released 1633979335 ago
🧱 Improved :
Optimisation of the icons size
📅 Version 1.0 Released 1633965130 ago
Initial version
Gmod Addon
📥 Download 4.4
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Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 66 |
Published | 3 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 4.4 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 |
DarkRP Entities Gameplay Management Allgamemode NPC |