Gmod Money System + HUD Maker - Script
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker is a complete Money addon for your Gmod server, it contains a multitude of contents and options that will allow you without any gamemode to still have a money system on your server, with many choices and options. It also contains a HUD Maker with which you can create and customize the display of the currency on the HUD.
It also contains a system that allows you to create salaries for the ranks of administration systems, vip, jobs (for darkrp), team (for other gamemodes).
Currency entities are already included, the system can run with png images that will serve as a 2D model as a simple alternative, if you have not yet modeled your 3D model. More details in the description.


Description of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker
Summary:- π¦ What Gmod Money System + HUD Maker contains
- π Description of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker
- ποΈ HUD Maker to customize the money display on the HUD
- π² Salary system included independent of DarkRP
- π° Reward your players with currency per game time
- π§° All Modules included and manageable from the administration interface
- π§ 2D and 3D Model System
- πΉοΈ Commands
- π¬ API for Gmod developers
- πͺ Commands for donation systems
π¦ What Gmod Money System + HUD Maker contains
1. A currency system that can work even without any gamemode installed.
2. A backup system, the user can find his money and his maximum wallet limit.
3. An administration interface
4. A system of administration of the players' wallets database
5. An integrated spawn menu.
6. A system of replacement of 3D models by 2D models just with simple images in png format.
7. A max wallet upgrade system (you can disable the max money limit from the administration interface).
8. A system of options management by Ranks and by Jobs.
9. A HUD customization system to customize the money display on the HUD.
10. A style system to upload your own currency icons, size, customize the currency on interface, hide the max limit if you disable it.
11. A salary system independent of DarkRP, yes have a salary system even without DarkRP installed. It will also be possible to choose the salary of a staff.
12. A duplicator of gain by ranks or by jobs. During an event you can choose if during a weekend the earned currency will be multiplied.
13. A system of modules manageable from interface which will have its chapter below.
π Description of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker
Gmod Money System + HUD Maker allows you to bring an optimized money system on your Gmod server, it contains a multitude of contents and options that will allow you without any gamemode to have a money system on your server, with many choices and options. It also contains a HUD Maker with which you can create and customize the display of the currency on the HUD.
It also contains a system that allows you to create salaries for the ranks of administration systems, vip, jobs (for darkrp), team (for other gamemodes).
Currency entities are already included, the system can run with png images that will serve as a 2D model as a simple alternative, if you have not yet modeled your 3D model.
ποΈ HUD Maker to customize the money display on the HUD
1. Choose the position: X Y.
2. Choose the size and width.
3. Change the currency icon on the HUD. Upload on an image host for example imgur, copy the link of the image ending with .png. And it's done, the sharing will be done without workshop steam.
4. Edit the colors, the bar, the background, the icon, the text.
5. Edit the size of the icon.
6. Change the type of currency you will use on your server.
7. Choose to display the max currency or not. For example if you set a max limit to the wallet $50 / $100. You can just display $50.
π² Salary system included independent of DarkRP
Activate from the interface the salary system, configure the time between each salary, and the amount of salary of the players, by rank, vip, jobs or team.
π° Reward your players with currency per game time
Activate the reward mod from the module system, the time between each reward and the amount.
reward_money_time = "Players win money in game time, time in seconds": <numeric value>
reward_money_amount = "Amount of reward" : <numeric value>
π§° All Modules included and manageable from the administration interface
save_money = "Save user's money when logging out" : ON | OFF
money_multiplier = "Money Multiplier, any gain is multiplied" : ON | OFF
money_salary_amount = "Salary" : ON | OFF
money_afterdeath = "Money Reloaded Maximum after death" : ON | OFF
begin_maxmoney = "User arrives with this amount as maximum" : ON | OFF
multiply_money = "Today any money earned is multiplied by" : <numeric value>
money_lost = "Percentage of money lost when a player dies" : <numeric value>%.
reward_money_time = "Players win money in game time, time in seconds": <numeric value>
reward_money_amount = "Amount of reward" : <numeric value>
salary_timer = "Timer in seconds of the salary system": <numeric value>
money_max = "The user has a limit in currency, he will have to upgrade his wallet" : ON | OFF
multiplier_announcer = "Announce to players that a win multiplier is active" : ON | OFF
begin_money = "The user arrives on your server with this amount" : <numeric value>$
notification_money = "Notify user when he gets money" : ON | OFF
π§ 2D and 3D Model System
It may happen that you do not have your 3D money models yet. With a simple image in png format create your money entities from the configuration file. They will then be 2D models. Demonstration in video :
πΉοΈ Commands
To open the management interface of : Gmod Money System + HUD Maker
You can use the chat command : !money
From the console: money
Or from my admin system go to the money system management menu shortcut.
π¬ API for Gmod developers
1. Lua functions : Client and Server :
player:Money() = Allows you to return the user's money.
player:GetMaxMoney() = Returns the user's max portfolio limit.
2. Lua functions : Server side :
player:addMoney(number) = Allows you to give or withdraw money. For example. 10 = Adds 10 of change. -20 Withdraw 20 for example when using an expense.
player:setMoney(number) = Allows you to set the player's currency.
player:addMaxMoney(number) = Allows you to increase or decrease the max money (the limit of the portfolio). If you want to create entities that upgrade or downgrade the wallet.
player:setMaxMoney(number) = Allows you to set the user's max money. By default the max money is capped at 100, you can lift this limit in the control panel and disable it yourself.
πͺ Commands for donation systems
If your site offers in-game currency among your sales packages, you can always include the currency in the content of your site thanks to the possibility to give money via a server command.
Server command to give money to a buyer: givemoney "steamid64" amount
Example with a user who has steamid64 76561198033784269 who buys $1000 in your website's shop window: givemoney "76561198033784269" 1000
Path: garrysmod/addons/norda_hud_money_system
- The AddWorkshop function is automatically added to the script server file and can be deactivated from the configuration file. : resource.AddWorkshop( 2760008360 )
- To add gmod workshop resources to your collection : Gmod Money System + HUD Maker [Content Only] | Gmod Workshop
You can use the chat command: !money
From the console: money
By clicking on a button:
From my admin system, via the shortcut menu.
By pressing a key:
Or configure the F1 F2 F3 or F4 key from the configuration file :
cfg.FX_to_Open = "F4"
Find via the steamid64 of a user his line and click on it.
You will be able to change the money he has, change the size of his wallet, delete the line, open his steam profile page, copy his steamid4 to your clipboard.

You have a salary line for the jobs you will add: money_salary_amount
From the interface / Server settings / Configuration of Money options per DarkRP Jobs.
Select the job or add it in the list then click on the line "money_salary_amount" and insert the amount you want to apply.

From the interface / Server settings / Configuration of Money options per rank.
Select the rank, or add it to the list if it has another name on your server, then click on the line "money_salary_amount" and insert the amount you want to apply. VIPs will then receive this amount in salary.

In the line money_multiplier insert the number you want. 1 = Back to normal. The number will be a multiplier. Any money earned will be multiplied for the Mayor for example.

In the line money_multiply choose the number you want. 1 = Back to normal (x1). The number will be a multiplier if you put a 2. Then the money will be multiplied by 2. Any money earned will be multiplied by 2 for VIPs in this example.

To get started from the interface: Server settings / HUD
Here you can move the position of the display, up and down, widen, narrow, lengthen and shrink it and choose the colors of the different elements that make it up.

1 = ON (Show limit)
0 = OFF (Hide limit)

Find the table: cfg.Money_List
You will find several examples here:
{Class="cash_10000",Name="Cash 1000$",Model="models/props/cs_assault/money.mdl",Sound="physics/glass/glass_bottle_impact_hard1.wav",Money=10000,Icon="money"}
Class = Make sure the class names are unique.
Model = Replace with the 3D model of your coins.
Sound = The sound played when the coin is picked up
Money = The amount
Icon = The icon in the spawn menu Sandbox and System. Il doit Γͺtre placΓ© dans le fichier "vgui/entities/" au format png.
Find the table: cfg.Money_List
You will find several examples, one for example:
{Class="gem_1",Name="Rupee Green",Model="models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl",Sound="physics/glass/glass_bottle_impact_hard1.wav",Money=1,Model2D=Material("vgui/entities/gem_1.png"),Rotate2D=1,Size2D=16},
Class = Make sure the Class names are unique.
Model = No need to touch it.
Sound = The sound played when the money is picked up.
Money = The amount.
Model2D = The 3D model will be replaced by the png image you put.
Rotate2D = Will allow you to rotate your 2D entities.
Size2D = Will allow you to configure the size of your 2D objects.
For example for 50% if the player has 100$, if he dies he will lose 50$. A second time he will be left with $25.

reward_money_time, is disabled by default, the value is 0. If you set it to 5 the reward money will be distributed every 5 seconds you will understand it is the time in seconds that people will receive a reward.
reward_money_amount, will allow to configure the amount of the reward.

begin_money is set to 0$ by default. Set the value you think your players will need to start their adventure on your server.

begin_maxmoney, defines the size of the wallet of a newcomer. This is the maximum amount of money the user cannot exceed. He will have to store his money in a bank or an ATM. And this is a good thing I have planned this kind of script.

To switch your economy easily and exclusively to the addon system:
- Set the money for newcomers to zero in the config file of "darkrp_modificationmaster" for example.
- In the F10 console enter this: "rp_resetallmoney" This will set the darkrp money or other gamemode to zero.

Tip to avoid the leak of Gmod Money System + HUD Maker installed on your Garry's Mod server: How avoid the Leak of your Gmod scripts
How Install an addon on Gmod? : How install an addon on Gmod
How Publish an addon on the Gmod workshop? : Documentation how create a content pack to publish on the workshop?

Creator: Norda Scripts
Sales | 63 |
Published | 3 years |
Last update | |
Version | version 3.7 |
DRM | Yes |
Categories | Gmod addons |
Requierements | Garry's Mod Server |
Languages | π¬π§ π«π· π©πͺ π·πΊ πͺπΈ |
Admin DarkRP HUD Optimisation Gameplay Management Allgamemode |